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About Grave_digger86

  • Birthday 12/11/1986


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  1. Oh, well I think that it will be pretty hard to beat Menderes, he's totally hardcore:roftl: YMCA was shown in the first show of the 2008 castings on 26th january.
  2. hey, I don't feel hurt in any way, so don't worry:wink2: Well, if I couldn't stand it, that people talk about it, and some people say something like "oh look at that stupid sucker..." I don't think that I would do that. I've just done this for fun, and somehow I have to laugh about it too, everytime I see this video and the other video with the performance of YMCA. But hey, the main thing is, everybody talks about it, and that's what it's all about. And thanks for the welcome
  3. Hey, I'm that relax guy. First of all I would like to say, I know that I can't sing. And I knew from the beginning, that I wouldn't have a chance to win this competition. I had this idea when I was drunken in a club and I bet with some friends that I would be shown on tv. But it's fun to see how the whole world discusses about this 30 second But seriously, who of you can really sing? And who of you would dare to do this? By the way, I like Mika too, and I never meant to make this song to a piece of ****;-)
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