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Everything posted by saralituh

  1. Lembro-te quem?? o.O'' Na tens saltos altos??pede á tua mãe!!! (mas uns modernos )
  2. Arrajasmos aí um estratagema para a carlota e o samuel ficarem juntos
  3. Isso passa-lhe assim que te conhecer!!!
  4. http://sarainha92.hi5.com Vão lá ver o meu hi5 e digam-me se gostam!!!
  5. Quero o ruben!!!!! BUA!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mas com o samuel é diferente...as probabilidades sao sempre maiores!!!
  7. Estás super perto daquilo com que sempre sonhaste!!!
  8. Vai ver na pag anterior...está lá tudo contado
  9. é a carlota que vai ter um encontro com o Samuel!!!!
  10. Tens de estar calma!!!! Tenta nao fazer nehum disparate nem te atirares logo a ele...nao digas que gostas dele!!! Vai com calma
  11. Vais dormir e vais ter sonhos muuuuuuuuuuuuito romanticos ^^
  12. Estamos aqui para te apoiar!!! Estou a fazer figas para que tudo corra bem!!!
  13. Se pensares assim é que vais mesmo fazer figuras parvas...pensa positivo!! só te faz bem!!
  14. Boa Sorte!!! Sua sortuda! nao desperdices a oportunidade!!!
  15. Vai ter com ela!! tenta parecer o mais natural possivel!! é uma oportunidade unica!!!
  16. diz!!! Podes desabafar!1 o que é que aconteceu miuda???
  17. Por acaso nao tenso link dessas entrevistas??
  18. So, Saralituh and Neiobi daughters became really good friends such as their mothers, they went to the same school and became real friends, then they started to have music class together, Mikas daughter had such a beautifull voice like her dad and Neiobi daughter could play the piano really well, but they couldn't form a band, like Mika, because they were too young, so they played at Mika's garage, and Neiobi's daughter fell in love with Mika, but it was an impossible love, so she just fell in love with a boy in her school who was very similar to mika, but not as pretty, cool and good singer as him. Mean while, Mika and Madalena were having little couple fights because she new Mika still loved Saralituh a little bit, and she was jeaulose, so they divorced and Mika was single now, then he got on tourné again all over the world since Portugal, Spain; France, USA, China, until he found Neiobi again, they talked for hours about how wonderfull Portugal is, with it's fantastic sun, deliciouse cakes and great beaches, until he had to go away because he had one gig after that, but then he said to Neiobi: I hope I could talk to you again soon; then He left and got into his bus to go to his gig, then he found Saralituh and his beautifull daughter, so he picked her up, and danced with her, then he gave a kiss in the cheek of Saralituh and said he really missed her, so
  19. So, Saralituh and Neiobi daughters became really good friends such as their mothers, they went to the same school and became real friends, then they started to have music class together, Mikas daughter had such a beautifull voice like her dad and Neiobi daughter could play the piano really well, but they couldn't form a band, like Mika, because they were too young, so they played at Mika's garage, and Neiobi's daughter fell in love with Mika, but it was an impossible love, so she just fell in love with a boy in her school who was very similar to mika, but not as pretty, cool and good singer as him. Mean while, Mika and Madalena were having little couple fights because she new Mika still loved Saralituh a little bit, and she was jeaulose, so they divorced and Mika was single now, then he got on tourné again all over the world since Portugal, Spain; France, USA, China, until he found Neiobi again, they talked for hours about how wonderfull Portugal is, with it's fantastic sun, deliciouse cakes and great beaches, until he had to go away because he had one gig after that, but then he said to Neiobi: I hope I could talk to you again soon; then He left and got into his bus to go to his gig, then he found Saralituh and his beautifull daughter, so
  20. xau*** boa noite eu tb estou quase a ir!!
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