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Status Updates posted by ce_mika

  1. yes!!!! looking forward to seeing more pics!!!!!!!!

    i'm going for a few minutes!! to drink my cofee,then i come back!!!!!

    wait some minutes!!;)

  2. yes!!you're!!!!!!!.....don't accept Mika????...mmmm......how they dare???......i wish some day i could see Mika,and take a pic with Him!!!!! that's my dream!!!!!! i'll die of happines if it happens!!!.......a french friend of mine (Miss_lollipop54) went to see him, and asked him an autograph for mee!!!!!!!!!!!and he gave oneee!!!!!! when i saw it,i started crying!!....check it: http://www.fotolog.com/micekaci

    he's soooooooooooooo sweeet!!!! do u have a pic or something form that day????? i'd love to see!!

  3. ok! i'll let you be mean with my poor,gorgeous Rafa!!!:sneaky2:but just a bit!! hahahaha!!!:teehee:


    lucky girl! here, i have all the time to tell he's mine!! two of my friends fell in love with him!:blink: but i say them he's mine because i saw him first!! hahaha!!!!!....lol.....:roftl::naughty:

    i don't know if he'd come:dunno:, because the most of the fans (for not saying all of them) are my friends and family!!!! hahahaha!!!!:aah::pinkbow::lol3::lmfao: ....that's why i joined to this MFC PROMOTERS' project! i want to make him known here in Uruguay!! so that,we have the chance he comes someday!!!!:wub2::teehee:CROSS MY FINGERS!!!!

  4. i confess i enjoy being bad with RF! :das::biggrin2::mf_rosetinted:

    i'm sorry!!! hehehehe....


    Uruguayan radio disney's frequency is 91.9,but it's different in each country, you should found out which one is in yours.:wink2:

    yes! when i see his videoclips i stay: :drool: ....waiting when is he going to go out from the TV!!! hahaha....one of my best friend, loves GK's video and she looks at him very :das: ......and i say her: "look out,he's mine":chair: hahaha.... my mum loves RELAX,and my dad loves Big girl! so, he has many fans here! and all because of me!!!...i have all bothered with Mika!!:aah::bonk::roftl::roftl:

  5. thanks!!!:thumb_yello:


    i'm like you: when rafa made a mistake,i scream: "whatt??????", "what was you thinking of Rafa???","how did you do that????".:yikes:..i get mad:badmood:!!hahaha!!!

    but when he does excellent points (mainly against RF) i say: that's my rafaa!!!!:groupwave:....hahahaah.....my parents look at me like this::blink: ("she needs a doctor")....:aah::biggrin2:


    yes! i'm looking forward to seeing a Rafa vs RF match!!!!! it's priceless:thumb_yello:......i hope we come back at Roland Garros to take our prize again!!!:winner_third_h4h::das: ......and of course Wimbledon...."take this opportunity Roger until Rafa come back"...hahaha...:roftl:


    OMG! i've just heard Love Today, on radio disney,and it made me soo happy!!!!:groovy:

  6. hahaha!!!! don't worry,if you mention RF in the future, i'll look at you in this way::shun: hehehe!!:roftl::thumb_yello:


    of course i realised that RF is the best of the history,and he is Nº1 again (:sneaky2:),but i still prefer Rafa!:sweatdrop:...don't know why!....but you're right,when you say that R and Rafa's matches are the best!!!!!!! they know how to get us nervous, and keep us staying in a chair watching them!!!!haha!! although the Wimbledon's final last year,was the best match i've ever seen in my life!!! (*COF* and Rafa won :naughty::teehee: hehe).....


    i just hope my poor Rafa get well soon,and get back to the tournement again!!! in addition of the kneel's issue, his parents divorced!! that's why he was soo "out of the courts" when he played his matches!!:huh:

  7. hahaha!!! thanks for the comment in the pic!! haha! you know what i meant!!!!:lol3::lol3::lol3: haha!!!!!! but now you know that Mika and Rafa Nadal are my two lovers!!!!:fangurl::fangurl:

  8. Roger Federer?? hahahahha!!!!:aah::blink:

    well,i'll confess you something: i DON'T LIKE roger federer at all!!:teehee: haha!!!!i'm a big fan of Rafa Nadal actually!!!XDXD ...please does it really look like RF???:blink:nooo:shocked:...haha....well, but i'm really happy you realised he was Mika and not RF!:biggrin2::biggrin2::naughty: hahaha!!


    Mika is unique!!!! :mf_lustslow:haha! no one like him,you're right,is very hard to describe him, but for me he's just PERFECT! haha!:wub2:

  9. you're veery welcome!! ;)


    yes,Willywonka asked me for the pic,and i told her it was taken from that web,i asked to the web's owner where she founded the pic, but i haven't received an answer yet! anyway,Willywonka told me that she saw this pic on the portuguese thread some days ago,but then she didn't see it anymore. but after that, she told me that Cibele (i think) was the one who posted first....but the most importnt thing is you finally can enjoy it, and the rest of the MFCers as well!


    i'm fine thanks!! Btw i'm Cecilia from Uruguay!! Very nice to meet you!! ;)

  10. haha! me too!!!! haha! so "we're golden" won't be the exception!! ;)


    besos Bianka!!!


  11. hi!!! how are you??

    the pic is on mikagasmic,i posted there yesteray!

    here is the link:



    the pic,actaully i founded in a fotolog's page, from another Mika's fan! so i posted here then!

    hope i could help you!! enjoy it!


  12. i don't know why,i think that as soon as we hear the song,we're gonna start crying of happines!!! this long wait,is driving me crazy!!hahahaha!!!!!!

