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Posts posted by MikaMadLuke

  1. But...I cant believe we wont be able to know where he plays I mean...thats pointless... I wouldnt remain in a pub if the artist I wanna see is not performing there...


    Do you mean that its always like that?? Not knowing where the artists perform?? Not even the day before or something?? I WOULD LITERALLY DIE!!!


    Yes it's like that this year for the Arthurs Day celebrations, the other years you could just pay for tickets like a normal gig.


  2. I know. It's a pain. But as the voting for the venue for the top artists closes on 16th September we're not likely to hear anything before then. Unless of course it's all a cod and they already have allocated the venues. :sneaky2:


    I'm far too impatient for this! :sneaky2:


    Hope it works out for you guys and that you'll find out in good time where he'll be at. Gotta feel frustrating just waiting and not knowing :aah:


    It is... :banghead:

  3. I'm surprised by the release date for the UK. If it had to be a different one than for the rest of the world I would have thought it would be released earlier not later! What is their goal? (I'm not ironic, I'm really asking why you think they do that; I don't follow any other musician as closely as Mika, I've no idea how it's generally dealt with)


    Hopefully UK public will wait and not illegally download the album.

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