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marie-andrée de rougemont

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Posts posted by marie-andrée de rougemont

  1. Okay.. im looking for a french interview from which these are taken:





    there was also this part where they were blowing up balloons


    So any one got it please?

    I believe I do & will try to find it for you even if I have so many videos that it might take some time. But it was quite short, that should be make it easier to trace.

  2. Are you the only, only lonely fan who is not naive ?

    But what would be the point in showing himself at a disadvantage ? Make us find him endearing ? I don’t buy that.

    It may be a typical woman’s reaction but I would never show myself without make up, wearing crumpled clothes, acting like a petulant 3-year-old who demands to sit at the front, I would not film myself in a way that brings out my nose, just to make people find me endearing –which they might not. And I don’t believe that Mika who even though he is not a woman, is, as you say, very image-conscious, would do that either.

    PS to my message to Soaring Simpson. I wasn't inferring that Mika should be wearing make-up ! As a matter of fact I hardly wear any make up (allergic to the stuff), that part was purely symbolic...

  3. Am I the only one here that isn't buying the "spontaneous" style. I'm not for a minute doubting Mika's sincerity- neither in the rehearsed or unrehearsed style blogs- but neither do I doubt that he's carefully considering the effect everything he puts online

    Are you the only, only lonely fan who is not naive ?

    But what would be the point in showing himself at a disadvantage ? Make us find him endearing ? I don’t buy that.

    It may be a typical woman’s reaction but I would never show myself without make up, wearing crumpled clothes, acting like a petulant 3-year-old who demands to sit at the front, I would not film myself in a way that brings out my nose, just to make people find me endearing –which they might not. And I don’t believe that Mika who even though he is not a woman, is, as you say, very image-conscious, would do that either.

  4. Im sorry for asking it 2 time but could someone PLEASE post a link for an interview where mika says he has got big hips ? someone asked it before but now the download link isnt working any more :blink:

    thank you :original:

    Marie-Thérèse, courtesy of Marie-Andrée


    Not a link, really, but you should find it through Google (Mika Sydney interview or Mika interview Australia.

    Actually the interviewer asked if he could touch them and Mika, shameless tease, let him touch hips and waist so that he could feel the difference between a tiny waist and 'child-bearing' hips. I believe the guy was slightly drooling...

    It is a rather funny interview. At some point Mika talked about what people say of his accent and made disgusted faces after quoting "He sounds like James Blunt".

    If you can't find it I will try to find it for you but it shouldn't be too difficult.


    So long,



  5. :wheelchair:


    I lately watched a very funny, long videoshow made by a fan & which started "Last year a guy drove us crazy..." with wistful comments ; the girl had a very low-pitched, almost funereal voice and it was really different. At some point Mika says in an interview "I am looking for a stable relationship" and I can't find when he said that, in which interview, even though I have surfed the Internet and Utube and downloaded dozens of them. Most annoying, I keep trying to find it and fall back on stuff I have already watched... Maybe the fan who made the video is a MFC member ? Unfortunately I often change the title of the videos I download and when I tried to find this back on utube and hopefully her name I couldn't as the related videos were dirty ones... weird!


    Can you help ?


    x Marie-Andrée

  6. Marie-Thérèse, courtesy of Marie-Andrée


    Don't worry, Anna, I must be muuuuch older than you are and I feel awfully shy too when I see people I admire very much.

    I am sure Mika loved your reserve !


    Was it the shop held by a French guy, across a tube station, in South Kensington, Old Brompton Road or something ? That's where I bought flowers for Mika on behalf of my mother before his last London gig...


    x M.-Th.:flowers2:

  7. :thumb_yello:Am I imagining things or did Mickey (hope it's the right spelling) say, on one of the blog videos, that his wife or partner had been delivered of a healthy baby girl ?

    If that is the case, we should think about something to offer them and how to offer it... It is hugely important, even more so than turning 25...


    Any idea ?


    x Marie-Andrée

  8. I was thinking the same thing - that in these videos we get to see sleepy, cranky, un-showered Mika wearing just a t-shirt. Frankly, I love it, and I'm glad he doesn't feel the need to only show the most "polished" videos.