  13. HOLA!!:wink2:

    como estas?? i'm fine thanks!!!!!:thumb_yello:

    i love it too!!!!:wub2::blush-anim-cl: haha. saw it and fell in love inmediatly!!!!!:naughty:

    i also posted this pic on twitpic.check it out if u want! i saw this pic in a web page and wanted to share with the rest of MFC becasue i knew more than one,was going to look like this::mf_lustslow: hahahaha!!!!! as i did!!!!!!:teehee:


    besos Bianka!!!!! looking forward to hearing "we are golden"...can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  14. Hi Kate!!!!!! how are u??? after those gigs i think, you should be in heaven aren't you??.... according with the vids i saw, both gigs were absolutely fantastic!!!!!!

    and could you talk to him???...OMG! those days i've been so nervous, that even Juliana tried everything to calm me...she's so great!!!

    well, darling, i wait for news and reports ok????

    hope to talk to you soon!!!!!!

    love you!


  15. holaa!! soy la primera en dejarte un comentarioo!! que buenoooo!!!

    como estas vivi?? me alegro muchisimo que hayas podido unirte al MFC!! por lo menos ahora vamos a poder seguir comunicandonos mas seguido obviamente!!

    por suerte estoy bien, muchas gracias, feliz porque mañana no tengo clase!! XDXD!! al fin un fin de semana largo! la verdad que me viene barbaro!!! kiero un descansoo por favoor!!!!!! jajajaja

    espero q tu tmb estes suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper bien!!!!!!!!!!

    me alegro de verte por ak mikera!!!!!!!!

    tqm! bsts!!!

    muak muak!


  16. hello darling how are you??!:)

    today, in the morning, i saw in the news that some bodies and parts of the Air France plane were found! OMG! it just made me remember you and your country! it's just been really hard!!

    today, in my highschool a talked to my friends about all Mika's issue, and they got amazed with the things you did!!! :) they told me: at least you're not the only Mika's obssesive in the world!!! XDXD!! ....hahaha......


    i hope everything goes well there!!! hope we can talk veeeryy soon, can't wait for thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU MY FRIENDD!!!(L)



  17. OMG!!! this is a horrible nightmare!!!!!.....what a tragedy! i just think about the passengers' families, and imagine about how they're feeling right now!!!! they must be destroyed for this accident!!.....228 people???? my lord!!!.....don't know what to say!! i'm shocked!!!!.......


    well, my friend i have to go right now!!! tomorrow i'll send you a private message about all the details of the package!! ok??.....loooveee you!!! muchos besos y abrazos!! (a lot of kisses and hugs!)...and i hope nicer news might show up about this terrible accident! :( .....talk with you very soon!!!! ;)



  18. oh yes! i saw it on the news!!!!!...god...i saw your tweet today, but i wasn't sure if it was about the flight!!!! is that an important company??....i saw it in the mornig before i went to highschool, all the news here are talking about that!! wasn't from Rio de Janeiro??...i'm fine that anyone from you family was affected, but in the other hand, i think about the rest of the families which were affected for this tragedy! but what a mistery?? they just dissapeared!!!!!!!.....it's so "LOST"....can't believe....:(

  19. oh! yess!! you'll see him very soon! and it's not a dream!!!

    i hope one day i could say the same!!! right now, i can't stop thinking, he's in berlin singing!!!! my lord! i want to transport myself to the other side of the world!!! haha!! ;)

  20. hi kate! hope everything is fine for you! tomorrow'll send the "gift" iuuupiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. HOLA!! SIIII!! ojalaaa!! cruzemos los dedos, rezemos, prendamos velitas! todooo! jajaja!!!...un gusto conocerte, sabia que kizas no eras la misma persona, pero con probar no perdia nada..es más, ganaba conocer gente nueva!!

    un gusto conocerte! y si, a hacer fuerza para que nos visite de una vez che! que nos tiene completamente abandonadas!! jejej!


    bsts! Ceci;)

  22. hola! si yo tambien casi muero cuando lo vi! es mas fue una amiga de francia quien me aviso de su twitter...jeje....sila verdad que es muy lidno saber que ya somos varios los fans latinoamericanos, ojala no nos haga esperar mucho!!




  23. hola nati, soy ceci de uruguay...eres tu la que tienes un fotolog y twitter?? capas que me estoy re confunfiendo....si no es asi, un gusto verte aqui tambien, y si no eres nati a la que me refiero, un gusto conocerte tambienn!!!!! espero que estes super bien, y ojala hablemos más seguido!!



  24. hi cibele!

    i'm ceci from Uruguay!! according of what i saw in the mikasounds and twitter's thread, you're as shocked as i am about what mika said that he's gonna come to South America!!! iupiiiiiii!!! finally!!!...it looked like anyone noticed, and when i saw it i thought that i was the onlyone who "died" hehe....but i guess i wasn't the onlyone!!......nice to meet you!!!......wish we keep in touch!


    Love, Ceci;)

  25. yesssss!!! i almost died when i saw it!! mika pleasee come to Uruguay!! OMG!!!!!.....i'd die if i see him!!!!!!!!!....about the letter, i was thinking of send to you an e-mail for Mika, because i know a "live" letter is better, but it's a liitle bit expensive, anyway i'll check and then i'll tell you....thnks!!!....it's because i have so many things to tell him (logical things...not from an obssesive, i have to pretend i'm a normal girl hehe), to thanks him...i'm excited but at the same time i'm keeping quiet because i don't know if once he got it, he'd read it....i hope he would....:)


    well, my friend we'll keep in touch, as soon as i have notice, i'll tell you!!! lots of love from Uruguay!!! besouxxx!!!! muak muak!!



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