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Posts posted by kaeryana


    hi isa!!!!

    it`s normal i do the exact same thing everytime i go to a music store... i look for Queen, MJ and Mika albums... and i`m not crazy... soy ezpecial


    what a fantastic song.... well... all of them are great xD





    i`m so jealous



    my dad is almost buying it in two weeks time...

    i love him

    it`ll be my bday gift :wub2:


    gosh i thought i was the only freak who does that! haha.yeah the first thing i would look for at a music store is any MJ/Mika's album.i'd lodge a 'complaint' to the manager if they're no where to be found :naughty:


    you bday gift?mannnn...i envy you,LOL.maybe i should include the opus in my wishlist and give everyone a hint.



    Yeah, it depends a lot on the mood, and Im on the mood for happy songs, just those. :aah: It took me ages to find it too. It seems that the stores are taking all his stuff on sale cause 4 months ago I wasnt even able to find Thriller........


    The truth is......... Im kinda happy! :biggrin2: I was looking for the Life magazine, but its so expensive.


    OMG!! That was hilarious!!!




    Oh my, Speechless is so beautifull!! I love that song, even tho it makes me cry

    Well, at least there is something. Here, on Puertollano, is impossible to find anything. Not even a decent magazine.......... So, at least, I dont have to see tabloid sh*t


    It also happens to me. Its really weird but before all this started, I never search for MJ's pics. But now I have like........... tons on my pc. I just think every single pic is so beautiful that I have to upload it......... You thought You rock my World was from JT??? Wow!! Tho I had the same problem with Ben and You cant win (from The Wiz OST)


    The part of Will you be there were Michael speaks makes me feel so depress...........


    me too! right now i'm more into the jackson 5 songs like 'blame it on the boogie' and 'can you feel it'.it's weird coz i've never been listening to 70s songs and actually love it.into elvis' 'a little less conversation' too.'blod on the dancefloor' had always been my favourite.michael's picture on the cover,gawd! he's so hot! :wub2:


    no worries dear,i can't find Life magazine anywhere here either.let's just wait till someone's kind enough to 'donate' it to us,hihi.


    i love speechless too! but my personal faves are You Rock My World and The Lost Children.


    oh wow really? who did you think the singer of Ben and you can't win is?



    i luv the "joining the forum" bit cuz i do exactly the same!!!!! then sometimes when the craze is back i'd find myself hv forgotten the login name/pw for that forum


    dun feel regretful, it's okay for us to put him aside for some moments when we know that he's actually always in our heart:wub2:


    Will You Be There makes my eyes tear all the times :tears:


    i'm gonna buy that Life mag!!!!!!! but yes, it's expansive i think i need some time to restore money for my pocket first...... a bit afraid that the mag will be sold out soon though :no:



    the same to my pc! but usually, when i hv "forgotten" that particular singer/band, i manage to delete his/her/thier stuffs...... what a bad fan i'm sori:teehee: but i swear this nvr happens on mika:roftl:


    so true! we can only satisfy the craze with people who are actually interested to talk to us nonstop about something (in our case,MJ).in real life,people just dun understand.they'll end up complaining that we're too obsessed.


    in this case,for me,i'm putting mika aside for awhile.i'm still having MJ fever somehow,but of course,it doesnt mean i've stopped liking him though.


    me too! gosh,i hope there are still gonna be copies of it by the time i've restored my pocket.



    Im feeling stupid now cause I saw the Life magazine a few weeks back and it was really cheap. Sadly, I thought someone was gonna buy it for my b-day and didnt bought it............ :sneaky2: And now, the cheapest one is round 10€ plus shipping..........



    oh my..but it's ok i guess,there'll be other mags that write kind stuff about our dear king of pop balloons *refers to your sig* :teehee:


    oh,and get a hold of this:




    i always loved janet.

