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Posts posted by Ankmet20

  1. You have just won my heart me dear!

    Beauutiful pictures!



    Just a few more jeans pics...:wub2:




    Hellooo skinny jeans!



    Always love seeing this one...classic shot... :mf_lustslow:



    One of my favorite, favorite Mika outfits. The jeans are amazing, and I think I love it so much because I have the same shoes and they're my fav pair! :naughty:


  2. Well I guess it's already too late to act like innocent sweet girlies.... So no need for that too, we can say what we want without ruining our reputation:thumb_yello:

    Same thoughts? If your thoughts go in the same direction of that previous mindreading-thing then yeah, same thought. Who's under that piano....:blink:


    how could we ever act innocent when we have pictures like that second one floating around?!


    edit: :P I didn't see that piano part till now...heh


    You're one of the devoted, true fans who knows what's what in the world of Mika. If you are looking at this, do message me, I'm a Mika-extremist and would love to hear from like minded people! Get the Mika lowdown at the official Mika fan club: http://www.mikafanclub.com




    scary. I am so crazy about him and his music and I have only known about him for a month! and yet I know all those answers...

  4. Me likes.


    Is it naughty to say that I think Mika looks...how do I put this...nice when he sweats? It is a bit isn't it?



    oh yes he does!!


    *foams at mouth*


    after looking at these pictures, I am DESPERATE to see him live!

    Oh Mika, please come to the US!!

  5. It's o so quiet.....

    Looks like it's up to us again Kaatje:blink:


    You've read that sex on a stick thingie yesterday didn't you? Now this is what a call sex with a stick (or sticks, but 'stick' sounds even more perverted)






    ahaha thats my saying :)


    though I in no way came up with it, but that is my general description of Mika..

  6. Yes I did. Haven't you read my message at the general chin wagging?:wink2:

    It really is one of the most beautiful cards that I've ever received, and it is really special to me, it means a lot. Thanks :huglove:


    Love his hair:wub2: And his smile, and his face.... Let's say I love him:naughty:




    Hello again! I see your going home, that is great!


    oo Mika...he looks so cute in mid laugh.

  7. Trust me, I was absolutely certain I wasn't going, even a few days after we talked. But when me and Sara talked about it, I think deep down we knew we were going to end up going.

    It's easy to say you can resist it, but when you are sitting beside him and he turns on the look, there is NO WAY you are going to end up saying no to him, and he is gently persausive (good name for album#2 Meeks?), like Sara said, he would just keep saying, "you're coming aren't you?" and "see you in Paris" but not forcefully, very very softly. That guy has the most hypnotic voices I've ever heard, no wonder he pretty much gets anything he wants!


    oooo lucky!! I wish I could see this gig, I am excited for the pics and videos though! for him to go all out on this too...ugh, damn you travel prices!!

  8. That is a big problem - the same people are at the doctors all the time.

    I very rarely go - only when I really need to - as, with a compromised

    immune system, it means I can end up catching a lot more germs just

    going to the doctors surgery!!! :naughty:


    you have a bad immune system too? You and Anouk eh? man, it just makes me happy to be healthy. you never really think about that until you know people who get sick very easily or are sick.


    yeah, the complainers are the people who cause docotors not to listen to us! I never go to the Doctors if I can help it, I just don't like the cost to go get some cold medicine, you know? So I only go if I know I can't take care of it on my own.

  9. Its good they got it out - and as you say its as well your Dad was there!!

    But they don't always listen to adults either - I have to fight for everything

    and now I print stuff out from the internet, and take it in to the doctors!!

    I saw a consultant a few months ago - and he was angry about the GP's

    who wont listen to the patients - and always think they have it right.

    Most of the time my doctor is ok - but sometimes I feel like I am banging

    my head against a brick wall. My neurologist is great though - and he writes

    to my doctor, and TELLS him what is required!!



    thats great! well I am an adult now...and going into the medical industry, but I will always listen to the patient :) unless of course they whine, and whine..lol some people think a lot more are wrong with them than is actually there.

  10. Glad you will be home soon Anouk - and your doctor will give you

    what you need. We DO know our own bodies - and WE listen to

    what they are saying. Glad you have a good doctor!! :thumb_yello:


    that is so true, often times today some doctors just do a minimum exam.

    Ooo I have a great example of this!


    so one time I had these really tiny earrings, and I went to take them out and I found that I coudn't, so I left it, because I had to go to school, but I kept trying during my first class, eventually I went to the bathroom and my friend went with me, and she looked and was like "OMG Kristine, its in your ear!" so naturally I called my dad and we went to the hospital.


    I got set up for a surgery, and so she removed the front part of the earrings, but there was no back in sight, so she felt my ear and was like "well I think it is all out of there" but I was like "no, seriously the back has to still be in there." and I had to tell her about 5 times to keep looking, but she was like "oh no, I think we are done" so my dad (who is a nurse) stepped in and was like "Just take a look." and so she did, and she found the earring back way the hell up in the top of my ear! (don't ask me how it got there.I have no clue.)


    its scary to think of what could have happened if she left a hunk of metal in my ear...thank goodness my dad was there, because I was younger and people don't listen to kids!

  11. :lmfao: I don't know why, but this made me laugh:naughty:



    Oh, I know persons like that. Aren't they annoying?:naughty:




    haha, yes they are. My friends are not into Mika so they just roll their eyes when I start talking about him/singing some of his songs..its really quite sad actually. but in 5 years when he is going to be HUGE in the US (I predict this) they will be sorry...mwahhaha!


    we just need to get him on the radio!



    his lips look very full in this picture.



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