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Quantic Sakura

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About Quantic Sakura

  • Birthday 09/15/1987


  • Bio
    New Mika Fan

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  • Occupation
    college student
  1. É pah, eu se pudesse ia, sem sequer hesitar! Mas andar a viajar nesta altura é mm mt complicado...e de resto já tenho esse fim de semana ocupado ... Mas vais ver que te vais divertir! Fazes p lá uma data de amigos novos! lol e sim, diz-lhe que tem assim milhares de fãs portugueses à espera que ele cá venha! Olha, pede-lhe a camisa p nos trazeres! (lol on better thought...ele sem camisa e tu sem supervisão é melhor não. XD) Oi Soffia! Realmt, sortuda, pah! Tb quero!!
  2. Thank you all for the welcoming warmth! Obrigada! And I was expecting...hoping for people here to be a tad crazy, so, I won't get scared - I'm even crazier than most. ***
  3. Oi oi! (sim, eu sei, já fui quase eskecida...época de exames é assim) Tão a fazer a petição para quê? se for p trazer o nosso menino aki a pt, count me in! Bem, vou deixar isto aberto e vou treinar um bocadinho...a minha banda vai fazer o concerto de ESTREIA dia 9! yay!! P.S.: Tb quero ir a londres...chuif chuif P.P.S.: O meu winamp é o maior...comecei a escrever ele começou a tocar a Grace Kelly. XD
  4. Oi oi! Eu já tou no Mikalândia (mas ainda não escrevi nada...sou um fantasma, buh! lol exames de faculdade, os meus piores inimigos - seguidos de perto pelas insónias, razão da minha presença aki a estas horas tardias). Anyways, I forgot to mention how I came to know about Mika! It was actually funny...a few months back, I was talking on msn to a friend with whom I have these really huge, weird phylosophical arguments. And he asked me if I had heard this song Grace Kelly, and sent me the lyrics - telling me how stupid it was and how shallow that the singer stated he'd change his colors for love, and how one should always be true to one's self. Anyways, I read the lyrics and, first instinct, searched the song on youtube. When it played, I realized it was a song I had heard - and liked - on the radio. I heard it a few times, reading the lyrics, and told my friend how I thought he was wrong - the whole music had a sarcastic feeling about it; the singer wasn't saying he'd change for love, he was challenging the girl to say she didn't like him. So, we discussed this for hours and hours, and finally I downloaded the song to my mp3. A couple of weeks later, Relax was released and, to be very honest, I hated it. It was too...noisy, high-pitched, and commercial-sounding for me. So I forgot all about Mika...until a day, Grace Kelly randomly popped on my player and, for God knows what reason, out of the blue, I suddenly realized the song wasn't a love song, but that it adressed the fans, the listeners, the industry. It was then that the absolute brilliance of the song hit me, and I got curious about the boy behind it. A LOT of hours in youtube later, I was irremediably a fan. Still am. Not only of his amazing music, but also of his refreshing, humble personality. He is a true artist in a world of commercial sell-outs, and he made me recover my faith in music...and THAT is saying something. Oh, one thing I should tell you right away...I talk a lot, write even more.
  5. Eu também sou fan do 10 coisas...e com os anos ele tornou-se um grande actor. É estranho pensar que um actor da nossa geração (pelo menos da minha é) tenha desaparecido assim...quando ouvi as notícias nem queria acreditar. Aliás, acho que nem absorvi bem a notícia, ainda. (Já agora, olá a toda a gente, entrei agora aki no fórum! Sou a Ana, aka Selphie...lol)
  6. Portuguese Mika fan extraordinaire, introducing herself to the crowds! lol I'm a 20 years old chemistry student, I've fallen in love with Mika's music over time, right now I'm absolutely addicted. For the first time in my life, I am a fan of a pop artist, and I'm damn proud of it too. kisses to everyone***
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