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Everything posted by musicstarlett

  1. Hey!! Thank you very much for the happy birthday. How are you? It's been forever! I've just bought a ticket for the London Roundhouse, Wooooo! (I know im a little late on getting it ha!) Anyway, I cant wait to see you (...and of course Mika!) :D xxx

  2. Thanks for the happy birthday :) xxxx

  3. I know you probably won't see this today, but Happy Birthday! Hope you're having fun x

  4. Ah, that would have been so cool, nevermind :) x

  5. Oh wow! Yeah that sounds like a great idea! x

  6. Hi! Oooh, yeah that sounds really cool...if you want to that is? :) x

  7. Hello :) Yeah its been ages...have been very busy, im well :) How are you doing? x

  8. Hello :)...wish i could go too, but ive used up my work holidays and just cant afford it :(...hope your well x

  9. Hello! Really glad you had a good time! Did you stay around in amsterdam for a few days? x

  10. Hello, i really cant afford to go to Eden :( wish i could tho. I hope you have a amazing time in amsterdam. Have you decided on a costume yet? :) x

  11. Hello, i was hoping to go but it takes so long to get there so id never get home in time for work on monday, and i cant really afford the it either :( I hope you get to go! Are you going to that european date you said you were thinking about? (was it amsterdam? i cant remember :S) x

  12. Hi, sorry you didnt get to meet mika in london, there will be loads of other chances wont there :) and no i wasnt a lollipop girl in Bristol, i dont mind tho. See you soon :D x

  13. Hello, sorry i havnt replyed in ages my internet is really playing up, wow! you were a big girl! was it really fun? what colour were you? wow :) I do want to meet up tomorow if thats okay...ill text you later if you like :) see you tomorow x

  14. Hello :)...am going to try! Are you ? x

  15. Okay thankyou for reminding me :) x

  16. Yay, okay, just after 3 at kings cross, i wouldnt have thought we'd be able to bring cameras with it being on tv and all. I wasnt going to bring mine. Cant wait, see you tomoro :D x

  17. Ohh, yay! I should think it would be, like i said before if you want me to travel up earlier and queue for us i dont mind. Its up to you, but three hours before doors opening sound okay to me :) did you want front row? x

  18. yeah, twas really good x

  19. Okay, it does look lovely. I can go earlier and queue for us if i need to, like you said we'll just see what everyone elses is doing first. :D x

  20. Yay! I can get a train that arrives in kings cross at 15.01, so ill meet you there. I should think we'd have time to eat, do you think we'll have to queue, looking at the pictures on the internet it looks massive :s ? x

  21. eeee! Okay, i can arrive whenever really, i can arrange that round you and we can meet up before yeah? and my train home can be either 11.15 or 11.45 :D x

  22. hello, im just traveling up on the day and back that night for work monday morning, x

  23. Oh wow, sounds amazing, im very jelous, I just watched tv. Looking forward to seeing you in Feb x

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