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Posts posted by tigerclaws95

  1. I feel angry my school is only open for KS4 students (such as myself) plus it's non uniform and I hate non uniform days.. BUT... I'm determined to cause trouble if I can with this evil plan I invented if it works and does mess up and gets me excluded/exspelled from school over it : DA CHICKEN SENDS THIS MESSAGE : COPY + PASTE THIS ONTO EVERYBODY IN KS4 - I have a ringtone on my mobile which says 'f*** it' .. I think it would be very suitable to send the ringtone around to everyone in YR 10/11/12/13 to set it off at a certain time ... It would be very funny plus fitting ..


    I know nothing of this existance... :mf_rosetinted:

  2. I've so many things but the one that stands out the most is when the day TBWKTM came out I rushed to Tesco (other supermarkets are avalible) and this was a 8:00 am before school and cos I rushed there I caused myself to have an asthma attack, nice... And the worst part they didn't have the album till lunchtime, so I had rushed there for nothing!!..


    So when the time I got to school, I was rushed to doctors cos of I was having an asthma attack and the inhaler they had at the school wasn't helping...


    My asthma is very bad, so I could of died if I wasn't rushed home from school. I've nearly died due to my asthma when I was little, I could of died because of Mika then.. :mf_rosetinted:I blame myself for rushing and I blame Mika for making too good music...

  3. Welcome - did I never tell you I was called Kathy? :blink::wink2:


    well i ain't got no twitter...:mf_rosetinted:


    No you didn't, well I don't think so... Hey Kathy! My name's Sophie!! :bye:


    well you dont really need twitter, just go to the site homepage and where it says sign in put in the username - MS (if you get me) and one of the 5 passwords and click to log in... As Aleksander the Meerkat would say "SIMPLES!"

  4. I'm getting annoyed, that boy is playing games with me now!!!


    He wants me to meet up with him on Thursday and then go to his house for dinner..


    He won't go out with me and he mutters and says things which mean no sense then he does this on facebook chat :


    " beg ur mummA! cya speak soon x "


    He's never used a kiss when saying bye, WHY now!?..


    I want to get over this boy cos I know I have no chance now he's playing games - tricking me, I don't know what to believe anymore... :mf_rosetinted:I'm just gonna try and find somewhere to stay out of town a few days so I can escape him

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