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Posts posted by Miro

  1. Apparently the track they were talking about is called "Heartbeat Slowing Down". It's on their upcoming album, released this March.



    I wanted to ask you about another song called ‘Heartbeat Slowing Down,’ which has been referred to as “the pulse of the album.”

    We wrote that one during our writing trip to Maine. We were up there for several days and we had nothing, Ty was really worried that the well had run dry — natural things that happen every time we take a writing trip — but this one in particular worried him. I heard him say that with this song he had to dig a little deeper, as far as being autobiographical, under some things he’d been feeling about a past relationship. That kicked off this writing trip really well.


    I think we’re all in agreement that it’s one of the best songs we’ve ever written, and it might be the best song on the record. It’s epic: We had a lot of fun recording it too. We tried to emulate a British Boys Choir at the end of it. A lot of the demos we did in the bathroom and in the cabin in Maine ended up on the record of us just ‘singing like thisssss’ (Nick sings in a veryyyyy high pitched voice). In addition to that, we did the record with producer Greg Wells, who has done all of the Mika records. Mika actually was a British choir boy, so he actually came and sang a lot of the tracks on that song, and that was a lot of fun.




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