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Posts posted by Kamuss

  1. Ciao Kamuss!


    Tutti tornano in Galles e Inghilterra questa settimana, la maggior parte domani o mercroledì, i bambini scozzezi sono già tornati qualche settimana fa! :boxed: La mia mamma fa la maestra e torna a scuola domani, quindi sarò a casa da sola da lunedi a venerdì di nuovo :naughty: Il 15, sei fortunata, torni quasi quando qualche università qui ricominciano!


    Eh si, avete delle vacanze lunghe in Italia, qui i bambini hanno solo 6 settimane di vacanza nell'estate!


    Quei calzini :roftl:


    quando qualche università ricomincia (il soggetto è al singolare:wink2:)


    Giuro che se Mika indossa quei calzini ad un concerto,in tempo di saldi vado in merceria e gli rifaccio il settore biancheria!:naughty:o sennò potrebbe essere lo spunto per il prossimo regalo di compleanno!

  2. i bambini in galles tornano a scuola il 2 settembre?:shocked:

    io il 15:naughty:

    Credo che se vivessi lassù non reggerei le abitudini locali...in quanto italiana ho sempre avuto la "fortuna" di fare meno giorni di scuola e molte vacanze..!


    Come state?:wub2:


    Meno male che il secco è tornato..raccontandoci ricordi d'infanzia sull'uomo-che-puzzava-di-noccioline e facendoci vedere quegli orribili calzini:bleh:


    *ci eri mancato:wub2:*

  3. Kamussssssss! :bye: Come stai? Hai avuto buone vacanze? Io sto bene, un po' stufa del brutto tempo brittanico però...


    Ciao Nez!!!!!:blush-anim-cl:

    Io sto bene,grazie!Sono tornata stamattina da casa al Circeo (tra Roma e Napoli)..quasi quasi non volevo più tornare!!!

    Come sono state le tue vacanze italiane?:wink2:

  4. sono tornataaaaaaaaaaaaa

    solo per oggi,poi confinata al mare fino a fine mese:thumbdown:


    E anche questo seccompleanno è (quasi) passato...:surfing:

    spero solo che adesso non si "regali" un tatuaggio sul braccio..per carità,mika truzzo version non me lo posso proprio immaginare:blink:

    caVo,caVissimo tesoVo,evita di solcarti quell'esile braccino,altrimenti te lo stacco:naughty:


    infiniti auguri di BUON COMPLEANNO, MIKA ! che la vita ti sorrida sempre ! grazie ai tuoi genitori che ti hanno "fatto", grazie a dio che mi ha fatto esistere adesso, in tempo per conoscerti e, soprattutto, grazie a te per ciò che sei e per tutto ciò che ci dai....che mi dai! con tutto il mio amore!!!! (spero che ciò che ho appena scritto non dia noia a nessuno....)


    Perchè avrebbe dovuto darci "noie" scusa?Hai scritto una cosa bellissima:wub2:

    sai,oggi tornando a casa sono passata di fianco a buggiano..e ti ho pensato:bleh:

  5. eccomi qua,direttamente dalla provenza!

    questo é il primo hotel che trovo con il pc,alleluja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    beh come state?MAMMA MIA ne sono successe di cose in questi giorni nel threadde:

    -nezza is back from italy

    -giulietta è sparita

    -il secco è partito destination siria

    -molti (moltissimi) sono in vacanza (robi,vale,maurizia...)

    -il gatto di betta la sveglia di continuo e a causa del sonno arretrato qst ultima ha ri-perso il fiore del cactus


    e....x il resto mi sembra (quasi) tutto


    ciao Lucrezia benvenuta:bleh:


    che dire di me..provenza bellissima,ci sono troppe cose da vedere!e nel piano delle cose da fare ci sarà anche l'arena di nimes (purtroppo x me sono in ritardo di qualche giorno:thumbdown:)




    torno di là a sopportare mio fratello:naughty:

    buon proseguimento di vacanze a tutte

  6. :surfing:

    da domani per me cominciano le vere vacanze!

    sarò una settimana al mare,e poi si prende la macchina destinazione provenza:wub2:

    quindi più o meno fino alla fine di agosto non ci sarò

    sono anche abbastanza disperata perchè non so come mandare i messaggi d'auguri al ricciuto:shocked:


    coooooomunque..desidero fare gli auguri di buone vacanze a tutte quante!vale,robi,clara,dani,mari,allegra,greta,nezza e a tutte le altre/gli altri di questo thread!

    un bacione:wub2:


    ps:Mika,mettiti a fare l'album piùttosto che spalmarti il pettazzo di fanghiglia,è un consiglio da amica:naughty::naughty:

  7. well..what can i say..i'm leaving,and i'll be on holiday until the end of august!

    tomorrow i'm going to the sea for one whole week..and then..PROVENCE:mf_lustslow:

    so i won't be able to log in,even if i wanted 2 check mika's blog..that really disappoints me:thumbdown:

    anyway,i hope i'll see you again when i go back home!i wish you happy sunny holidays!!!!!!:blush-anim-cl:be relaxed and have fun (if u can:wub2:)


    camilla xxx

  8. I know many of us like to follow Mika's fashion trends...so i thought i'd start a thread where people could post links to articles of clothing that Mika owns. For example, if you know the link to a site that sells a watch that Mika owns, then you could post it here and us fans can flock to it and worship it!


