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Posts posted by pianogirlsammy

  1. Yeah. id just like an explanation.


    And im a little upset with the brulesque opening act.


    I mean, Ive waited so long for a gig to be all ages, and if i finally get to one i dont wnt some woman taking her clothes off infront of me and my mom (who WILL be with me) I mean thats just awkward for the two of us, and i dont see why it went on at LA (which was an all ages gig)


    I mean i saw those little grisl in the front of the icecream truck pictures with their bracelets all ready to go, and i kept thinking....wow, those poor things had to see that?

    Why say THATS an all ages gig? I mean...he PRE-announced it as all ages, and that opening act is just not right for the younger crowd to see.

  2. Im not trying to ruffle any feathers, or petition in any way. I just hope that this thread and all the people who feel the same as I do can perhaps get our boy to try and get some more N. American gigs which suit ALL AGES!


    So....for those fourplets out there, and all those who fall under the age of 18, alot of us are upset about the NYC gig.

    I know personally for me, I havent been able to make a NYC gig in the last two years, and was REALLY hoping to see him this summer. Im hoping if we get enough people to comment on this thread, perhaps we can twitter Mika, email him, or SOMEHOW get him to see it, and he will realize that he really should do some more N. American all ages dates.I mean, RAK1 had mentioned that there are alot of venues in NYC that ARE all ages, and some that have all-age friendly time slots.

    Im hoping that if enough people agree, he will understand that he needs to come back and give us another, all ages N. American set of gigs, perhaps more in NYC.


    So......whos with me? Come on fourplets, I know youre out there.


    -sAmMy ;D

  3. I'm just curious, I'm sure that there must be lots of other venues they could have got, that could have let under 18s in. Why did they pick one that doesn't?

    It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    We had a nightclub in my home town years ago, that did the occassional, under 16 evening, between 6 and 10pm, where the bar only had soft drinks on display.

    Could they not do that in this place?

    I am aware of licensing laws being different, but can't they do what we do here for special events, apply for a special license for the night?




    ahhhhh if only. I cant even beleive this. I am absolutely crushed.

  4. Well then....we should either all stop complaining or just close the thread. Thats what this thread is going to turn into. A whole bunch of under 18's complaining.



    So, anyone up to make a new thread:? Who know,s we get enough names to sign it, maybe hell see it.




    More North American All Ages shows

  5. ahh i cant help but be upset :sad:

    of corse the 18 thing is not good but the show is also on the day that i leave for my trip to Germany for 2 weeks!!!

    If he tours in the US when im away ill just cry this trip is really ruining a lot of stuff



    MFCers in germany im gonna need some comfort while there, no lie





    this is weird...... sheerah16, a very close friend of mine.....she is leaving for germany for two weeks the day before. That is very...VERY strange.

  6. Mad. Sad. Depressed. Spending money on Andrew Bird Albums. Thats all im doing today.

    Anyone feel like filling the position of angry under 18 year old on this thread? Becuase im totally done for now. Ive cried enough today.

  7. Sammy, Mika was in NYC in February 2008, just a little over a year ago.

    I'm just saying that you haven't been waiting for two years without

    "anything." He HAS been to NYC before, and he WILL be there again.

    Honest. It's one of the biggest, most important cities on Earth. He'll

    be back. You just need to keep the faith. :huglove:




    No, the code thing is still a mystery, Ruth -- we should find out about

    it next week.


    This New York City gig we're talking about here is completely separate. :thumb_yello:



    I know that. I couldnt make that one either. Let me promise you, I have tried to get to anything within a few hours of me. NYC is all my parents will allow.

  8. :sad:






    That's really sucky. I would cry too...He will be back again, though. There will be other chances.:wink2:



    I know....but its just....two years of this painful anticipation, checking EVERYDAY....EVERYDAY checking here and mikasounds for ANYTHING. And nothing. Its ridiculous.

  9. Now I don't mean to be a whiner here (ha. ha.), but I am really disappointed that I cannot attend the concert because of the age restriction. I mean, I promised myself if the gig was anywhere in the United States, I would be there, but then this little thing comes up. :hair:


    I guess the reason I'm running my mouth is--is there any possible way to get around the age restriction?


    Other than a fake ID? I mean, if it gets to that point...:teehee:


    Kira...think.....hes 45 minutes away from my house.




    Ive...never mind. It doesnt matter complaining anymore. Im in tears over here right now. :(

  10. Im not kidding. Im going to get a thread going to see if....i dont even know.....nothing is going to work.....i mean....but my heart is still broken. My entire was ruined. Ive wanted this so bad for so long :tears:














    Holly, youre so lucky you can go.



    I still cant wrap my mind around it. Hell be so freaking close. And I cant go becuase the stupid venue is over 18 only.

    And I know he wont come back to NYC. Why would he if he already did?


    Just tell me....why this ONE gig? My heart is absolutely broken.

  12. I am horrifcly upset about this show being over 18 only.

    I have waited for two years for a mika gig, and one finally comes. 45 minutes away from my house. My parents told me they would take me.


    And its over 18 only.




    I cried this morning. Its not fair.

  13. Ahhhh!!! I really have to study, but i want to stay here all day and wait for this email.

    With Mikasounds, nothing really ever comes on time though. Does it?


    Oh well......By the time this email finally shows...............








    :teehee: XD

  14. I'm sure they email you with it but your order number was on the email I'm not sure do u need that....


    did you mean the order number?


    Ok...i DONT have the original confirmation email, but i remember it saying something like that about 'redeeming for a special gift from mika' or something.


    BUT i have the order number.


    IM SO CONFUSED!:blink:


    I just dont want to miss out on sometihng that requires a code from the confirmation email if i DID order something... :(

  15. QUESTON: Where EXACTLY is this going to be posted? Like on which thread? Because in my school things are often blocked. However, most areas of MFC arent blocked yet.


    So if anyone could tell me exactly where this will be psted, i can arrange to check it before school of at lunch, so that it wont be blocked for me. Thanks ;)

  16. I was only watching her videos this morning!

    I really like her songs that she wrote and got copyrighted. :D



    Happy July:









    I can't get enough of this girl ;)

    HEY! I didnt even know this thread existed!!!!



    Just so you all know, I have three more songs which I wrote that will soon be up, I am in the process of copyrighting them.


    "Guess Who Doesnt Like You"


    "The Thing and The Professionals" -Very Toy-Boy, Lady-Jane esque feel XD

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