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Posts posted by nana06

  1. Don't you think that the fact that he likes Mika's music and that they are similar means that he's trying to be like him? I can tell that his music is not at all like Mika's but I'm scared that everyone will start comparing him to Mika too much. Apart from the hair they're not that similar are they?:shocked:

    Today I was in a shop with my friend when the video for wake up came on and my friend said "He reminds me of Mika with the colours and everything." I wanted to scream because it's so frustrating that he is compared to someone with a completely different style. Mika is Mika and that's it.

    Sorry to write such a negative comment :thumbdown:

    What do you MFCers think? I'm lost.:boxed:

  2. Ok so as you can probably tell I am new to MFC. However, I have been a Mika fan for a long time and only recently discovered this site:wink2:

    I just can't get enough of him and his music and am so glad that I'm definitely not the only one >.<

    This is my "Introduction Thread" although I haven't really introduced myself. But I don't think anyone really wants to know much about me!! I speak french although that's not too interesting... Just thought I would make this thread anyway.:cheerful_h4h:


    NAna ^__^

  3. Does anyone have any idea about where to find the interview (a vid) in which Mika actually pronounces his name Michael as Mee-kah-el or something like that?


    I saw it loooong time ago and after that I couldn't find it anywhere!


    He pronounces his name like that in this video at about 2:03

    Hope that's what you were looking for.

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