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Posts posted by tigerclaws95

  1. I'm feeling slightly worried....


    I got a message in my inbox from the boy I like saying that he needs to speak to me urgently. When I got this I thought probably it something to do with my work expierience, but I checked my school email about 10 mins ago and I have no reply back about my work expierence and so it leaves the reason why he wants to speak to me urgently down to one thing.. In the town where I live, there's gonna be a Christmas Parade and I know he wanted me to go with him. I said if the weather is rubbish like it normally is when the Christmas Parade is, I'm not going. He jokingly said oh so are you going to ditch me!? I know where you live, I'll come to your house!... If he comes to my house this morning I am dead because my mum will think there's something going on between us and I've been trying to cover up and lie everytime I go somewhere with him saying I'm going with a girl from school which is a friend of mine but not a best friend. I hope to God he doesn't come to my house or else I'll have to runaway or just crawl in a ball in a corner and hope to die!... :shocked:

  2. Hey, Mika's 6'4", so nearly EVERYBODY's short by comparison!


    That's very true, about 50% of people Mika meets or see are probably smaller than him.. It's kinda like 50% of people I meet or see are taller than me...


    Don't you just love all the shortenings and the secret language in here?:naughty:



    Like this one!


    "Because yknow PO'G used to dress up as Lily..":blink:


    Lily who????:wink2:


    Sorry for the shortening, I thought everybody would get what I meant.. Haven't you heard of Lily Savage?? :blink: Lily is a legend! I'm only 14 but I can remember watching Lily on the TV when I was very very young.. :)

  3. yup, although imo liking drag queens doesn't go too well with his opinions about short ppl vs. tall ppl. :teehee: anyway, I have never seen a drag queen that wasn't quite tall. :naughty:


    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!? :shocked: Is Mika against short people... If that's the case, that's not very nice cos I'm a short person..


    Actually has anybody thought he could possibly be having a drag queen party in the 'countryside' with PO'G???... Because yknow PO'G used to dress up as Lily..

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