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Posts posted by Tayler

  1. You light the skies, up above me

    A star, so bright, you blind me, yeah

    Don’t close your eyes

    Don’t fade away, don’t fade away-




    Yeah you and me we can ride on a star

    If you stay with me girl

    We can rule the world-

    Yeah you and me we can light up the sky

    If you stay by my side

    We can rule the world-


    If walls break down, I will comfort you

    If angels cry, oh I’ll be there for you

    You've saved my soul

    Don’t leave me now, don’t leave me now




    We are young

    We are strong

    We're not looking for where we belong


    We're not cool

    We are free

    And we're running with blood on our knees


    We could rule the world

    On a silver platter

    From the wrong to the right light

    To an open stream


    With a crash and burn

    We could make it better

    Turn it upside down

    Just you and me

    We are the dream

    No other way

    To be


    I love this whole part ^^ But I always hear :


    'We are the dream,

    Don't walk away,

    From me'



    :dunno: Now I hear what you wrote, but I prefer 'Don't walk away from me'


    :huh: It sounds more Mika-ish that way :huh:

  3. Hello all :biggrin2: Erm, I know it's a bit cheeky to ask, but could anyone help me with my homework ? I know I have asked before, on help with a test. You correct my words and after that all I had to do was revise ( by the way, I got 100% on that test, thank you so much!).

    I was just wondering if someone could correct this piece of work for me :teehee: It's a (fake :naughty:) food diary. But it's supposed to be in the past and I have seemed to mixed up the tenses :lol3: There's also a little english as well :huh: It's ok if you can't but if you could just help me with my mistakes, I'd be really grateful :biggrin2: Thanks a lot :biggrin2:





    Á un petit dèjeuner, au lieu de nourriture, Je bu du thé.

    J’adore du thé est très dèlicieux.


    Á dèjeuner, Je manger une salade avec un chips, et Je bu l’eau.

    J’adore une salade, mais l’eau c’est ennuyeux


    À le dîner, Je manger de la pizza avec de la poulet et du ananas. Je bu la limonade.

    J’adore la pizza et la limonade! C’est assez sucré




    En premier lieu, je manger une pain grillé et je bu du thé.

    J’adore une pain grille avec du thé.


    Dans le temps Je manger du pomme, du chips et du chocolat.

    J’adore du chips et du chocolat, mais, c’est malsain. Je bu l’eau.


    À le dîner, je manger viande avec des légumes. C’est vraiment ennuyeux.





    Á un petit déjeuner Je manger des céréales et je bu du thé.

    Je n’aime pas des céréales avec du lait. Je manger des céréales avec l’eau.


    Puis J’ai mange un sandwich et un yaourt. J’ai bu un jus d’orange.


    À le dîner, J’ai mange du viande avec des légumes. It’ s called ‘ Goulash’ in english.




    Je vais ne jamais fumer. Fumé c’est très malsain. Je trouve fumé c’est vraiment honteux.

    Aussi, je vais boire souvent l’eau et je manger beaucoup de légumes.

  4. Hold the press...


    Guys, guys, guys, another we are young, teenage dreams again...


    I ain't young, i iz almost 40, i cannot sings those lyrics in a gig if he happens to sing it in one...


    Mika, we need a Goldlings version of these lyrics, lad...



    We're not young

    We're not strong

    And this is not our kind of song


    We're not cool

    We use diapers to pee

    If we'll jump higher it'll get down our knees


    :lol3: That's amazing! :lol3: Brilliant lyrics :lmfao:

  5. i hear that term often when kids are at that funny age where they are not attracted to the opposite sex yet & can't be bothered with them. it's easier to explain by saying "boys have cooties" :naughty:


    :lol3: That's true . Mostly girls use "cooties" as an excuse not to go near boys because boys are gross :lol3:

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