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Posts posted by jessicamadq

  1. Someone said Perez is a member of this site? Where did he post? What is his screen name? Just curious as to what he has said personally. Also, maybe they are just friends! Celebs need friends too. And, if you are a good friend then you just keep your/their private life out of it. Out of respect, not hiding anything.


    Yeah... It's just over things that they have said and things that is what we're confused about. :wink2: I just hope it doesn't end up hurting either of them in the end :boxed:

  2. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits, which made his breath stink, so he had to ask the lady next to him for a breath mint but that lady turned out to be his biggest fan, and Followed him aroundwithout Mika noticing, and that lead to MIKA hiding in the girls toilets thinking it was the boys toilets the girl followed and MIKA screamed then ran away quickish to Sweeney Todd's barber shop, where Sweeney straightened Mika's hair and cut all his split ends, MIKA realised where he was and ran home to his mum and she hugged him, and gave him a tub of strawberry ice cream, and some coffee, while Mika sat in front of the TV and watched the Simpsons and laughed so hard that he fell off his chair,

  3. i have a ? i have never been to a festival and i am going to my first this summer (the one in arras just bought the tickets today) is it like the same as a gig where u stand outside early and will mika play all of his songs or just a few?


    It depends I think. How many other people there are how long the concert is and sometimes if someones late people do a few extra songs... But I don't know about the festival your going too. Sorry.

  4. I'm a massive freddie fan, I did my speech on him and I aput him in my school scrapbook, i don't see the comparison vocally but i deffinitely see some behavioural comaparisons, I think Fred was a bit more..uhm mature, [sorry meek] vocally, but he was also a lot older than mika which makes me think mika is going to change his style later on.


    Thats possible, a lot of people if they make comebacks change there style. Pink did as an excample. She changed from pop/dance/rap songs to rock for her comeback. Not much difference but rock was the offical style on most of her comeback songs.

  5. I think the reason as to why Perez has kept his mouth shut about Mika is because that Perez can't just be a lonely bloke all his life and live on his website the whole time, he has to have friends too, and if he gets on really well with Mika and thinks he's wicked, then he won't say stuff on his site that Mika doesn't want said. That's what I think anyway.


    That's possible... Perez has to have some celebs that he doesn't destroy! :roftl:

  6. I agree completely! Just being his self got him a HUGE gay following! And i guess most of them either truly or want to believe he is of their sexuality, and him saying he's not might upset them or saying he is might upset the straight girl fans who truly would like to believe he will marry them.


    Yeah... Let's all stand together and say we don't care either way and will still love him and his music. Harah!

  7. I fell in love with this scarf when I watched the DVD, then a few weeks later (by some kind of miracle) I found one almost exactly the same at winners!!! It has become quite famous around here because all my friends and family refer to it as the "Mika Scarf" ;)


    Aww cool :roftl:

  8. exactly. Gay people are like straight people with different interests, doesn't make their voices change or whatever, and if it did make people more successful to not be gay, I'd be ashamed of our world.


    Same again. Espiecially someone as talented as Mika. Maybe that's why he won't say, he thinks he will upset one of the groups of people that listen to his music so he chooses not to say because he loves music so much... I hope that's not why, but thats one of the reasons I can think of...

  9. *is confused* I is confused. but i don't think mika is gay and if he is, so what, i won't marry him like i told my classmates, but i'll still be a fan :biggrin2:


    Same. I mean... Elton John's gay and he's a major musical success! Well... I won't say that... but a lot of people would! Sooo... It wouldn't make his music change anyway would it?

  10. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits, which made his breath stink, so he had to ask the lady next to him for a breath mint but that lady turned out to be his biggest fan, and Followed him aroundwithout Mika noticing, and that lead to MIKA hiding in the girls toilets thinking it was the boys toilets the girl followed and MIKA screamed then ran away quickish to Sweeney Todd's barber shop, where Sweeney Straightened Mika's hairand cut all his split ends, [MIKA realised where he was and ran home to his mum and she hugged him, and gave him a tub of strawberry ice cream,

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