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marie-andrée de rougemont

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Everything posted by marie-andrée de rougemont

  1. You don't say ! I am sure even the Larousse can't make mistakes about such a simple word... Sorry, still don't get you . Probably the language barrier, you being Belgian and I being French. Marie-Thérèse
  2. On the contrary we should thank you for starting it : then we can enjoy the vid and pics, all the time being self-righteous, tut tutting and blaming you for posting them. Such fun ! So, thank you ! Marie-Thérèse
  3. Yes, Saran I know, that a thread should be closed when an ordinary MFCer tries to post and then opened again when the adm wants to ... all the stranger as there is no double standard here, we all know that . Freddie, your belated apologies don’t surprise me. It was just a matter of time before you publicly apologised after being privately asked to. Even voluntary workers have bosses. Which they often tend to forget. A reminder from time to time can’t hurt. I always find it amusing to be allowed to do what I have every intention and every right to, as if I were just waiting for the mods and adm’s go ahead before taking any step. And your blessing arrived a bit late, like your apologies, as they have already been informed. As you well know. I didn't feel free to, I am free to. What I find interesting in your post is the fact that, once more, after a former PM where you acknowledged your mistake and expressed a wish to make up for it –strange ways you have to do that- you admit that my son, my mother and I are three different fans, which makes sense, physiologically speaking, so that the infractions you generously showered onto our accounts have to be cancelled and I here reiterate what I told you in a former PM : we want to have three different accounts –surely, even in these times of crisis, you don’t demand that families share one, as they share computers ?-, Marie-Andrée de Rougemont, Identicaltwin3 and myself ; I’ll think of a suitable alias and let you know. I am happy of the reopening of this thread to make matters clear about the post that triggered off your insulting, venomous and absurd post. Incidentally if your gran –may she rest in peace- is years gone, she must be past looking old. As I don’t for one moment think you would post after drinking heavily, more than you would go to a gig under the influence, I tried to understand. An intellectual’s curse : the need to understand :rolls_eyes: … My post was jocularly alarmed at seeing that you liked Mica's outfit and thinking it might influence yours which, apart from the bush hat I admired at SW, is much more subdued, good thing as only M can get away with his. I never one moment implied that given your difference in bulk, you would be wise not to dress like him, and it would sadden me to think you may have understood that. I am no figure bigot, one way or the other. As a matter of fact, I was fat once –I am not afraid of the ‘f’ word-, didn’t feel comfortable about it so did what it took to become slim, even if it meant adding a few lines to my face. But I don’t despise larger people now more than I envied thin ones then. Actually I find well-padded men very attractive . I publicly ask you here, if you ever catch me making fun of people's weight, to shoot me, please... tempting ? Marie-Thérèse
  4. Did you notice the guy in the yellow Lacoste shirt, thirtyish, well-padded, was there with the wife and kid, second row so in front of you, slightly to the left who shook it like mad for the whole concert ? He made me feel happy. Even happier, I mean. Talking about the concert, has a set list been posted here ? I seem to be unable to trace it. In a report, maybe ? No, what I wrote about you was off topic, and I was bowing to Kata, I think, for being interested only in music, not gossips and the gutter press... it's is just that as I am so often sarcastic, when I am not I feel I have to warn people ! When I was a teacher it was the same : I would compliment a kid on his answer, or his behaviour and he would look at me, thinking very loud : 'OK, here she is pulling my leg...'. The story of my life : completely misunderstood ! Marie-Thérèse
  5. The closing of a thread is always embarrassing as you can't answer the latest person posting on it, seems a bit rude... So here is my answer to your last post on it :




    Not threats, no, just reminding the mods and adm that not abiding by the FC rules is likely to backlash.

    'Idle threats' didn't convince the adm to lie low in this instance. Warnings did.

    I don't judge people on what they say -sometimes repeatedly- but on what they do, often behind the curtain.

    I don't particularly want to be credible here where nobody is family, co-workers or friends, even though I have developped some warm feelings towards a few MFCers, strangely enough none of the petty or sanctimonious ones. That's what's so lovely in such a large community, there are many very different people -although the word community makes me a little uncomfortable.


    Call me superstitious... don't you think that all that unpleasantness is a way for the gods to punish us for starting, and posting on, a thread about stalking :wink2: ?