    I wonder if Andy's doing all the filming, though - I think that in some of those, Mika's got a point-and-shoot camera with video function, and he's just recording himself. :naughty:




    You want to make a new account, separate from this one?


    If you click "log out" in the upper right part of your screen, it will log you out; on the screen it takes you to, there should be a button to sign up, which you can do as long as you use a different email address. :thumb_yello:

    Thank you for your help. But it seems to be a little more complicated as my mother doesn't have an e-mail address and I gave mine when she registered so when I try to register (or when I tried to retrieve my registration and asked to be sent a new password as I had forgotten mine) they refuse because another fanclub member gave them the same address. So you see I have really screwed things up big time.



  9. Marie-Thérèse / Marie-Andrée


    Marie-Thérèse / Marie-Andrée


    Andy’s close-ups have become very close indeed and we can see hairs up Mika’s nose ? New idea for a birthday present then : a hair clipper. Kidding ! Mika has lately developed a rather unfortunate tendency to shave his chest before a gig –hopefully not wax… Let’s not give him further ideas about how to get rid of pilosity.

    Seriously, Mika is not blind and, being such a control freak, he most certainly watches and edits all videos before they are released on his blog, so he knows perfectly well what he looks like in them.


    I rather think that the message he is thus sending his fans is as follows :


    Press and fashion photographers, jet setters and the crowds at my concerts get to see the glamorous me : wearing smart clothes, sporting gorgeously done hair and sometimes a stylish three-day stubble.

    But you guys get to see the real, unsophisticated me : unshaven, wearing an old tee-shirt, with my hair all over my head, jumping happily on a moving bed in oversized Bermuda shorts and looking for all the world like a big-nosed, friendly and slightly crazy animal out of a Tex Avery cartoon. After all we have been together for so long and you have been so faithful and loyal to me that you are almost family now.


    Actually I believe we should be touched and honoured that he trusts us enough to show himself with his metaphorical pants down, that he knows that he doesn’t have to look attractive because, no matter what, we are genuinely fond of him. All the same Andy might step back a wee little bit before filming…


    So long,




    PS Help : can anybody tell me how to re-register ? I am beginning to feel like a twelve-year old ! I am a big girl, now, I'd love to be able to post threads without using my Mummy's space...

  10. Why do you think she's his singing teacher?

    In some TV coverage (UK or US or Lebanese short video, there are a couple of them circulating on Utube and Dailymotion) they mention her name while Mika is looking at a book she has apparently just given him. And she has a strong accent (beg. of the PC, when she says a few words).

  11. :thumb_yello:Yesterday evening I realized that my friend had at long last put my coverage of the PC on Dailymotion (where I am capucine 1418). I posted a thread or thought I had but apparently I screwed up again.


    He gave the videos French titles (Batterie Love today is the drumming contest, for instance). And he had to split up some of them because they were too long. Unfortunately he sometimes did it in the middle of a song…

    Concert 1 : My Interpretation + beginning of Billy Brown

    C 2 : BB + very beginning of AOW (did he have to ruin my favourite song !)

    C 3 : AOW with crowd singing along with M.

    Mika live 01 : partial band intro + Happy ending.

    The image is lousy, even on the screen, and I had to duck every time the inflatable soda beaker (which looked a lot like the giant breast in W. Allen’s What you have always wanted to ask...) blocked the view. The sound is all right though.


    He did a better job with the press conference recording.

    Début CP : beginning of the PC

    CDP 2 part 1, 2 part 2, 3 part 1, 2 & 3.

    Highlights (in my view) : in CDP 3, part 1 : the lady journalist’s proposal and the little boy’s offering of his own mobile phone. In CDP 2/1 : when Mika brushes aside a journalist’s suggestion that he may be scared to come to Beirut ; he sounds and looks like Louis XIV if some mortal had asked him whether he had lice in his wig… love that part ! I swear I could (and still can) hear him add a subliminal ‘You twit !’.

    I think the elderly lady sitting next to Mika was his tough singing teacher. Can’t believe she used to slap his wrist : I talked to her and she is a sweetie. She was starry eyed that nigh, genuinely delighted to be there with him.

