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Posts posted by agathaxxx

  1. Oh I already have!!!! I am totally obsessed with Twilight/Edward/Jacob all of it!!!!! GLAD I am not the only lonely one!!!! :naughty:


    am i the only, only lonely one.... :fisch:

    l LUV my siggy!! :wub2: and my avatar....rob looks so hawt!

  2. I LOVE that part!!!! And when she smells her hair -- cause she is afraid that she stinks!!!! :roftl:


    yeah! poor girl! :naughty:

    and the bit where one min they're showing robs face, and the next hes like MILES away from her, looking at her really weirdly! :roftl:

    have fun 2morrow, watching it 4 the 11th time!! :punk:

    i think its about time u classified yourself as an obsessive fan! :wink2:

  3. im watching twilight online atm, and its so FUNNY!!!!!:roftl:

    good thing they fired the director....hope New moon would be better (well, it would be anyway coz taylors gonna be in it) but yeah.....

    the scene in the bio lab where there's the fan, and bella sniffs herself...and robs face!!! :roftl::naughty:

  4. i read this somwhereeeee-


    As a result Lautner, who's just 16, may not get to play the role in the second movie. Rumors have been flying for weeks among those who care about such things, and even fans of the character had decided that baby-faced Lautner wouldn't be right for the second film. But now Entertainment Weekly, which has followed the Twilight phenomenon about as well as most teenage girls, is saying that Lautner will probably be on set come March. [YAY!!!!!] :toot: "Everyone would love to keep him. We all think he's the loveliest person ever," screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg told them. [so do we!!! :D]


    An unnamed "insider" also said, "'I'm very hopeful. We're not looking at anybody else.'' Even though Lautner didn't become quite the same heartthrob that Robert Pattinson did when the movie was released[thats prob coz he wasnt in it much, and he had weird long hair]:sneaky2:, it seems to make the most sense to stick with what worked the first time, especially since the CGI budget will probably be big enough this time to make Lautner look as convincingly hairy [hairy eh] :das:as he needs to be. Maybe they'll work on that vampire sparkle effect while they're at it. oh yeah, that too!]

  5. So far New Moon is my fave! It took me FOREVER to finish Twilight! I just wanted to keep seeing it in the theater! :naughty: But, I finished New Moon REALLY fast and I CRIED like I haven't cried in 7 years! And that was good for me! I can't wait for the next movie -- it is going to be SO tragically sad -- and good at the same time!


    awwww! last time i cried, was in Harry P :wink2:

    New moons gonna be (hopefully) wicked!!!! and theres more of Jacob too!!! :D

  6. Is this just your chill out corner then? :bleh:


    Any other obsession you trying to get rid of? :naughty:


    hmmm yeah, i guess!!

    i had a Mitch Hewer obsession (maxxie- skins)

    can you blame me?? :naughty:



    but thats about it! Twilight, Taylor and Mika! although i'll be getting into Harry Potter when the film comes out!

    OMG...is there a harry potter thread?? there should be :sneaky2:

  7. Lmao :roftl: Well technically they could just go in the cubicles if they wanted to, their choice if they want to be on display or not :rolls_eyes:


    I know it's bad, but I found it hilarious :roftl:


    the Josh &Amy thing or Mike?? :blink:



    or the toilet bit with mike and josh? :wink2:

  8. Omg the episode on E4 was sooooo good :roftl:


    i kinda misssed the beginning bit!!

    but i saw it from when mike and josh are in the toilet together....talk about awkwardness!!!!:naughty:

    sometimes im REALLY glad im a girl!! i like privacy! :roftl:


    josh marrying amy??? crazy child, hes too young!

    and poor Mike..... :emot-sad:

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