  2. Call me mad, but i bought it..


    December can´t come fast enough!


    you didn't! :shocked: unbelievable.


    haha it's not that 25th anniversary version, juz a special edition released in 2001. i bought it cuz the cover is one of my fav MJ pic!!:wub2:







    oh yes, if u refer to my own music eras, of cuz i hv!! and it's weird that i always listen to old music..... for example, when i suddenly think of a singer/band one day, i can quickly google him/her/them and download all the songs that person/band hv and juz listen to those songs all day, w/o any other music from other musicians. aft that craze, who knows if i'd forget him/her/the band or not??:naughty: but of cuz, those songs which reli reli touch my deepest inside remain in my mind/mp3 player!



    that was pretty long ago from now.i was too young to tell apart good music from bad ones,no kidding.but as a kid,i did love the tracks from dangerous and history.


    i have the exact same habit.sometimes i could get extremely addicted to a singer/band to the extent where i'd google for their songs/pics and even join their forum (mfc excluded,mika will always be my all time fav :naughty: ) as for MJ,i regret 'leaving' his music for too long,although i do admit that i occasionally listen to 'Jam'.the weird thing is,i always thought the songs that he sings are someone else's,like 'You Rock My World',thought that was JT's,LOL.but now i realise that he's capable of keeping up with the times.i'm so gonna miss him..:tears:


    Yes :)


    I don't know, I listen to all his stuff....but at the moment I particularly love Invincible.....the song Speechless, OMG :tears:


    Oh and that wonderful unreleased track Hold My Hand.....love love love it!




    That's cool! I know what you mean..at times I just look at things about him for so long, but most of the stuff in shops here is tabloid-y so I don't like it.


    At times I have to listen to his sad stuff if I need to get the sadness out...but sometimes it gets too much.



    i second that.i can't listen to 'Will You Be There',especially the last part where michael speaks.it feels as if he's saying it from heaven,gives me goosebumps and a feeling that he's still with us :tears:

  3. It happens the same to me with people from my "real life". I went to Ciudad Real today and bought Blood on the Dance Floor, it was really cheap, just 4€. The problem is that I saw a book full of pics of Michael and spent an hour watching it, and everybody was looking at me like if I was crazy.....


    I totally understand that. Im trying to avoid all his sad songs cause they make me feel really bad, but I cant do anything with tv or radio. So I wake up and Im happy cause now he is in peace and then a song makes me feel so depress............




    Didnt knew you met my sisters :aah:




    I had one too, but mine was so happy :blush-anim-cl:




    Yep, Im not watching them. But sometimes I just cant help it.......


    Well, Lisa wasnt so young at all. I mean, Im not sure how old is she, but when she married Michael she was already divorced and had 2 kids. I think she just wasnt ready yet to have more kids, maybe if they waited a bit more...........


    Nope, for sure. I must say that I have music eras. I can spent years listening to someones music and then forget about him/her/the band. It happened with Michael also, but even tho I "forget" him, I always had a few songs on my mp3 player......... Now its full of his songs.


    Well, I cant stop listening to The Jacksons and Going Places albums. I also cant stop listening to PYT, Liberian Girl, In the Closet and Dangerous.


    ur right! that's wht i do too.i'll listen to his happy songs and sometimes to the mellow ones,depends on my mood.i was looking for that album but it's no where to be found here,sigh~


    cheer up dear..


    watch this :




  4. OMG!!! THAT WAS INSANE :jawdrop:


    i can't imagine how u felt at that time when he passed away cuz it sounds reli unbelievable!!!! but u are right, he's found peace finally.........


    since i bought the special edition of Thriller on his birthday, i can't help repeating the tracks since then..... but usually i dun divide his songs into different eras in my music players. i listen to those i luv:naughty: but why hv u got tired of the Dangerous songs??? u listened to them so much before??:shocked:


    precisely! i almost got a heart attack when i got the news on june 26th.back then,i was reciting our daily prayers with the rest of my schoolmates,then our principal was announcing something.suddenly,while all of us were talking among ourselves she joked 'what's up with all the commotion?are all of you too shocked that michael jackson passed away?" i couldn't believe my ears,i thought she was joking.when i googled,it was true :tears: so i couldn't stop crying whenever i hear his voice or see his pictures.it's too unbelievable.


    do u mean the 25th anniversary version?my my my,i should've gotten my hands on a copy of that earlier.i've been too much of a secret fan,what a shame.


    :naughty: actually i dun really divide them either,but it sounds cool to say 'dangerous era' or 'bad era',it makes people wonder what it means,haha.

    well yeah,since i was a toddler,the only CD or DVD ever played were Dangerous and the Live in Bucharest concert.i can even immitate the dance moves and name all the tracks in perfect order :aah:


    Im not ready yet to watch those videos. I dont think I will ever be.........