    The image is often wobbly ; sorry about that but a retard press photographer kept shaking my chair so badly that I truly believe he was j…ing off (wrong place to do that, pal !). A couple of comments and the neighing laughter are all mine, I am afraid ; I must learn to shut my trap when I am filming.


    MOV 00015 was taken in London, at nearly 3 in the morning after the last gig of the winter tour. Since then I found a much better recording on Utube but am keeping it as a souvenir. Soft old me !


    My almost entire and quite decent coverage of the London gig should be available on Dailymotion quite soon. Keep trying.


    There you are. Wanted to comment on Andy’s summer videos on the blog and his unfortunately close close ups but I am typing on my 90 square metre terrace, sunbathing (that was mean of me, meant to make those of you who are singing in the rain drool with envy) and my stupid PC tends to switch off after working half an hour on battery. So you are spared my comment. For the time being.


    Couldn't catch every word of the Press conference. Wish a kind English-speaking member would post the script...


    So long,



  12. :thumb_yello:

    Marie-Thérèse, courtesy of Marie-Andrée


    At long last my friend has put my coverage of the Beirut gig (poor quality) & the press conference on Dailymotion (you get them through goggle : dailymotion mika beyrouth). Some parts may still be missing as he is still working on it at 9 pm French time (8 pm UK time).


    Bless him !


    But :


    - He had to cut up the press conference videos as they were too long ; will come back to you tomorrow to tell you which is the first, second, etc. parts of the conference after checking.

    - He gave them French titles (batterie love today).

    - Sorry for the wobbly image at the press conference : a retard press photographer kept shaking my chair so badly that I truly believe he was j...ing off (wrong place to do that, pal !). But the neighing laughter and a couple of comments are all mine I am afraid, I must learn to keep my trap shut while I'm filming...


    I am so happy to be able to do something useful after enjoying all the brilliant videos you guys have posted !


    Marie-Thérèse (capucine 1418 on Dailymotion).

  13. hi! thats awesome!! personally i'm not much of a fan of horoscopes but it's always awesome to have a new member!!


    i too am desperate to see mika live!! oh well one day maybe xD

    No maybe about it ! If Humphrey can't make the drive, you'll ride a racing horse to get there. Look at me : very likely 93 when Mika's next album is released and still planning to see him live... We just can't accept not to watch one of his shows as we already love his music and have been reading and hearing about how undescribably magical they are. We too deserve the magic, don't we ?


    Not much of a fan of horoscopes ? No wonder if you mean the crap you find in magazines. But believe me, astrology studied properly helps get a different knowledge of human beings. I didn't get into it before I retired and since then have found it more and more fascinating. Very different from what I did for a living (I was an antique dealer then a clothes designer) but that's the whole point about hobbies, doing something unusual like Ingres playing the violin for fun. Or Mika mountain climbing ? Not really surprising as it probably demands energy and concentration, qualities he displays on stage or in studios.


    x Marie-Andrée

  14. Welcome, it's great to have you here.

    You do horoscope charts?

    I would love one, never got around to having one done, if you get your daughter to pm me, I can give you my details.

    Dear RAK1,


    What about a bit of swapping : you find Mika's birth time for me and I draw your horoscope?


    Seriously when you go really deep into astrology it has nothing to do with what you find in magazines or on the Internet. Each birth chart is a whole universe... and a horoscope without the time of birth is like the Milky Way with at least one third of the constellations missing.


    I could of course deduce the likely position of the different houses using the little we know about Mika and his past. For instance the explosion of fame and success of the last 12 or 14 months might be connected with the passage of Jupiter or another slow planet on one of the angles of his map of the heavens (first or tenth house, for instance) although at the same time Jupiter was transiting his native Jupiter then his native Moon and was forming a triangle with first his native Mars then his native Sun, which amply justifies what has been happening to him since mid-2007.


    I am getting a bit technical ? Sorry about that but you can actually be wise after the event. For instance, when I started studying astrology I couldn’t understand how my youngest child’s ascendant could be in Libra where she already had four planets ; that just didn’t correspond to what I knew of her. It later turned out that she had been born at 9.22 instead of 9.30 : her father told me that he had had a look at his watch the minute she was born but apparently the civil servant who had registered her birth had decided to round up the time.


