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Posts posted by mauremika

  1. awww...dont feel dumb, everyone says dork without the intention of implying a whales penis:roftl:


    HAHAHAHAHA, alright... i do admit it.. the whale's penis... hilarous!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl: but still i think it's dumb what i've said.. but yeah..i speak english not very well :blink:

  2. Poohead? weeeeeeeell i kinda made it up but it means the same thing as a d*ckhead, except i didnt wanna say that lol. It just basically means "idiot" or a "pain in the backside".


    a DORK? The true TECHNICAL term is a Whale's penis, but when you call someone a dork, isn't similar to a nerd or a geek? Google it or wikipedia it lol :naughty:


    Excuse me for my english :blink: * feeling dumb*... i couldnt think of another word.. sorry ! :sad:

  3. see, thats the thing isn't it? From what I've SEEN of Mika, he seems to be my ideal guy. But of course we don't really know him, do we, really? He might be a complete poohead in real life :naughty:



    *totally agreeing* you NEVER know..

    we've never spoke him or something ( well, some people maybe did..)

    Maybe he's a totally dork or mean guy, but we HOPE he is as perfect

    as we want.. :wink2:

  4. awww..honey.

    Dont feel bad, that was just her opinion, you are still allowed to have yours, we know that this is all in good fun and that sometimes people set up unrealistic goals of being with someone that they know things will never happen with because somtimes it is easier to accept that sense rejection from them then it is to face real rejection from boys or girls your own age. I'm turning 16 on September 1st and I still have crushes, celeb crushes[mainly Mika] and just like real crushes it kinda hurts when they date people, but because I know that there was no chance of me dating him to begin with it is MUCH easier to deal with:blush-anim-cl:

    This is just another crazy thead on the MFC and I just want people to remember that and to try not to take things to seriously, we all know that Mika is a complete stranger, but there is nothing wrong with admiring him:thumb_yello:



    wow, -well, that's sooooo true, :wink2:

  5. It's ok, no need to feel bad anyone, but I had to say it you know? It had been on my mind reading the latest comments, and I guess that it's an important point that you forget when you're right in the middle of it...


    So thanks for being so receptive to it, I really appreciate it :thumb_yello::wub2: I thought everyone would jump on my throat, LOL!!


    It's great that you've said it, it had to be said! :thumb_yello:

    - Cause, i was also going too far hahaah, too many wild fantasies etc....

    This was making me think about it in a other perspective,..

    & Hellnooooo! it's your opinion &

    it's just sooooo true. :wink2: & i mean,... look how old we are!


    * read at your own peril *



    Ok, I have had as much fun on this thread as any other person, and I find it hilarious and know that it's all fun and games, but I must admit that the direction that the discussion is taking is sort of bothering me. I'll elaborate.


    It looks like this topic has made quite a few people voice their opinions on how they view Mika, and it's highlighting the feelings of posessiveness that some have towards him.


    Many people have said that they would be sad if it was confirmed that he's going out with Adele, or that they would prefer it if he's actually gay and therefore they would find it easier to deal with...Others have just attacked her for the sake of it (and obviously becuase they think that she may be with him), and others have said that "he deserves better". This just makes me wonder about many things.


    I do know that many people posting this are quite young, and I know that they may not fully realise what they are saying, or change their minds later, but I can't help but think that this is taking a far too fantastic tint.


    Some people have even spoken about "competition" if he goes out with women. I'm sorry, but what competition exactly? What makes you think that he'd go out with you if he had the chance? I really don't mean this in a nasty way, but I think that we need to get a grip on reality here and realise a few things:


    None of us actually KNOWS Mika. this means that maybe, if you knew him, you wouldn't want to go out with him either.


    How can we claim to know what or who is "best for him"? We don't know what he's looking for in a partner. Why not just leave him to it?


    Mika himself says that he doesn't want to discuss his private life. How would he feel if he knew that people now are dissing someone who is possibly his good friend, just because they are jealous of her?

    And more crazily, jealous because of some unrealistic idea that "they" may someday have the chance to get together with him?

    Wouldn't this make him feel angry and sad?


    Do we really want to be fans like that, that have abnormal and unrealistic personal expectations of him? I don't think so. Or at least I don't want to be part of that movement.

    We can expect what we like of him when it comes to his music and performances, but we can't expect (or demand!!!) that he comes out explaining and clarifying if or who he's dating. Please, can you see how mad this is?


    And if he comes out and says "yes, I am with her", then what? You'd be even more unhappy then (as some have already said) so what is in it for you?

    I really think that some people should try and re-arrange their perception of him, realise that he's a stranger and a distant, untouchable prospect in a romantic sense, and try and move on and focus your romantic attentions on real life boys. It's much healthier.


    As I said, I'm not saying this to be nasty or to bitch against anyone, but I really think that we should start cutting all this posessive craze and get back to reality.



    Yes Yes... you're right, :thumb_yello: i agree in many parts of it..& sometimes you need to go back to reality. Really didn't notice that!,

    Anyways, * feeling bad * , and we have to stop overreacting in a bad way..

    well said!

  7. I LOVE U PPL!



    aw yes yes yes it d be...no one is georgus as mika,corse!




    aw lucky u:naughty: thx:huglove:



    *join crossing fingers*



    HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU PEOPLE ARE JUST... GREAT! love this thread... this forum.. this WHOLE FANCLUB! :mf_lustslow: Keeep up the gooooooood work :punk: - 'CAUSE WE ALLLLL LOVE MICHAEL HOLBROOK PENNIMAN! -



  8. to meet and greet with him would just be the best moment of my life :thumb_yello:

    i hope there are more boys like "mika" in the world' date=' i hope hey will be more my ag as well, although no one will be anywhere near as gorgeous as mika :thumb_yello:






    Yes,... that's true, he's just the BEST. & gorgeousss mygod.. :mf_lustslow:

    * joinsalsocrossingfingers!*

  9. aw u r sooo wrong...u heard 4 this?-"younger-sweeter" and "10 years in marrige is nothing" I THOUGHT THAT WAY!:wub2:I STILL HOPE,..:wub2:


    AHHAHAAHAHHHA! - if you think in that way! it IS possible..

    There are still miracles in this world haahhaha.

    & if he is 26.. then i'm 20 almost 21... ahhw it's nothing! hahaha u go girl! :naughty::mf_rosetinted:

  10. lol you have more chance than me' date=' im 14 :(

    still like you said, dreaming IS allowed:thumb_yello:






    Ahhwww.. wel, we'll keep DREAMING!

    - & maybe there are more boys like 'mika' in this world, ( I HOPE SO :mf_lustslow: )

    still hope of a meet & greet with him.. would be awesome.. :wub2:

    haha, Yesssss. indeed! loooooooooooooool

  11. hahhahahahaha, great thread is this!

    I think it IS possible.. if i read some things in this thread,

    Or also surfing on the internet helps :naughty:

    In a interview on the Brit Awards 2008 they look

    a bit close.. but i dunno! Hard to tell, 'cause they both

    want to keep it all private..

    Also i have read a interview on the internet, Adele:


    ''I've been seeing a guy for the past year but he is very shy'

    ''He hates all this showbiz crap. I'm not telling anyone who he is

    because he's very private and wouldn't like it, but we are very happy.'


    hhmmm.. hard to tell, anyways, i hope IF they are together, or have 'something' they're happy! ( still hoping he's single...:wub2:)



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