    Yo know what?? They are from the group of the few who havent said anything about Mike and I love that.Im sure they will keep that way. And yeah, it would have been awesome. I think Michael wanted to have kids with her, and she wasnt ready, so after some time they divorced..........




    Dont do that unless you feel thats gonna be the best for you. Everyone deals with pain in different ways. If that girl feels like its gonna be easier for her to pass throught this selling all her things, great for her. But you must do whatever will help you to feel better.





    well if watching hurts you more,i think you shouldn't.that's the best way i could ever think of if i were you.


    that's why i respect them.they never speak a word to the tabloids to comment about michael.the ones at the funeral are michael's TRUE friends if you ask me.yeah maybe lisa was a bit too young back then and michael wanted to have as many kids as he could.it would have been nice if they really did have kids.imagine how wonderful the babies will turn out,boys looking like lisa and girls looking like michael :wub2:


    dun worry,i won't give away my MJ collection.i'll just keep listening to them until i have the strength to move on,which in this case,moving on doesnt always mean abandoning his music for good does it?



    it's always a "IS":camping:

    hv nvr thought of using past tense, seriously.



    the best solution for me to pass thru sorrow is only TIME i guess...

    as time goes by, hopefully the pain will gradually dwindle!

    i'm actaully collecting his stuffs and listening to his songs every day.





    and guys, i hv to show u pics of this incredibly wonderful birthday present given by my frd!!















    i agree! and those presents are wonderful! wish i'd get something MJ-related on my bday too!


    you're welcome! I know, people in my "real life" just don't get why I'm still upset about it...but I know it's my way of dealing with it.




    I know, sometimes I'm fine and then I get all sad again....like last night Billie Jean came on in a club and the place went wild and I was happy, but then it hit me again :tears: I don't think this will ever stop hurting.



    it's hard but in time,i'm sure we'll figure out the blessing in disguise out of all of these.as for me,i stopped grieving because right now,i know he's in a better place and no one can ever hurt him anymore.


    i had a dream about MJ last night :sad:


    aww dun be sad,love.i miss him a lot too.i dun really know whether or not to believe this but whenever someone appears in our dreams,usually it means his/her soul is paying us a visit.you should be happy about it.


    dun be sad dear! and u remind me of a dream in which Michael was a kid there (i ain't sure abt this but he's undoubtedly much more reduced in size:teehee:) i chatted with him and it was amazing!!! though in the end when i woke up the only thing i remebered was the question i asked him, "do u miss Elizabeth Taylor?"....... anyways, it's kind of gd to hv someone u luv in ur dream, no matter where he/she is now, isn't it??:blush-anim-cl:


    haha,he must've been extremely cute! i had a dream the night before his passing.i think that was during the Jackson 5 era since his voice was somewhat a semitone higher than usual.i think he was my age and we did a lot of things in Neverland Ranch.he told me he finally found peace and will never want to leave his new home.i was kinda surprised that i dreamt about him,only to realise the next day that he was gone :tears:


    oh,and by the way,i can't stop listening to his songs during his bad and thriller era.got tired of his songs during the dangerous era (in which i was born,LOL).can't stop listening to Lost Children too.what are you guys listening to now?




    Edit: I'm sorry. But

    :boing: That is EXACTLY the sound I would use to describe my feelings. I can't stop watching it.


    Edit again: I thought

    was very well done, to anyone interested.


    i can't watch the 2nd vid :tears:

    oh i have that commercial on my favourites! loving it! :biggrin2:


    hehe, glad ye like it :)


    Kaeryana, NO, I wouldn't do that. Everyone deals with this in a different way. I'm immersing myself in all things MJ and it helps me. There's no way on earth I could cut myself off from that. So do what's right for you; if that means listening to him/watching him, then do that :)


    Dark Angel, well, unfortunately the tabloids (surprise surprise) are trying to make it look like he was an addict, when if you read what is supposed to have actually happened, it was the doctor's negligence in giving him so many drugs :(


    thanks neeve,for getting me back to my senses.phew,what was i thinking,selling my MJ collection on ebay? gosh..i'm sooooo gonna regret it someday.my family just doesnt understand how much MJ meant to me since i've been a secret fan of his.i loved him since i was a toddler,and i still do to this day.