    So I could try to deduce Mika’s time of birth, but that would be a waste a time and energy as I might make mistakes.


    Wiltshire ? Lucky you ! I love Britain and haven’t been there for ages. I would like to watch at least one of Mika’s gigs in London but will probably have to make do with his next concert in Paris (less than four hours by train, much wiser) and anyway no matter where, that would be a dream come true. At last.


    Thanks for welcoming me into the FC. You are right : we are in this together.


    x Marie-Andrée

  15. Welcome to the MFC :naughty:


    We have discussed Mika's birth chart on the forum before - I can find you the threads if you would like - but agree that without the time of birth it can't be complete.


    Mika makes all us Oldlings feel young.:thumb_yello:

    Dear Silver,


    Yes, I would love to read the threads about his birthchart.


    Actually I had pestered my daughter so much before she went to Beirut that at the end of the press conference she approached Mrs Penniman, first to thank her for something adorable she and her son had done, then to ask her about Mika's birth time.

    I could not go to Beirut, it is too long a journey and heat is bad for elderly people, but if I had been there I would have asked Mika himself after the press conference. My daughter told me that he was surrounded by a swarm of people wanting something from him (a word, an autograph) and looked so tense and exhausted that she would have hated herself for bothering him further.

    I can see her point but I intend to do a proper job of the birth chart and it is very frustrating not to be able to do it thoroughly just because I don't have the full data. Well, I suppose frustration is a natural feeling to have when you are over 90, no longer your own master and have to depend on well meaning people to make decisions for you...

    As I am very stubborn (always have been, unlikely to change now) I intend not to release my work till I get the bloody time and I can complete it ; if necessary I will give Mika another birthday present (or Christmas present, come to that) and hopefully having got the information will be able to give him the horoscope on Valentine's day ! Unless I die before : time is of the essence when you are nearly 93.


    Several MFC members have asked me to join the Oldlings. Like Mr Penniman I hate labels and I think that having contacts through the FC with so many different people is a great part of the fun but how can you contact that club for over 60-year-young members ?


    Thanks for your welcoming post.


    x Marie-Andrée

  16. well i was going through all my threads i had made, and it seems i never made my self an introduction thread. either that, or i didnt notice it :naughty:

    well i figure that everyone should introduce themselves, so even being a bit late, im going to introduce myself, to you all

    HEY! my name is Devin Quinn McFarland

    i love mika

    i am a girl

    i love mika

    my birthday is August 20th

    i love mika

    i am 13

    i love mika

    i play Soccer, Golf, and Swimming

    i love mika!


    well i think thats giid enough! lol


    Welcome, Leo !

  17. Hi everybody!

    I'm a 19 years old girl from Switzerland and I'm here for the first time...

    First of all, I want to apologize for my english, not good at all :/

    A few things about me... I'm a student in the University of Neuchâtel, and during my free-time I draw and read a lot, I go out with my friends and above all these things, I listen to music everytime I can ;)


    I know Mika since 3 or 4 months, thanks to his video "Grace Kelly", and I really enjoyed it. So I bought his album, I discovered this incredible universe and now I'm here with you =)

    Marie-Thérèse / Marie-Andrée


    Ton anglais est parfait, tout le monde a compris ce que tu voulais dire, l'essentiel c'est de communiquer.

    Si tu n'as jamais vu un concert de Mika tu dois vraiment faire tout ce qui est en ton pouvoir pour assister à un de ceux qu'il donnera pour la sortie de son prochain album. L'écouter ou même voir un enregistrement ne donne pas la moindre idée de l'expérience, en particulier de son extraordinaire présence sur scène : tu reçois vraiment ça en pleine poitrine et tu en as le souffle coupé... Un conseil, si vous êtes plusieurs, faites la queue des heures avant l'ouverture des portes pour être parmi les premiers (12 heures avant à Londres, l'hiver dernier !), quitte à vous relayer de temps en temps pour satisfaire un besoin naturel ou vous dégourdir les jambes ou manger un morceau ; c'est vraiment devant la scène qu'on l'apprécie totalement et son public est respectueux, il n'écrase pas les petits et les faibles (parfois des gamins de 7-8 ans) contre les barrières.

