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Everything posted by Roxy♥Mika♥

  1. Y me quede solita otra vezzz NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  2. oOoOo... You have until 12?? Here only schools that want to have 12... that's funny hihihi
  3. Well in here its primary from 1st- 5th and high school from 6th-11th
  4. OoOoO well thanks!!! But so far school has been great... I hope it's the same in 8th!!!!
  5. Me parece muy bien... te cuidas!!!! En 5 dias veo a mi queridisisisimo "primo"
  6. Pero hasta ahora lo has hecho muuuuy bien!!! jijii
  7. oOoOobvio que siii!! yo te mando coasa a ti y tu ami jejejejej no mentiras eso es muy ridiculo... (lo siento tuve que hablar en español... se siente raro hablar ingles en el colombian jijiji)
  8. Thanks!!!!And I am a baby mika lover... hehehe... At least I'm sure that I will be in the same class with my best friend!!! Why was you 8th grade so bad??
  9. OOOOOO sooo cute...And he can wear those big sunglasses to make the complete look... hihihi
  10. OOOOOOOO That's soooo coool!!!! I didn't know that!!!
  11. Well I hear it is!! I'm going to start 8 grade on August 28 and it creepy cuz this year all the teacher are new!!!!!
  12. Helloooooouu!! Hola!! how are you??? jejejej como van...
  13. OK guys I gotta go but we'll talk later!! good night!!
  14. I'm sorry... I just copied your ziggy... I couldn't resist!!!! (I've been dieing to post that fish sorry! )
  15. I'm sorry... I just copied your ziggy... I couldn't resist!!!!
  16. OMG!!!!! THAT PICTURE IS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M IN LOOOOOVEEE!!!:wub2:
  17. This year I looked as if I had just got out of bed!!! It was horribleeee!!! But funny
  18. Yey!!! me tooo!!! Once I was walking with my friend and she sliped over and fell backwards. I started laughing histerically... nothing happed to her obviously cuz if it did I wouldn't be laughing hehehehehe
  19. mmmm .... actually I prefer the... TASTE!!! It's soooo salty... yummy Do you like mustaches?
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