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Posts posted by Elmindreda

  1. wow! really? who does he play? :biggrin2:

    His name is Matt Moore. He was on an episode in the first season in one of Jack's flashbacks. The one where Jack's dad was operating after he was drinking. Matt played the guy who Jack had to tell that his wife died. You couldn't really see him in that one. Then in the second season he played somebody in one of Ana Lucia's flahsbacks. He was the guy who was arguing with the lady with the baby, and he threw a tv out the window. He also looks like Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler even thinks so. But I think they tried to cover that up a little in Ana Lucia's flashback.

  2. I am watching LOST right now. Since I've had loads of time to burn recently I just finished the first season in about 2 and a half days. So I finished the first season and started the second season both today. I don't expect to get through the second season before I leave Friday though. I wish I could get through all five! Is the fifth season still online? I think it is. I can't wait until the new season starts! Well, I'll quit rambling now.

  3. Aw! I hope everything goes well!

    Thanks. I'm sure everything will' date=' it's just that I haven't given myself free reign to think of college before now. It's so close, yet it doesn't really feel real yet. Today I felt like I was skipping school because I was all alone at home while my whole family was at school (my parents are both teachers).[/color']

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