    Laisse un message si tu envisages d'assister à un spectacle cet hiver à Londres ou à Paris, nous pourrons peut-être nous retrouver.


    A très bientôt.



  18. I am Rimkje and I have reading this forum for a while, but I couldn't write any posts. I hope the problem is solved now and that I can get to know you all.

    My english is not so great, but I'll try to do my best.


    I know Mika since he became famous whit his first hit and I like it immediately. I download the cd and become a fan. I have been to Westerpark Amsterdam with a very good friend and it was fabulous. We went backstages, and I was speakless. Mika asked me : How are you? And I couldn't say a word. I never went backstages before. :wub2:


    When you have questions, ask me, I will answer it for sure. :wink2:



    Marie-Thérèse / Marie-Andrée


    English not so great ? Welcome to the club ! And the important thing is to communicate, which we all more or less manage to do.


    No wonder you found Mika so friendly, I believe it is truly a pleasure for him to receive us after a gig. And I also sympathize when you say you couldn't utter a word ; in London, last winter, I waited for him outside the theatre for nearly three hours and could only manage a very shy 'Thank you very much for a breath-taking show'... how lame was that ! I suppose gratitude and admiration leave some people speechless (which I hardly ever am, believe me). Let's hope an overprotective entourage will not, in the future, set up barriers to shield him from his fans.


    Looking forward to your messages.


    So long,



  19. Well...

    I really do guess this is it...

    I thought when I first came on here it would never happen and I would love Mika forever...I was wrong as always.

    I dont really know what started the big downfall for me love of Mika' date=' I guess it was the December 3rd concert:boxed:

    Ive had some great times here and I guess everyone is getting bored of me as I always go on and on and on about the Beatles and Paul and all that so i guess that is another reason why I am leaving, and it also feels like no one wants me around anymore.

    Its been nice knowing you all and...well...


    Bye bye


    xx mavvy mcc xx


    PS Ill be on MSN and Myspace and bebo and Aim[/quote']

    Marie-Thérèse / Marie-Andrée


    Some jerks blamed you for the cancellation ? As far as I remember it was rescheduled because Mika had a bad throat infection, so unless you Frenched him wildly a couple of days before and he caught a bug (and if so, don't tell MFC members or you won't be able to leave, every horny little fan will post messages to ask you if he is a good kisser !) fate is to blame. But when they are disappointed some people just have to find somebody to vent their anger on : when he had to cancel a gig at some sort of summer festival Mika was insulted in the papers, the journalists implying that he had chickened out, not wanting to be compared to the other, much more talented, artists.


    One day my teenage son came back home fuming about So-and-so being such an asshole and I told him that if he couldn't stand assholes he should open a window and jump right away (at that time we were living at the top of a four-floor house) because they are everywhere. I won't advise you to jump but what about ignoring them ?


    Bon voyage,



  20. hiya all :biggrin2:

    i just wanna say...(yeah i know, its unexpectedly)

    that im gonna leave mfc lol

    im not really into mika anymore, im in love with the film wall•e and i dont come here that often anymore..


    i wanna thank some of you for the great times,

    but some people ignored me, unfortunately :thumbdown:

    sometimes i had the feeling that people hated me or something lol


    im not saying that ill never leave a message on here anymore,

    but im just gonna leave mfc

    thanks for the great time.....


    byeeeeeeeee :huglove:


    btw; ill still be on myspace lol




    It's all right, Celesteee ! The most important thing to do is to follow your passions.

    To you Mika and his music are soon going to become a pleasure more than an obsession and you will probably be able to enjoy his albums even better than before. And his gigs too. See you in London one of these days ?





