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Posts posted by Nezza

  1. What an awesome show!


    I showed up around 4pm (I'm getting too old for this queuing business  :naughty: ) and there weren't as many people there as I'd expected. There were tales of people arriving the day before (!!) but I expected a lot more to be there by the time I eventually arrived. I managed to get a spot on the right of the stage, fourth row in the end after some people ended sqeezing forward... But still, I never imagined I would have got such a good spot.


    The audience was very lively, and it made such a difference being in such a big venue like the Forum, it made the atmosphere much better than the last few Italian gigs. During Underwater loads of people had their lights on their phone, which Mika loved, and it was impressive seeing all the seated areas all around the venue lit up - Mika said he'd never seen so many stars in Milan. The one thing I did notice was that not a lot of people were singing where I was (which I also noticed in Cattolica and at the Fabrique gig earlier in the year), a few years ago in Italy everybody used to sing all the time, and luckily where I was standing there were people of all ages, so not just over-excited kids, so it wasn't just a question of age... But anyway. The #lamorefaquelchevuole signs that people had printed out were a nice idea too, they got held up during Good Guys. He did the three French songs, which to be honest I thought was a bit much, even though I love L'amour fait ce qu'il veux and Elle me dit...


    Chiara from X Factor joined him to do Stardust. I'm not a fan of hers, so I was a bit annoyed that she showed up. But they also did a bilingual Lollipop which I loved! Mika was translating the lyrics at the beginning of the song - he was saying how he doesn't need to have anyone's help to translate his lyrics into Italian now as he has an automatic translator  :lol: But he did get stuck a couple of times which only made it funnier. Then they broke into a duet, with Chiara singing Italian 'Troppe caramelle ti faranno male, l'amore ti deluderà', a very loose translation of the first couple of lines of the chorus. Having studied Italian myself it was a bit of a special moment for me.


    I loved the set, especially the caravan  :lol:  What kind of twisted mind puts a pimped out caravan on stage? And the shiny glitterball globe, very pretty!


    But the surprise of the night was the meet and greet afterwards! The first time in Italy for two years! I got dragged off by an over-enthusiastic German  :lol: all the way round the back of the building, where there were a couple of barriers and some people waiting. Eventually the rest of the MFC joined us too. And we waited, and waited,,, Then around 1.45 a tall figure with two dogs left the building and came towards us. He signed autographs and had a quick chat with the fans. He said how he thought his Italian wasn't that great, and I was trying to convince him otherwise  :lol:


    I'd also like to thank my taxi driver  :naughty:  I'm sure I'll think of more details during the day, but my brain's hardly functioning today!

    • Like 14
  2. Ma guarda un po' chi si rivede, la Nezzaaaaaaaa.

    Donna del Galles, ma infatti che c'entri con Londra? :naughty: 


    Dai che secondo me annuncia altro, leggevo nel thread dedicato che sta facendo molta promo anche lì, quindi c'è speranza, io sono fiduciosa!

    Temo che si dovrà aspettare un X Factor UK per spaccare di nuovo a casa, ma il ragazzo almeno si fa vedere nelle radio!


    Per voi italiani io sono inglese  :mf_rosetinted:


    Infatti, ha fatto un sacco di roba, programmi molto seguiti e diverse radio incluse alcuni nazionali, quindi speriamo bene.

  3. Io che vengo da quelle parti non ci vado  :lol: Quando ho visto che doveva essere un annuncio per i fan nella GB ci speravo tanto in un tour, o almeno qualche data, anche se lassù le cose non vanno molto bene. Non ha ancora fatto un concerto nel mio paese :( Ho visto in giro che qualcuno è riusciuto a prendere i biglietti, sarà sicuramente un bellissimo concerto.


    Ah comunque, ciao a tutti :naughty:

    • Like 1
  4. That was definitely the loudest audience I've heard, even though the venue was one of the smallest ones (possibly the smallest one bar the acoustic gig back in 2009) I've been to. The X Factor effect was obvious, the average age of the audience had dropped by about 10 years! As the others have mentioned, there was some pushing before the show started, and I was a bit worried about how it would be during it, seeing as there were just so many over-excited teenage girls everywhere, but there wasn't anything more than usual where I was.


    I rolled up around 6.30, I'm too old to queue anymore  :naughty: I got a great spot though, right behind the area for wheelchair users, so I even had a barrier to lean on.There were a few MFCers in that patch too, which helped control the pushing and shoving!


    I loved the show, Mika was full of energy and was loving the audience's enthusiasm. One thing that stands out from the show now is the new version of Popular, I loved the intro, it's stolen the drums from Lollipop  :naughty: It was great seeing the stars during Good Guys, well done to the girls for organising that, I loved the effect. My mouth actually dropped when I recognised Any Other World, that's always so beautiful live and I'm really glad that it got included. I must admit that I got very emotional during a few songs, I'm obviously out of practice!


    I was studying the new audience quite a bit during the show, comparing these new fans to how gigs used to be back in the day. Toy Boy as the first song in Italy didn't really work, or at least it didn't from where I was standing, as so many people didn't know it. And I actually saw someone trying to Shazam Origin - no joke! With what seemed like large parts not knowing other songs such as Blue Eyes it was quite a strange experience at times.


