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Everything posted by Hevthehampster

  1. omg! - what official news? fill me in NOW!!!!! are you going to fill me in?
  2. yer they are awesome! do you feel like you can never answer all the questions thrown at you on this site?
  3. never heard of it - do you think this site is too addictive? (must do biology revision!)
  4. yes, university challenge, egg heads (occasionally), mastermind (occasionally), ant and decs saturday night takeaway (occasionally) and so on and so forth..... do you you the expression - 'and so on and so forth'?
  5. NO! - in the words of MIKA - 'she came out of the most cookie coloured commercial hell!' so no i dont like her! however i do like better in time - its ok i suppose! do you like irwin sparkes?
  6. i wish...but no, im not...... why dont you like school?
  7. well put it this way - revision is doing my head in (literally!) but i still gotta do it....even if i am not on here as much - i give soooo much...... why - have you?
  8. err, not really - only really, really, really catch pop music like erm....i dno.....Mr M!!!!, hoosiers etc and i also like a bit of rock....e.g the darkness, kaiser chiefs, lordi etc
  9. try to be....... do you like the game on here called albatros overload?
  10. if you call homework revision for a biology exam tomorrow then yes - i have homework!!!!!! but at least tomorrow i break up after humanities exam and biology exam.....so i finihs school at 1pm!!! - woohoo man! do you have long off on holiday?
  11. NO! - like amy winehouse she needs to sort her life out! do you run out of things to say easily?
  12. no is it good? have you listened to the relax acappella?
  13. no normally just a samdwich of some sort and occasionally some crisps do you?
  14. eeeewwww - NO! onyl the chips! the chicken is degoutant!!!!!! - haha, my french! do you speak french?
  15. onyl if they are worn by MIKA! but otherwise not really - basically i dont have the figure for coloured jeans if you are talking bout skinny jeans>.....! do you feel you need top loose weight after every christmas, but then never manage to get yourself on a diet, just getting bigger and bigger....(i do)
  16. YES! - MIKA shoes!!!! - they are MINE!!!!!!! how about you?
  17. eeeeyais!!!!!! - do you like scrambled egg?
  18. totally! - but now i want some! do you ever have cravings for food that you would never eat in a million years if you had the option - (make sense?)
  19. YES! - i love chasing pavements! do you like MIKA's hairy belly?
  20. never heard of it... do you ever run out of questions to ask so you ask a question like ths one?
  21. yes - egg fried rice is gorgeous! do you like sweet and sour pork balls? (my fave part of the meal)
  22. mostly.....but i only really care if MIKA is in it...... do you like 'one republic'?
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