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Posts posted by Greyceli

  1. This is my London gig report:


    I was the first person to arrive at Sadler´s Wells, at 3:00 p.m 5 hours before the show. The fact that I was finally going to see Mika in person after 3 years was still so surreal to me I was ironically not excited. I was so surprised that I didn´t have butterflies in my stomach or anything like that. When we (my two cousins that took me) arrived, an instinct made me open one of the doors next to the elevators just becuase. No reason at all, really I just felt like I wanted to go inside. And then guess who was in there.....yes..MIKA. I had just entered the stall area of the arena, stadium, or what else you want to call it. What I felt when I saw Mika sitting on that piano talking into the microphone is undescribable. The second I saw him I burst into tears and immeadiately covered my mouth to not make any noise. I sneaked in a little more and sat on one of the stall seats, just staring at him rehearse. I saw the entire set of the show and he was still wearing his normal clothes, big pants and a t-shirt. There was a few people there, but nobody saw me really. I saw Cherisse at the drums and ES DEVLIN!!! which I couldn´t believe because she is such a talented woman and I admire her so much, she´s so tiny.


    Both my cousins were outside the door cracking it open a little to look inside very quietly. A few minutes later, a lady came and told us we couldn´t be in there. I should have stayed but it was obvious I was with them. I covered my mouth with my coat and the tears just kept running, I had just seen Mika in person. He wasnt a photo in my specially labeled Mika folder, or a video on youtube, it was really him,singing, talking, wakling, being beautiful. Those few minutes watching him were so incredible i was so extremely happy.


    After that we sat in some red couches that were in the lobby. I was the only person there for Mika´s show that night. About two hours later I spotted some MFCers outside and kind of felt relieved. More and more people kept coming as hours passed, I bought the EP and looked through it for a good amount of time. My feet were in unbearable pain because I refused to sit down for most of the time. THEN it was finally 8 p.m and doors OPENED!! Finally. I went inside and took my 11th row seats that have a very nice story behind them, and patiently waited. I went to the stage and put the framed wedding photo of Mika and I there.


    After the first performance there was intermission and I took my photo away because there was a lot of changing being done to the stage and I was afraid the cleaning crew would take it. The opening band, Blue roses, were really great and gave me chills. They played about four songs, then intermission, then a sneak peak of Mika´s stage set (which I had already seen!!!) then lights out and everyone sitting down. I wont go into detail about the show itself, but it was INCREDIBLE. I cried nonstop for about the first 15 minutes whilst simultaneously screaming out every single lyric of every single song. Nobody around me knew any of the words, so I bet i got tons of weird stares since I was singing/screaming and dancing/jumping in my seat. There was a point when everyone in stalls stood up, thats when i ran to the front of the stage, i was one person behind from the stage.


    I don´t remmember what song Mika was singing but I was singing along and jumping with one arm out to him with my eyes still so teary. He got close to the edge of the stage and looked at me and smirked because I was a wreck, then reached his arm out and grabbed my hand. How can I describe what i felt when he did that? I can´t.. it was that amazing. He is really gorgeous up close, and even from 11th row. The atmosphere was incredible throughout the entire show. When it finished, I was not at all dissapointed, I was so excited. I knew that wouldn´t be the last time I would see Mika, it was the best first time ever.


    The meet and greet was a fraction of the time it took to wait for it to happen. I was pretty close to the beginning of the que. I was freezing cold and my feet were numb but i held on to my EP and just waited as long as I had to. It felt like I waited for ages until Cherisse came out and i yelled "OH MY GOD CHERISSE" and everyone was cheering , she didnt walk down the que but I saw her from far, she is soooo tiny. After about another 10 minutes MIKA finally came out and that´s when my heart really started racing. My cousins were on the other side of the street waitting for him to come out so they can run over and take pictures. I could see his hair walking above everyone else´s heads. When he finally got to me, he seemed so overwhelmed and exhausted I didn´t ask for an autograph. I said to him " can I just have a hug? " and he said " a hug? sure! ", then you can guess what happened next. I hugged Mika Penniman. I never thought I would be able to say that and not be lying. I followed him down the que until I got close enough to give him the marriage photo that i printed and framed for him. I handed it to him and said " i made this for you ", he saw it for a bit and laughed (!!!!!) then looked at me and said " are we getting married? ", while in shock that he just spoke to me, I laughed and jokingly said yes. He used the frame for the rest of the que to help sign other people´s things.


    I am still digesting everything that happened to me last night and I know it won´t hit me until a few days. Im so thankful for everything . I came to London from Florida and all the effort and money and time that has been put into this journey was all for Mika, and he has made everything worth it. Even though he doesn´t know it, and he might never, he has made my life complete. This is so much more than " I love mika he´s so cute and talented ", he really is an enormous part of my life and the most inspirational person I have ever met. If i can tell him anything at all I would thank him for all the efforts he makes in his career, and thank him for being so devoted, and especially thank him for changing my life.

    The only real goal Ive ever had was to meet Mika, and I reached it.


    This was more of a personal report than an informative one really. Thanks for reading and thanks to everyone who was there last night because you all made everything so exciting and memorable. Especially thanks to all the MFCers who went, you are all so friendly and I really admire it. Thanks to Marie-Therese for being so generous. Also thanks to the tall blonde kid who jumped on stage first, that really made my night.

  2. Does anyone have extra tickets for the STALLS area?!

    PLEASE, i have Second Circle Seats and that is so far from the stage! I'm flying to london all the way from miami, Fl and the flights were such a hassle to confirm and ive had to reschedule about 4 times in the last month. I had to get the concert tickets at last minute because it took so much work to buy the flight tickets for I have exams right around the dates.


    If anyone can please help me. I have two Second Circle Seat tickets and I'll be in London from june 2nd to the 10th. Ill pay extra if necessary or a simple trade will be fine. My total payment was £59.20


    Thanks like a million times in advance.

  3. here's one: I really hate it when people tell me that mika is gay .


    I talk about Mika a lot more than anything else and sometimes people get sick of it and just spit a "okay get over it he's a fag" at me. it really gets to me. Even though Mika has never admitted to being gay, he's never denied it either and that just makes him seem more suspicious.


    ill love him for ever no matter what he decides to tell us or what he doesn't. If he ever says he is gay, I'll still love and respect him just the same even though 90% of all my hopes and dreams would be crushed.


    anyway that's it, i hate the ignorance people have towards his sexuality : (

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