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Posts posted by mauremika

  1. My 'art'.. It's not very good.. But I'll post it anyway :wink2:







    LG was my first, then BB on the sofa, then the GK thing, and the last one I did was the 'MIKA' in letters.. I hope you like it :wink2:




    omg, i didnt see those!! :wub2: but now i see, they're lovely& your a good drawer :blink: Love the colours also! :wink2:

  2. Dank je :biggrin2:


    Ken ik jou al?

    (je sig is leuk btw)


    Nee, ik denk het niet! & bedankt!!! :wink2: hihi, ik wist wel dat deze thread bestond, alleen ik was er wat minder mee bezig.. :wub2: Maar nu dacht ik eens; laat ik eens meepraten, in een wat makkelijkere taal voor mezelf hahahaa. ik ben maureen iedergeval, & echt super dat deze thread bestaat! & die foto's oef, ze zyn wel érg leuk zeg :mf_lustslow::D

  3. :blush-anim-cl:

    woww :shocked:


    i really love it! very mikaish but at the same time very original! :punk:


    aaaahww THANKS A LOTT ! :wub2:

    it was a lot of work though, & i had no scanner, so i had to take a photo of it.. but anyway thanks again!! :wink2:

  4. Well then, you haven't seen enough of my "art" to make that statement. Seriously though, I'll spend a couple hours on something that someone else could make look 10 times better and they did theirs in 20 minutes:roftl:


    I've posted some of my drawings: Mika and Billy Brown and they were pretty shameful in my opinion haha Maybe I'll draw something new and post it or something hahaha


    Hihiihihi. That doesn't matter! It's just practising over & over again, then it get's better and better in a shorter time hhehe :wink2:

    & im gonna search for your billy & mika, and thank you SO much anyway!! :wub2::wink2:

  5. No problemo. You are REALLY good at art. My "art" (if you can call it that haha) isn't as good as yours in any sense of the imagination:roftl:


    Ahhww you make me blush! :wub2: & dont think so! :wink2: do you have something, like drawing or something ? So i can see it :D

  6. I wish I could make things like that, really.. I made some things but not good.. I'll post them as soon as possible! :wink2:


    And.. how old are you?


    Ahwww, your nice! - And that would be great, really want to see something from you! I'm 16 years old, & you.. ? :wink2:

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