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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. I'm a younger female and I accidently watch waaaayy to much CrimeWatch that I am always careful when I go out. In le know.
  2. Dad has those Nice ones. And the odd bourbon. *Works out what just said* BOURBON!!
  3. It is. Is it le parents fault? My t-shirts always said Golf Sale ---> I think my dad was trying to tell me something.
  4. Same. Always a securely, appropriate length t-shirt and jeans or just-above-le-knee skirt. I was a safe girl. Good for us.
  5. Never tried them. Are they from Dutch-land?? I like... Actually...I need to think...
  6. Basically 'cause we are too cool for part one now.
  7. Not the way its pronounced. But yeah. I feel peckish. I think I'm turning into a pigeon.
  8. That did make me laugh. I know. How many sweet shops sell carrot sticks. This is a very, very weird country my friend.
  9. Calm down dear. If i knew you, you would NEVER have anything that sugary. Rotten yer teeth.
  10. Half-coated biscuits. Or Yum.
  11. It is. Orange juice may burn your throat if drunk too quickly (found that out le hard way), but at least you remember ALL of it!
  12. Oh yeah! I did that for AGES after that came on. Even if it wasn't circular. like chips and crisps and stuff. Annoying mon pere. Good times, gooood times.
  13. OH!!! I love those party rings!! All the pwitty likkle colours. Haven't had them for AGES!! *COUGH* Dad *COUGH*
  14. Yes. Cheesy jokes, and funny puns. Why oh why are we the only ones who understands.
  15. WOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one!! Not that I would eat it. But that est not le point. I neeeeddd one!! I like chocolate ice-cream...Yummmmy P.S Hey Danni/Jules!!
  16. And they didn't understand my pun on spaghetti hoops on toast. Or when they started raving on about Pizza and I said is that the same as Cheese on toast with ketchup.
  17. Cause I started talking on their thread. They did not get my British sense of humor.
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