  21. :wheelchair:Dear MFC members,


    I joined the fan club about five months ago, on the rebound from being unable to go to London on February 28th (no circle seats left, too old to watch the show standing) and I had discovered Mika on cable too late to go to Paris and the Olympia. I must say that I am finding it very frustrating to enjoy his gigs vicariously, although I am hugely grateful to the fans who put their recordings on the Internet, and having lately realized what an incredibly kind and generous man he is I am even more anxious to see him on stage. Hopefully next winter…


    Aged 92, I may well be his oldest fan. His music makes me feel happy and much younger. Even his dark lyrics don’t spoil that feeling as they add to his songs a subtlety that many songwriters are lacking. No wonder he has four-generation audiences : he is universal.


    All my messages are translated by my daughter. We have a deal : she screwed up her MFC registration and I let her use my space here, and she translates every thread I want to post and those from you she believes might interest me.

    In the same way she is going to translate the birth chart I am drawing for Mika’s birthday even though not knowing the time of his birth prevents me from doing a thorough job of it. You see, music is not my only passion, astrology is one of them. Having passions when you are very old keeps your mind sharp, don’t you think ? Unfortunately I won’t be able to share the completed horoscope with you all : too personal, I don’t think Mika would like that.


    xxx Marie-Andrée

  22. Here's the translation of the aftershow interview!


    There might be weird translations and stuff especially as it's more of a spoken language :bleh:





    Virgin Radio: Good evening Mika

    Mika: Good evening

    VR: First of all, congratulations! Tonight was incredible! I’ve rarely seen such a colourful show, I’ve rarely seen a guy who’s worked as much to plan a show and I’ve never seen teddy bears doing stuff almost…well, you see, huh?

    M: Innapropriate? (not sure about that, haven’t understood what he said)

    VR: Yeah, well how much time did it take you to prepare such an incredible show?

    M: Err 3 months. *he corrects himself* 2 months, more or less 2 months.

    VR: And this “cartoon” world_ is it to remain in your childhood, is it to make people remain children, is it to make people dream, is it because you want to disconnect to reality?

    M: No, not really, because most people in the stadium were adults. It’s not a child world, it’s a parallel world, I think, it’s a world full of dreams, plenty of possibilities and where flaws are fantastic qualities and there are no more excuses, that’s what’s the most important. We never say “sorry” because there’s no need to.

    And I hope that everybody in the stadium felt the same feeling I have in my mind, that I had in my childhood and that I still have today, and that I have when writing my second album. We never say that we’re sorry, that is important.

    VR: I’ve heard that you played a song of your second album?

    M: I’ve played the first song that I’ve showed everybody (And what about How much do you love me???? ) It’s the first time I’ve done that, I was really nervous. The song’s called “Rain”

    VR: Thanks for having done this for Virgin Radio

    M: Yeah *giggles a lot*

    VR: As you talk about this world of yours, well, I’ve seen it well because I’ve been outside a few times to report what was happening to our listeners and when you came on stage, I saw people’s faces changing completely, I’ve seen children’s faces, 30 years old people’s faces (I have trouble with that part too ) I really wanted to congratulate you, it’s very impressive.

    M: Thanks, it’s very, very nice.

    VR (other guy): How does it feel to make 50 000 people melt away like that in the Parc des Princes?

    M: I can’t even explain. Frankly, it’s incredible. I know that when I say that, it sounds a bit stupid but it really is incredible. It’s weird because I feel like everybody in the stadium came with the same feeling that I did and that ‘cheers me up (I’m sure there’s a better translation for “foutre la peche” but I can’t think of it right now ) is that how you say it ? It’s a childhood dream, it’s a life (long) dream it’s the way I live, and it became my life now and to be able to do something like that, and it give me a raison d’être

    VR: How many people were called up to prepare such a show/ a show like that?

    M: There was my family and I have a sister who’s called Zuleika who was living in Pekin, in Beijing and she worked on the dragon you’ve seen. So there were stuff that were made in China, a lot of the costumes were made all around the world, especially in India. We had a whole company who was working on the staging everywhere in the UK, I had a company who was working in Holland next to Amsterdam, we had people who were working in Paris….Overall, counting everybody even if someone only touched something, there were thousands of people.

    VR: Thousands of people! And I think there’s a funny anecdote with the dragon. Wasn’t there some problems with the Customs, didn’t the original model remain stuck?