    A special thank you to the person who bought my ticket, as I was out of the country at the time. It was great seeing so many familiar faces after such a long time, and at an actual gig!



  5. They get along well, I think. Maybe it was only the first time and they will have to adjust something...we'll see. :naughty:


    Victoria does not seem as confronting as Simona was, and far less presumptuos. More, she's a lot funnier and ironic, and more competent. She's been a VJ for quite a long time. She seemed interested in the contestants and often asked them to play more songs, in order to know them the better.


    You're right, I always forget about that because I wasn't in Italy back then. What I meant though is that she's not a musician like the other three, she doesn't have the same experience. Maybe in one way that's good though, because she sees things from another point of view.

  6. Thank you so much for the reports..

    I wanted to ask, what about the interactions between the judges? Do they get along? What do you think about Victoria? I'm so curious about her.


    I like Victoria, I always have, but like Simona she's got very little to do with X Factor, and she doesn't go into as much depth with the contestants as the others do because she hasn't got the knowledge. They interact well with each other, and at least for the time being they get on very well, and no arguments :naughty:


    Roby, I've answered in the other thread :wink2:

  7. I've just woken up :naughty: I was in the car with Roby coming back to Milan and I got to bed around 5. I'd like to thank our driver who did a great job!


    I haven't really got much to add about Mika other than what Roby said. I understand where he's coming from with his mistakes, silly things will always happen no matter how fluent you are, it's still not your own language. I see things all the time in Italian that I don't understand, and he's been speaking the language a lot less than I have. Saying that though, his Italian's improved greately. What I noticed the most was how much faster he was talking compared to the auditions last year. He gets on well with both Fedez and Victoria, the four of them make a good team.


    It was interesting seeing the new judges, I must admit that I'm not as convinced as Roby is about Fedez though. I think I'm judging him too much on his appearance at the auditions last year, where everybody kept ignoring him! It happened a few times last night too, I don't know if it was because half the panel was new and they had to get used to working together. Victoria's great, I liked her a lot before X Factor, and nobody's constantly trying to pick a fight with everyone now that Simona's gone.


    The auditions were a very mixed bag, there's only a couple I remember that was really bad, and only one that got booed. There were quite a lot of groups, and quite a few musicians, including one boy with a harp who was amazing! Another one that struck me was an American lady, an opera singer. She'd been in Italy on and off for 18 years. It wasn't the right show for her, but it took some serious courage to to something like that in a language that isn't yours.


    It was a very long day, by the end of it I didn't even know what planet I was on, I was exhausted. We got there as people were going into the arena too, so it wasn't like we'd been queuing for hours. But finishing at nearly 2am is far too late, especially when we'd been told that it should finish at 12.30am.


    Now I need some coffee :naughty:

  8. Nezza: I don't know, I will have my car, so I can go every where, but I don't know how is Milan with a car... (just to keep my car at the hotel)

    So lets say, really close to Mila!


    The city with a car isn't great, and most people drive like absolute lunatics :naughty: There's also a congestion charge to get into the city centre. I don't drive myself so unfortunately I can't give you any personal experience. Have you thought about the lakes? Lake Como is about 40 minutes from Milan.

  9. News about the judges of XF8....


    Morgan is in, Simona Ventura is out.

    Simona wants to become a producer and she will start with Freeboys, the "boy band" from XF7. :mf_rosetinted:




    Oh, I'm so glad. There's far too much arguying on tv here, and I never understood what she was doing as an X Factor judge in the first place. Hopefully there'll be a better replacement...

  10. Grazie Marina x :huglove: Voglio venire qui in estate anche per continuare a pratticare l'italiano :blush-anim-cl:


    Ciao Raya, anche io ho imparato l'italiano, e ho avuto la fortuna (fortuna? :naughty:) di venire qua a vivere. Sei brava, continua così! :thumb_yello:


    Ciao a tutti comunque, ogni tanto mi faccio vivo :naughty:

  11. Niente, volevo solo dire che le parodie non mi piacciono perché io parlo così ed è una rottura di scatole :aah:


    Ero di buon umore prima, giuro.


    E volevo aggiungere che non so quanto riuscirà a capire del cinema italiano il ragazzo visto che io dopo cinque anni non riesco a capire perché il 99% dei film italiani dovrebbe far ridere.




    Buona domenica a tutti comunque.



  12. Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

    Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

    Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

    The key word of the night is: surreal!

    Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

    A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

    The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

    General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


    Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

    in the mud can grow a flower.

    That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


    I completely agree with Allegra, it was a pretty surreal experience. I know it won't mean as much to me as the Italians because I'm foreign, but the whole thing with Dario Fo was very special. Like Mika I'd studied his work in English because at the time I didn't know enough Italian, and it was surreal seeing a figure who I'd studied in uni singing with Mika. It was a great evening, I'm glad there were so many of us fans there!

  13. Ciao a tutti.

    Mi sono appena iscritta, ho scoperto solo ora che su questo sito c'è tutta una sessione in italiano...

    Sono contenta di poter condividere con voi informazioni, emozioni, eventi e tutto ciò che verrà.

    Vi abbraccio tutti (quanti siete?)





    Vedo anche una MrsBrightside in giro, ma quanto tempo! Ciaoooo!!

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