    I'll add the links that are posted:

    Gloomy Bear keychain:


    Swatch watch:


    Angel T-Shirt:


    “Big Girls” Red Hoodie:


    Swatch Necklace:


    “Don’t Go Breakin’ My Hearts” necklace:


    Blue Watch:


    Rose the Eye brooch is from:


    T-shirts and Hoodies:


    Come Together tee:


    Warhol watch:


    Color block watch:


    Global Cool tee:


    Tamagotchi Lanyard:


    D&G Watch:


    Striped shirt:


    Tetris watch:








    i saw this for the 1st time:blink:

    superstar,THANK YOU! you've done a nice work!:thumb_yello:

  9. Hi, MFC I was just thinking, do you think Mika will get married when he's older like 29 or 30?? I think he might, or maybe he wont get married at all, what do you guys think?? you know what my mom said, she said Mika is going to die at an early age, she has a feeling, and she said he might also die at an early age because maybe he has an STD or AIDS or something I can't believe her:thumbdown: no matter what, we'll all still love Mika right? I will!! soooo again what do you think? about marriage for Mika etc. death etc.????:thumb_yello:butt.jpg


    of course he's going to marry me by the day i get 18:mf_rosetinted:




    no no don't worry i'm joking! lol


    anyway,i don't know if he'll get married or not.I think he'trying to find the "perfect woman/man" for him.A marriage is a difficult decision,he's very reasonable,and if he marries somebody,surely he's really convinced about it.


    *hopes you understood what i mean*

  10. un saluto a tutti gli italiani,le italiane e gli studiosi di italiano all'estero che bazzicano in questo thread!io me ne vo al mare fino a lunedì:punk:

    un bacio a tutte:robi,nezza,mari,mauri,dani,allegra,greta e alle altre:blush-anim-cl:buon weekend

  11. ciao ciao ciao!!!!


    so here i am...shattered but alive! :naughty:


    i left yesterday at 14.12 from my train station...wow, it was not even 24 hours ago!:shocked:

    i arrived safe and sound in nyon and found the festival easily...avoca and fanny and axie dentelle (plus some other frenchies) were already front row... a mad (but fun) group was playing...not much pushing..so i could reach them, second row for me! and it was 19.30.


    the festival is HUGE!!!! and it seems pretty enjoyable...

    but...when Justice started playing:::::::::::::::::::god help us!!!

    lots of well built young man jumping as mad! all on us!!!:shocked:

    that WAS scary...many ppl were taken out the crowd from security...but we, tough mika's fans, resisted!:naughty:

    one hour passed....seemed like eternity!



    the mikaworkers and the mikastage....fresh air again!


    intro was on....someone dressed as a monkey holding Gray Skelly's head came on stage....a little show and MIKA IS ON!!!!


    white tshirt, benicassim trousers!

    all energy and fun...he never never lets us down!


    he played My Interpretation and Holy johnny

    grace kelly in french a relax rave as encore


    the show was far better than madrid, longer and his voice was better.


    so much for the show...shall i repeat the same things all over again?? it was a very good show!!! as always with mika, hey! ehehehehe



    we ran as mad to the backstage entrance...running through a crowd of 13.000 going away! we found it and waited...they let us go and stayed with other 15 ppl waiting for him...yes we were so few!


    avoca had a mission...to give him the birthday pics book...we were so determined, as always!


    then he came.....striped long sleeve tshirt - the sailor look!

    and a hat...avoca will post the pics i took with her camera.


    and he was in a very good mood! he saw avoca, fanny and me...and he was so chatty last night!

    i could chat more than at the MandG in madrid..we were just so few old fans!


    he asked if we loved his blogs! can you fancy our reply???

    we asked him not to stop them...and he promised to stop just in august, to have some holidays, poor boy!!!


    he said comments on MIKASOUNDS will be working in the next days..hes got some technical problems.


    i-ll let avoca talk about the birthday book...he was delighted anyway!


    of course he signed autographs and chatted with the ppl who were there...but he always came back to us to chat more!

    i repeat my theory...he likes chatting with familiar faces....and of course, the less we are, the more he chats! this is natural!


    i loved those moments with him...and i realized that he-s getting more and more friendly, and not the other way round, in spite of growing success...we can see it also from his blog activity!!!


    of course...there may be times when he-s not so chatty, due to tiredness or commitments...who knows...but his attitute is def friendly and lovely towards his MFC fans, and mikawebsite.


    then i asked him to stop at the bar going away by car...cause allegra and mirtilla got lost in the crowd and had arrived when we had already been admitted outside backstage...and he did!!!

    he stopped his car and chatted with them too!


    what can i say more...he was in a blessed good mood last night.

    and hes very very excited for beirut show! his eyes sparkle talking about that!

    when i wished him a blast in beirut, and said that some would go but flights are too expensive....he said he knew! that flight costs to beirut are a total madness!


    so that-s all for me....sorry if you see something odd in my typing, but my keyboard is playing up...mixing characters!


    avoca....pls add things to my report...cause im sure i-ve forgotten much!

    *shes on her train back home now.....*


    thanks robi for your report!

    how lucky you were yesterday!you chatted a lot:wub2:

    the gig was better than madrid?wow,great!:thumb_yello:and his voice is less tired..so he can play a great show in beirut!


    did u take some photos?:wink2:

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