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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. Aww... So...How many Mika gigs you been to?
  2. No-one is talking about the heavenly food. Oh, crumbs. Yeah, pure cheese.
  3. Yeah, but 'cause I have an english accent ( ) everyone assumes I'm from the english country of England. But I come from the Promise Land. Promise to pay credit cards Promise to pay for ALL my shopping. Promise to pay for extra unnessicary charges on my bills. Promise to pay for my phone bill when I exceed. Yeah yeah, rave on.
  4. OOh, Sorry! I've been to Belguim 3 times. Bruge, if thats how you spell it. And Ypres. Different is good. The Scots and The English. Different.
  5. Oui Oui... Bonsoir! How's France this fine night??
  6. I believe that Rich Teas are the cooliest biscuit in my tin. And there's no place for custard creams. VOTE BOURBONS!!
  7. it's night here too. It's 11pm. But you never know. Our worldy friends..
  8. Good Morning... =) Alright everyone? What's going on-eth?
  9. BRADFORD BULLS play proper rugby, not that kick and fall down stuff:thumb_yello:
  10. Woohoo, I guess. I'm not a follower of football.
  11. Don't worry. Talking about british ways aand how we are so different compared to the world. Then thats how the rugby.
  12. Thanks!! I'm hoping tp go see him again soon!!
  13. Huh? WHo are they? Apologises it they be british...=)
  14. Yeah it was awesome!! When i got changed when i got home, so much paper and stuff came out my hoodie! Hey!
  15. Like me, you should be studying!! And nor do we!!! How special are we. And we speak proper Englandish. Us people from Essex stick together, y'get me blud??
  16. hAHA. Whatcha gonna do with them The odd thing is mine is sitting reading this as I type. Ooh, funny.
  17. 'Cause we are simply too cool for the rest of world... Never to be outdone Antartica and Artic are cold. Not cool...
  18. No, we found out about him together, he wrote that first post haha!!
  19. I'm looking for someone I met at the Mika concert at Brixton 28/02/08!! Your name was Tanya!! We were standing at the front and that girl was punching in with her friend and pushed us and your sister... Reply if you are her, or know her!!
  20. Thanks guys!! Yeah, Mika rules!!
  21. And we drive on the correct side of the road...
  22. Hey!! Welcome to MFC!! Have fun!! And seriously, it's addictive... x
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