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Status Updates posted by KaryLovesMika!

  1. Aww!! :wub2: Thanx honey! I know, it's been a few (quite a few!!) weeks since we don't talk! But you know what I remembered? That on feb 2 you where celebrating a year here, hehe, I've good memory! And also remembed our silly celebrations in the Lustrum thread :bleh: every 10 new post we posted there to share our accomplishments with the world!


    I miss having spare time! I hope everything is going humongously well in every aspect of your life! We gotta catch up soon!



  2. Uyy, mala vaina y sip, mala racha para tu familia, lo siento mucho... es lo único que siempre se me ocurre decir en éstos casos :( Ojalá todo mejore pronto para todos, incluída tu hermana que por fin tiene lo del médico!! Esperemos que no sea nada grave y se solucione con par medicamentos.


    Por acá todo bien, en semanas de parciales, ya pasé una semana, me restan 2, hehe.


    Besos bonita, te quiero!

  3. Hi hun! I worte you a message too to your e-mail! Answering your last one, but as for what I can see you didn't get it! :( I'm never too busy for reading what you have to say, you know I'd miss not knowing from you and I actually do, seems like non of us have the enough amount of time to sit and relax for more than 1 hour, quietly, stressless; but right now I have it, more than one hour; sucks tough that's when you are sleeping and climbing on your seventh cloud!


    College is great, I couldn't be any happier, totally rocks, I'm in my exams weeks, pretty scary and heavy, but I have aproved (don't know if that's the word...) the first ones I took and my grades are fantastic! As for my boyfriend, I already told you we broke up, read a few messages back and you'll find it, it was rough for a few days but now we are friends and we're cool. I've some new friends, specially one very new good friend called María Fernanda, she's so cute, lol.


    I'll take a look to your pics and probably comment :bleh: I'm very happy you had a great birthday, as long as you're happy I am too.


    What's with your boy? Why is he in London? And as you say, let's just wait and see what happens, time is the greatest teacher ever.


    Love you honey, I hope to see you soon! I miss your ugly face! Hehe.



  4. Hmmm... Where the heck are ya?? :boxed:

  5. Heeeello!!


    Cómo vas bonita!?? Tiempo de los tiempos sin poder sentarme acá a chismosear un ratito, jeje. Qué me cuentas!?? Cómo va lo de irte a otra ciudad??


    Besitos nena! Nos leemos pronto! :bleh: Te kelo!

  6. Babyyyyyyyyyy!! My love!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooo excited!! I love youuu, I hope you had (or are having) an awesome day baby!! LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU!!!!


    I'm sending you a toooooooooon of kisses! And then again: I love you!!!

  7. Hola hemosha! Cómo tás? También paso a dejarte un saludo enorme, enorme!! Te quiero montonononones!!

  8. Te extrañamos Miryam!!

  9. It's Ok honey, as long as you keep remembering me :bleh: I've been thinking about you lots as well, miss you enormously!


    Yayyy, you are getting oldeeer, lol, I can see your new wrinkles from here! :bleh: There's a huge one on your forehead, lol.


    Love you sweetie! :huglove:

  10. Bipolar? Jaja, qué te ha pasado para que estés así? Ojo con eso! :bleh: Mis 6 semestres de psicología me dicen que no es bueno! :naughty:


    Me ha sentado de maravilla el descanso! No te imaginas cuanto, pffff... estoy como nuevita!! Ya sabes, quedas pendiente allí!



  11. Hola preciosa! Ando cibervagando! Jejeje. Cómo tás??? Yo con un poco de sueño, pero desatrasándome de todo lo que tenía pendiente! Mándale mis saluditos a Babs, dile que tmb la extraño!! Besos para tiiiiiiii, por toneladas!!


    Te kierooooooo!!

  12. Sory, I've been very busy, so, I haven't had the time for writing here, however, I'm taking it to write you back, so you don't say I'm mad or something like that. Updates: I'm busy with school (as usual) I'm the president of my class, hmm... I don't have a bf anymore and I've lost some pounds. What about you? Miss knowing. XoXo :huglove:

  13. ... I can't find anything wrong with it, but... ok... it's what yout think. But remember, if I don't wanna write you, I just won't! I'm not gonna talk ****...


    Anyway, I hope everything's good. XoXo.

  14. Aw hun, I know, I barely have any time left. Have fun on your week off pleaseeee!! I wish I had one soon! I'm sorry about your boy honey and well, if you did something wrong, try to fix it and if it was both's fault, then work it out together! My boy anre I are ok, not much time to be together anyway.


    Love you honeeey!! I hope too to talk to you later!

  15. I'm fine sweetie, very, very tired though. I hope you're well! XoXo!

  16. Hola preciosaaaaaa!! Me encanta que estés leyendo el libro!! Es muy entretenido! Perdóname por no haber vuelto a escribirte, pero como supondrás, el tiempo ya no alcanza! Necesito días de 40 horas!! Acabo de despertar de una siesta pequeñita y ahora seguiré estudiando. Y dile a tu profe que no habían visto hielo nunca porque Macondo es una poblacion costera y no tenían neveras en ese entonces :bleh:


    Besos, muchos!


    Te quiero montones!

  17. Watup babe? :naughty:


    Miss ya!! Love yaa!!

  18. I'm fine hun, pretty tired but pretty happy as well. Remember the work I was staying up doing? Well, it was a contest and I won! :biggrin2: I'll tell you all about it later. Love youuu!!

  19. Welcome back :biggrin2: I hope you had an awesome weekend. Luv!

  20. Indeed :bleh: Ya te respondí! :huglove:

  21. Hellaaa! Discúlpame por tenerte abandonaita, jeje, pero ya no hay tiempo de náa! Mira no más la hora que es y por fin puedo sentarme aquí a escribir un poco y relajarme! :S Aún así, estoy feliz con la U.


    Sólo era para dejarte muchos besos y preguntarte cómo te ha ido con "Cien Años de Soledad" Lo conseguiste?? Sino, he aquí el link :bleh:




    Besoooooootes! Te quiero montones!

  22. Haha, drunken fool! :naughty: I'm alright, go to bed and sleep honey, we'll have time to talk tomorrow. Love you!!

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