    Didnt know he died from a drug overdose. I found out 2 days ago :blush-anim-cl: God im fast...:roftl:


    as neeve had mentioned before,it was actually the carelessness of the doctors around him.the tabloids are making it sound like he's a junkie despite the fact that he's not.

  7. You're welcome, I really think it's true. I mean, you love someone because of who they are, not because of their body/physical features. So while it may be hard to let go of how you're used to seeing that person (especially for Michael's kids), it's easier knowing that that's not really them. It's just how they looked to us. It's not their spirit, or their soul, that's inside.


    Nice link. It made me smile. I don't know, I just feel really at piece right now. So I think I'll pass on watching the coverage/Youtube stuff. Seeing people in pain right now is not the right way to go about things, at least for me.




    as for me,i can;t stop watching all the videos.i just feel like watching them all the time to keep my mind off the fact that he's gone.to this day,i still have a strong feeling that he;s still with us.i love him too much i think.i read somewhere on MJJC that someone's gonna box up all her MJ collections and seel them on ebay.do you think that's necessary? should i do that too?


    haha that's awesome.


    I just showed the picture of the mj lookalike to my friend and she was like; oh nice picture. and I said; doesn't he look like him? and she said; what?! I thought it was him! :naughty:


    show me the pic! :teehee:



    oh yes, we hv a new frd!! hi kaeryana:bye:


    hi huikings! :bye: nice to meet ya.i'm feeling devastated myself,it's like the cut starts to bleed all over again seeing those clips of his private funeral.it's too painful for me to watch the children grief like that. :tears:

  9. Thanks for the link again! :wink2:

    Me too, but just watching that this morning, when I didnt expected anything..............

    Btw, Im glad that Lisa Marie and Mackauly Culkin went. He is a great guy and had a strong friendship with Michael and she......... Well, I think both she and Michael loved each other. :wub2:


    you're welcome :wink2: oh well,i would've cried if i were you too.yet,i wasnt strong enough to bear all the dedication videos MJJC made for his children.they're just too heatrbreaking.those kids lost their dad at a very young age :tears:


    i'm so glad that mac and liz showed up too! it shows how sincere they were to michael.ithink lisa and michael used to love eachother too :wub2: wouldn't it be great if she was the mother of the children instead of that debbie whtever:sneaky2:

  10. Thanks for the link!!! I almost cried reading it. Im so sad for the kids :tears:




    It wasnt aired here too, but the family gave a few minutes to the press, Im sure you can watch them on youtube :thumb_yello:



    these people are fast.i can't afford to cry anymore now that i know he's finally in peace :)

  11. Same here :wub2:


    Yep. I woke up today early and switch the tv just to see the news. I saw a few minutes of the funeral and it was lovely. I cried, but this time, I cried for happyness.



    i would've cried if i saw it too.too bad it's not aired here :boxed:


    just dropping by to say hi to all my fellow MJ-lovers :bye:

    I'm crazy busy with classes etc etc etc here right now but I'll be back when I can! :huglove:


    hope to catch you soon



    yeah, they are, but it is supposed to be a very private funeral.

    He'll be buried at 7 o'clock LA time, wich is 4 o'clock in the morning where I live ( but I'll get up to burn a candle for him ) and someone on a michael jackson forum just told me that there will be something about it on CNN..


    think i'm gonna do something for him too,perhaps fold a paper boat of some sort and let it go in a river.i know how much he loved children,i guess that's the best way to remember him in my point of view.


    no way it won't be on CNN, it's a private funeral the jackson family won't allow it :(



    R.I.P my angel i will love you always mj xxxxxxxxxx hope your safe :tears:


    either on CNN,or the new 'This Is It' movie.



    hello girlssssss

    sorry i haven`t been here for a while :(


    do you girls remember the boy who looked like MJ? :bleh:

    well.. i`ve been texting with him quite a lot :naughty: he`s too cute :wub2: and we love chatting with each other... i like him :blush-anim-cl:


    i just knew and rite now,i envy you :sneaky2: hee hee.