  6. Sorry, dear, unable to understand your post... you should really get rid of that Larousse, it disagrees with you. M.-Th.
  7. I'd love not to read about my family in the threads, I have repeatedly reminded people who tend to unhealthily focus on us of the fact that this is a Mika fanclub Unfortunately neither the mods nor the adm seem able to do so for long, probably because they won't admit that there accusations of multiple accounts had no foundation. Although Freddiesdouble did admit it in a PM a couple of weeks ago. The point is that now, after posting again a hallucinatory message and having been privately warned, the adm is lying low, which is a result. Let's hope he'll set an example, which would be a first. He is more often tut tutting about other MFCers' fending. I don't think you have to believe that a FC is important to be part of it. The forums are useful. Other MFCers can be give me useful information, I can in a more modest way give them some too. I don't expect more. You can be part of a FC without being an activist, I suppose. Marie-Thérèse
  8. What is unbelievable is not that he should say it, after all that might be a few PC words thrown at fans, the American way, what is incredibly touching is that he was just expressing his true feelings . He doesn't only love to be admired , which, considering the job he has chosen for himself -or which has chosen him ?- is only natural, he also loves to be loved, which is good because he is a most lovable person . Marie-Thérèse
  9. There were beautiful people in that luxury hotel this week-end ! SL and MF, whose new affair has caused quite a stir on the Internet, shared a room at the George V last night. Among the hotel guests was Mika, who took advantage of his mini-tour to treat himself to a room there. Last night the singer did an acoustic show at the Cirque d'Hiver, in Paris XXth arrt. The mini-tour gives a fore-taste of his second album to be released in September.
  10. Tentative translation : After doing his circus on the Bouglione ring, yesterday evening and the night before, and singing some of the new hits from his new album, 'Songs for Sorrow', Mika only needed the rest of the night to recover from his gigs. Before getting back in the saddle again, with a smile on his lips ! It's in a flamboyant outfit that the singer left the luxury Hotel George V, in front of which... a scooter was waiting for him ! Limos and big saloon cars, not his cup of tea. Mika favours what is the most convenient way of negotiating the capital's street, without attracting attention. He might have nearly succeeded, had not his sweater been so eye-catching. I am sorry, 'tout ce cirque' means 'all that jazz' so it is a bit derogatory and I was unable to render it. Come to think of it, given the kind of newspaper, they probably never thought that far... Marie-Thérèse
  11. We reallly are devoted and dedicated fans, all of us worrying about Mica's bum reaction to long scooting around. He is lucky, we are very special people. My command of the English language is very poor and I am wondering, now, if 'fantasizing' wouldn't have been more appropriate than 'worrying' ... And anyway we shouldn't be worrying too much : from the George V to the Cirque d'Hiver it is at most 15 mn's, very likely less as CL seems to be brilliant on a saddle . M.-Th.
  12. I don’t think that the MFC -rather dismissively referred to as ‘the forum’ by Mica’s people- is very important. It is very useful as it allows fans to share information, pictures and videos, although I must admit shamefully that my mother and I have been often been on the receiving side. That is why it was I was so anxious to post the video of the Beirut press conference because it is the only footage that has been circulating, local televisions only showing very small extract of it. I was very privileged to be admitted and happy to share that privilege with other members. Fishing for information ? Sorry, I won’t give her name, unlike you who flash them around. She doesn’t appear in gossip columns, is content with working in the big man’s shadow and doing a beautiful job. Some people don’t flirt with the spotlights. You seem to find it difficult to understand what has actually been written in posts you are reacting to. Language barrier ? I never told Niki to mind her own business and not intervene as a mod, I was responding to her offer -witty in her eyes I suppose- to lend me her dad or one of his lawyers friends. Her dad who, given her own age, must have been long superannuated. Surely it is all right to joke about MFCers’ age and their elderly parents, as it seems to be allowed to the administrator ? As we all know, there is no double standard on this forum . In the same way, I know that Mica has family and friends who would be delighted to photocopy a document for him, to say nothing of his shoe shining guy who would feel promoted. Better still, I am sure the ‘boy’ can do it to, I have been told that they teach them how to photocopy documents in kindergarten… Furthermore, and strange as it may seem to people who think of him as a pampered nonentity, he can and does write and send letters. Abiding by the French rule, which the Lebanese middle-class have adopted, he always writes his personal letters by hand. His is a beautiful, flamboyant, nervous and slightly overwhelming writing. Much like the man himself I suppose. Still he is also very charitable and so wouldn't like to be instrumental in shattering some MFCers' delusions, hallucinations or fantasies by giving them proof that Marie-Andrée de Rougemont is a bona fide member of this forum. Living in denial must have some advantages and give pleasure or nobody would chose to. Marie-Thérèse
  13. Sorry ! But as they say in schoolyards : 'She did it first.' M.-Th.
  14. Alors peut-êre que l'infantilisme est contagieux ? Dans mon collège un élève qui aurait insulté n'importe quel personnel, professeur ou agent d'entretien, de 16 ans son aîné, passerait en conseil de discipline une première fois, une récidive amenant une exclusion. Je suis navrée pour vous si votre principal(e) n'a pas la poigne nécessaire pour diriger un établissement scolaire. Est peut-être aussi contagieuse la paranoia -prendre pour une critique personnelle ce qui est dirigé vers une autre personne-... Mais ici je ne vois pas bien contre qui étaient dirigées ces insultes, sinon moi. Si je me suis trompée et que je n'en étais pas la cible, je suis prête à m'excuser. M.-Th.
  15. It's funny the way people who are different in age, country, probably culture, use the same words and phrases to express their feelings at their first M gig. Probably because he is universal ?