    M: There were two dragons_ at first there was a 100metre dragon and my sister Zuleika made it in an Opera factory in Pekin. She’s almost failed her exams_ she’s studying in ESMOD for the design, modelling, cutting_ how do you say it? (He’s not sure of the right words in French)

    VR: Well she’s in a design school

    M: So she’s almost failed her exams because she was painting this dragon and in the end it didn’t even come because there was problem with the Customs in China, they said it wasn’t safe but it didn’t mean anything. Anyway, my mum and my 2 other sisters Paloma and Yasmine who were working with me and my mum have been to Chinatown, they called the Chinese embassy and we asked them if they could lend us another dragon and a troop. They came without any idea of what was happening, they arrived at the Parc des Princes and were completely…*makes an awkward face* I think that most of them didn’t speak English but my sister was translating them everything. It was really funny but it was worth it.

    VR: So this show that you’ve done for Virgin Radio, are you going to do it somewhere else, are you going to remodel it, are you going to tour with it?

    M: No, it’s too big

    VR: It’s too big? *Mika giggles* No! Incredible!

    M: It’s going to be put in storage near London which will cost me a fortune just to keep it in a building but I might try to with the second album because this whole clown style_ I can say that now_ is quite close, visually to where I want to go with my second album so I think my songs are going to work

    VR: Because I wasn’t expecting that at all! I knew you had your own special world that I really like but when I saw these athletes, these clowns; I began to think “Wow, where is this going to go?” It’s incredible!

    M: I’m quite obsessed with Marcel Marceau’s character, this whole sadness…

    VR: Yeah, I’ve seen the mask

    M: I’m going to quote Yelle but this “joy/sadness” interests me a lot.

    VR: Did you have time to see the other participants of this Virgin Show, namely “Panic at the disco”, YELLE…

    M: I’ve heard YELLE of course, I love them, they were touring with me. They’re fantastic. I’ve heard “Panic at the disco”, I couldn’t hear Dyonisos (Dionysus) as I was getting ready at that time, it was just before I was going on stage but I’ve seen a bit of the staging and stuff before, they’re really cool, I like them a lot

    VR: I got a flashback because of you with “I just can’t get enough”, I got a hallucination

    M: Really? *giggles* you got a hallucination for real?

    VR: Yes, yeah!

    M: What do you have in your pocket then?

    VR:*both guys laugh out loud* <other guy> The Depeche Mode cover was really good. By the way, we’re going to talk about the second album because you gave us a taster with a song played in acoustic, so can you tell us a bit more on this second album? <First guy again> I’m a presenter; I ask wider questions, he’s a journalist…

    M: …My God! What are you going to do? I’ve already given you a song, I won’t say anything else! I’ve given you visuals and songs, I can’t tell you anything else otherwise I’d have to release the album next week and I don’t want to!

    VR: In any case, it’s really nice to have done that for us

    M: It’s a pleasure

    VR: We’re very proud to have received you

    M: Thanks for this opportunity, is that what we say?

    VR: Exactly

    M: It was a dream!

    VR: And we hope we can do this again very soon, we hope you’ll be here again with us on Virgin

    M: I would love it

    VR: Thanks

    M: Thanks a lot

    VR: <second guy> Thanks a lot Mika

    VR: Thanks a lot for coming

    M: Good night

    Thank you, Melman 92, for a most brilliant and accurate job. It helped me understand parts of the interview that I wasn't sure I had heard properly.


    Talking about translations, have any French-speaking fans noticed how Mika uses the phrase 'en train de', which would correspond, in English, to a continuous tense and should simply be expressed in French by a présent or an imparfait ? I find these very rare and very slight mistakes of his rather sweet (who wouldn't dream of being as beautifully bilingual as he is !) but they vindicate his feeling of basically being a Brit, even though he is a bit of a mongrel.

    Brought up as he himself puts it like 'a little Parisian mutt', I could swear that when he speaks French his voice goes down a good half octave as if, using his childhood language, it were slightly breaking back. But perhaps I am just imagining the whole thing? In which case, please let me know : I am obviously being sold very bad dope and should urgently find myself another dealer...


    So long,



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