  12. You are really welcome!!


    Yep, that movie is really poethic. I love how Edward, even tho people reject him, loves people and dont blames anyone for whats happening to him.


    I saw those videos a few days back. Im glad that someone looked for all the evidences and made a video and hopefully, someday media will see this and stop throwing garbage over Michael's shoulders. The only good thing about all this is that finally today Michael's body will RIP. Hope his soul will do it also soon. And hope Prince is not having vitiligo too, I dont want him to have the same problems as his dad had.


    Btw, for some reason, I cant stop listening to The Jacksons Going places album :teehee:


    precisely.and his innocent look :fangurl: i love his voice tone.


    they're burying him today? :shocked: how come i wasn't informed? where can i find the details about it?


    ohh the good old days :wink2:

  13. I think of it more like wild high school/college kids. Maybe because I am one, but you know "running around like clowns on purpose," "young and wanting some," not "giving a damn" about anything, trying to find happiness and love but maybe being a little too crazy! and then when people look at you like, "wow look at that crazy idiot dancing around," it's like.... shut up. We're Golden.


    that sounds like me in a way :aah:

  14. I will. Wait, you were asking for the tracklist, right?? Sorry, I forgot! :aah:


    Yep, I love how he always did things, you know? No matter how he was feeling inside, outside he was totally relaxed. Most of the people cant do that. And that part was soooooooo hilarious!!



    Just, dont take them on consideration. Ignore them cause they just want to make your life worse, and you dont deserve that. :wink2:


    Completely agree with Edward Scissohands. It has always been my fave movie because its a sad fairytale, but its more human and reallistic than any other movie we can watch in our lives. It kinda reminds me of me a bit too.:wub2:


    Edit: Here is the tracklist of Thriller, just in case thats what you were looking for Kaeryana:

    1 - Wanna be startin' something

    2 - Baby be mine

    3 - The girl is mine (feat Paul McCartney)

    4 - Thriller

    5 - Beat it

    6 - Billie Jean

    7 - Human Nature

    8 - P.Y.T (pretty Young Thing)

    9 - The lady in my life

    10 - Someone in the dark


    thank you Isa! exactly what i was looking for :bow: i just wanted to look for the songs on the net to be put on my blog.


    yes,it's a beautiful movie isnt it?i love the ice dance towards the end of it,always brought tears to my eyes.the way people misunderstood edward was somewhat similar to how people reacted to Michael.that's how i grew to love them both :wub2:


    oh,and here's a few excellent vids made by a 'researcher' from MJJC to prove that paris,prince and blanket are ALL BIOLOGICALLY MICHAEL'S! i for one,think it's a highly brilliant evidence.


    here's proof for prince:




    here's a more concrete proof about prince being MJ's son.vitiligo might be inherited,could it be prince is having the disease?













    i hope the media and the whole world would see this and just LEAVE MJ ALONE.his kids are totally his,tabloids are talking BS when they deny the fact :mad3:

  15. Mmhm. :nods:


    You're right. When it comes down to it, we're all human, there are no significant differences between us.




    That's beautiful Kaeryana! I can totally see it now.


    And my personal favourite from LWMJ is most definitely the opening scene, where Michael's sitting in the tree, silent. It's beautiful, it makes me cry. :teehee:


    i couldn't agree more.dats why i have issues with racists.i find them very annoying :sneaky2: and thanks icarus :blush-anim-cl:


    dats my fav part too,human nature on the background adds overall beauty to it.i noticed something,when i watched edward scissorhands,i cried seeing the beauty of it,and how such angel like edward was treated like BS by the people around him.he deserved the world,but the world doesnt deserve him.ironicly,it's VERY similar to MJ's life :blink:

  16. Dont worry! Some people thinks that cause I love the music from the 70's :teehee:

    Really?? Well, I dont have it round here now and I have to go, but I will post it tomorrow if someone doesnt do it first, ok? :wink2:


    Great! :wub2: You know something?? I love a part from that Bashirs interview. Not counting when the kids came into scene, I love when the guy is asking Michael about the sugery he had again and again and Michael says: "I just got sugery twive!!" and he seems to be pretty angry :aah: That part is soooooooo funny! I love Michael's face :wub2:


    do post them up when u have it.thanks in advance isa! :wink2:


    i love that part too! he looked soo cute when he gets pissed off.it's like his whole face is turning red but his voice tone is still moderately soft,as if he's trying so hard to express his anger :aah: it's adorable.i love the part when he said 'martin u dun climb trees?you're missing out'.:wub2:

