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Posts posted by lala_lollies44

  1. Yes! He really stared at us at the beginning, and said "these cost $xx each, they're really expensive, so don't feck it up. If you don't think you can do it, don't do it. Ok, come with me, let me show you how..."


    Just a little intimidating. But Mika showed us exactly how he wanted it done and Yasmine was checking our progress all the time and giving us tips on what to do. It was really very easy... and I don't think any of us were willing to skip it even at the risk of messing it up. After the first 5 minutes it wasn't intimidating any more... we were having a good time. It felt like a giant craft project... the floor was covered in plastic sheets and we were wearing garbage bags. The band was rehearsing at the other end, so we were listening to the music, and every so often Mika or Mama P would dance, or Mama P would say "oh this is my favourite song". Yasmine was very sweet to us too... they were all incredibly nice and appreciative of our time.




    That's amazing. :wub2: I cant get enough of these stories. :fangurl::teehee:

  2. Yes he gave us a speech before we started about not doing it if we felt we couldn't because he didn't want them to get ruined. It was a bit nervewracking because at that point I didn't even know exactly what they were going to ask us to do and I'm not artistic either.


    You don't want to walk away and miss out on the chance to help but at the same time you don't want to ruin Mika's set while he's watching. :aah:


    Oh my, that does sound nervewracking! I probably would have tried and then ruined it. :aah:

  3. Lucky... I have to go to a sports collage school, so if we don't like it we're stuck with it being forced onto us has it's the only school around for miles which you don't need to pass an exam to get in..


    I worried I may chicken out to skip class but I must do this... If Mika can and get away with it (well he didn't he got detentions but so did I get a detention in P.E last Tuesday which I should not of had) So should I be able to... Long as my mum don't find out, I should be fine! :blink::thumb_yello:


    Night! :bye:


    Good night, and good luck skipping! :naughty:


  4. "Do a Mika" means skive from your P.E/Sport lessons, he said he used to climb on roofs and read comics. Well I'm too short to climb my school's roofs so I'm hiding in the girls toilets with one of my friends tommorow hopefully.. :naughty: Mika should not say things that will give me bad ideas...


    ahhh, okay, I see...:thumb_yello: I'm way too much of a chicken to skip class. :naughty: I'm done with P.E. though. We only have to take it for the first 2 years of high school here. :biggrin2:

  5. I need to get to sleep but I'm worried for one of my friends, I don't want them to something stupid... :sad:

    I'll "do a Mika" tommorow just to help them and talk to them but can I help them??

    What does "do a Mika" mean?

    It's just a step to left... Then a step to the rrrriiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhht !!! :biggrin2:


    put your hands on your hips

    you bring your knees in tight

    but it's the pelvic thrust

    that really drives you insaaaannneee

  6. Aw... Well so.. You have to do it... Com'on.... Write!! What are you still doing there?? Go girl! Go and write!!!:aah:


    Me... Going to bed... It's 4.30 am in Italy and I'm a really little crazy girl to stay up at this time..:roftl: So... Goodnight!! Oh and... Good write :bye:

    I am writing a little bit. I'm multitasking. :naughty: Good night! :bye:

    Procrastination Nation!

    I'm a notorious for procrastinating.

    I've got three papers to write for tuesday and I haven't started one. :roftl:


    I have a paper and a speech due Wednesday that haven't started plus a semester project which consists of 5 papers and a presentation that is due at the beginning of next month and I haven't even started reading the book that it's over.

  7. Oh my god, I KNOW! :lmfao:

    Gotta love it :naughty:

    I burst out laughing, and some girl next to me was like, "THAT IS NOT FUNNY!! THIS IS SERIOUS. IT IS TRUE LOVE!!!" :lmfao:


    Oh nutella is like a foodgasm of love. :wub2:


    Its delicious, even if it was spread on mika's feet, I would love it :roftl:



    I've never even had nutella before. I had never hear of it until Mika said he liked to eat it with spaghetti. Now a commercial for it comes on every morning, and I want to try it. :naughty:

  8. found it interesting what he said about twitter... so far i'd thought when he talked about the "going to the bathroom" thing, that he meant no one would want to read if he posted that - but in this interview it sounded more to me like he got fed up of his fans telling him via twitter when they were going to the bathroom and stuff like that. this, plus his remark about no secrets being left. he said in a recent interview that he likes to keep some secrets... and from what he said now he obviously has the feeling that he has to be careful that people don't get to know him too well via twitter - if that makes any sense...

    and he has a point there imo, twitter does get him a lot closer to us when he shares his feelings+thoughts about stuff on there - and i can understand if he gets the feeling that he might reveal parts of his personality by that, which he actually wants to keep to himself. :dunno:

    or do i interpret that bit about the secrets totally wrong? :blink:


    I don't think fans are telling him that they're going to the bathroom. (But who knows...:naughty:) I think he just means that some people announce every move they make on Twitter which is pointless.

    Like Perez...:naughty:

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