    The London gig was special, London ones always are with him, I have found.

    Why did I ever say that perfection is boring ? Maybe because it's true for me but there are a few exceptions to the rule and SW was perfect -and magical.


    His performance of Over my shoulder brought us up to dizzy highs. It was even better than the recorded version, technically and, needless to say, emotionally way beyond.


    Writing about it shatters me again...


    Glad you both enjoyed your first show too. As you said your husband did it to please you but then he got his reward, not only in your pleasure but also in his own.





  16. So you know what I meant when I was talking about the magic of a M gig... And London three times too ! I have been twice to a London concert, Brixton Academy and Sadler's Wells, and I think that there is something special there. Whatever he says about never really being at home as he is a 'mutt', I do believe that Britain is home for him.


    Still... uni versus a M gig and you chose uni ? You have to change your priorities, girl :wink2: !





  17. Exactly ! VB always looks as if she were sulking while actually she is in pain. In her CL shoes... Marie-Thérèse
  18. Would rather see Mica's, I am sure. And just looking at his shoes make my feet ache. Are you really all gagging for them or is it just a joke, a make believe fangurl thing ? Marie-Thérèse
  19. Vous parlez d'enfantillages ? Le message de Freddie était du niveau -école primaire- des insultes de cour de récréation . Mes élèves de collège sont mieux élevés, fort heureusement ! Marie-Thérèse
  20. I don’t remember asking the mods to intervene as I have often pointed out their double standard and have always been pretty sure –and it has just happened here to prove me right- that they won’t criticise the administrator for being insulting or rude on a thread. She will love being called ‘the guy who shines Mika’s shoes’ ; it might even amuse her. I know that middle age MFCers consider that a twenty-five ‘boy’ should be scolded when he misbehaves but I don’t put grown ups in metaphorical diapers, either Mica or my son. Incidentallly, I have often found that people who advise parents are the ones who either have no children or have screwed up their children’s education. Id3 admires the artist tremendously, he often finds the man, or rather the persona, horripilating, which in its turn sometimes annoys me. We agree to disagree, with respect, always. I am happy to see that you do accept the idea that Id3 is a real person, next step my mother. Whose photo Mika will certainly be happy to send a copy of to whoever asks nicely, but then they won't be anxious to see their wild fantasies shattered. I guess that Freddiesdouble, who must have been made to realise, privately, that he has gone too far, will from now on put innocuous posts on this thread. Marie-Thérèse
  21. Don't worry, as long as you keep off the liquor you should be fine... M.-Th.
  22. You don't know much about the law, do you, people don't share lawyers, they are like toothbrushes... unless you ... Very wise. Marie-Thérèse
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