  17. I was born between Thriller and Bad, so Im not old enought to had the chance to met him before. But my dad is a fan too, and I remember he had some cassettes with old songs recorded from radio and most of the songs were from them :wub2: Now those cassettes are gone, but the music is still here in my heart. Too bad I cant find the albums.:sneaky2:

    And dont worry for believing what press said about him, I must admit I believed a few things to. I was sure that he was inocent of the child molestation charges, but I believed them about sugery and color sking changes and all that.......... Till I found what vitiligo was on internet.


    woops,my bad! i thought u were born during the jackson 5 error :teehee: but still,between thriller and bad,those were his glorious years as a solo artist.i've been lurking around for the track listings in thriller for ages now,can't seem to find them anywhere :dunno:


    aww thanks.i feel a whole lot better now that i'm not alone in this :wub2: watching some interviews on youtube now.oooh how i hate that martin bashir! :sneaky2:

  18. I didnt had the chance to met him in real too, and its a shame. I never had the chance cause everytime he came to Spain since I was born, I was too little to ask my dad to go with me to a concert on another city. And, for some reason, I got angry with myself for that cause I had always been a big fan of him (even from the J5 and The Jacksons era) and I cant remember a moment in my life without his music. The good side of all this is that tons of people remembered how much they liked him and some others (like you) discover it :wink2:


    Thanks for the video!! I will do, for sure.


    Yep, its very poethic. :wub2:


    oh wow,it must've been spectacular having the opportunity to witness the glory of the Jackson 5 during their early years :wub2: i was born during the 'Dangerous' era,so i'm more familiar with Jam,Heal The World and the rest of the tracks.i used to watch Michael's live concert in bucharest dvd all the time.honestly,i've always loved his music and talent.it was too bad back then i was naive enough to believe what the mean press tabloids said about him.i'm just glad youtube made me realise that he was an angel in disguise :wub2:

  19. Yap, some people dont have feelings. I bet if they loose someone who is really important in their life and we said those things, how will they react??? Im glad that this is a lovely place full of people who cares about the others no matter how much we know each other.


    Maybe its because of that. They still try to find something "weird" in their life to try to ruin it, but press doesnt focuss on that as much as they did with Michael always!! Btw, I have a pic of Michael from when he was just a kid and he has a white stain in one of his hands, are the press trying to convince me that he didnt got vitiligo??


    Btw, I love your sig (the one with Michael's kids) its so sweet!


    precisely! although we didn't know michael personally (or in my case,haven't even met him in real life),he was a huge part of our childhoods.when he passed,as once mentioned by someone,our childhoods seem to disappear with him.that's why when he died,i was totally devastated.i also regret the fact that i took him for granted when he was alive,only now when he's gone do i appreciate all his kindness.it's a shame :tears: whether or not we were the fans of his music,we seem to grow up listening to him.


    and about the vitiligo thing,if anyone ever asks u again,stun them with this video



    it'll do the trick :wink2:


    oh,thanks Isa :blush-anim-cl: i just love seeing the children together.the sig is very symbolic,it shows michael dancing in the sky while his children look up to see him.

  20. I agree, they havent seen Beyoncé or Prince?? Their skin was more black than now, but they havent had sugery?? Why Michael did?? At least, he said it was due to vitiligo.......... But nobody discuss Beyoncé's skin just turn a bit white because it should do....... Btw, I read an article about a black girl who turn white due to vitiligo, why noone on tv talked about that??? :sneaky2:



    I understand you. Its not that my family sayd those things, but they love a show who is joking about him all the time. They came back from vacation last Monday and their first joke was: "We all finally came back. Well, everybody except Michael Jackson! What will be do?? He just couldnt came..........." :sneaky2:


    they just don't understand how we feel.that's why i'm glad there are people who care here in the mfc.


    exactly! they don't make a big fuss about new artistes.i assume it's coz they aint gettin any bigger than Mike,that's why no one gives a dang :naughty:

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