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Everything posted by tigerclaws95

  1. I can't say cos I'm always b***hing about it on the MFC and if the school found out I'd probably get exspelled!... :naughty:


    All I'll say it's the same name as the town I live in.. XD

  2. I won't miss it, I actually can't wait to get out of there.. I hate school with a passion... Especially the school I go to..

  3. Yep, and time does go pretty fast... It only seems like yesterday I was in year 6.. :blink:

  4. Yep, the next year and half can determine everything! ;)

  5. I could ask my uncle if he could find me a small flat there, but I'm not sure how I'd be able to apply to go there if I live miles away from Bournemouth... Well I still have a little while yet at school, so we'll see what happens!.. ;)

  6. If I can find somewhere little to live there when I'm 16 I'll try!.. ;)

  7. I'm gonna try and see whether I can move there, if they do media there then I'm sorted!.. :)


    I would of taken Drama for GCSE but the drama teacher at my school expects too much for the drama students... They have to do so much work and they have to rehearse in half term, ny friend does it..

  8. It's a brand new course so they may not do it there yet.. And if that's the case I'm gonna be stuck in a sticky situation...

  9. Brockenhurst is an alright place but not spectacular.. I'll try asking my mum whether I can go to college in Bournemouth...


    Well a couple of weeks back I got told about this diploma course when you can study Media Production (which I want to do) and also can do performing arts in that course too.. Whether MK collage does it is another thing...

  10. My family live in all different parts there. I think I'm gonna be forced to go to Milton Keynes Collage but tbh all the courses there suck unless they get the diploma course I want to take before April next year..


    Don't miss me, I'm always here!!.. :)

  11. I feel I can class Bournemouth as a second home to me. Once I leave school I might see if I can move there to go to collage cos there's probably more oppitunity there plus I won't be alone cos I have family there.


    I'm never too far away from the laptop, I'm always around so you don't have to miss me too much! :)

  12. My cousin lived in Southhampton for a while, it is a nice place. I like Southampton. Bournemouth is nice too, alot of my family are there.


    Don't miss me, I'm back now!!.. :)

  13. I don't think is much to do anywhere, I guess everywhere is filled with pointless shops and just nowhere to go to have fun.. :(


    I need to quickly grab a bite to eat, I'll be back but if the reply back is a little late thats why! :)

  14. There's not much at all where I live, just a million hairdressers, small supermarkets, house agents and banks. We have one clothes shop in the whole of the town and the prices are insane there, no-one buys stuff in there. I have to go to Milton Keynes on the bus for stuff.


    Yeah sure!.. :) No-one should not have a valentine on valentines day, happy valentines day valentine!!..

  15. There only a small boots where I live, it sucks... Haha!!.. Thanks, I watched this yesterday but I'm gonna watch it again now... You can't get enough of the Meekster!.. Happy valentines day to you too!!... :)

  16. That's fascinating!!.. if I could buy one where I live I would... But has there is very limited shops I can't and I'm not allowed to buy online.. :(

  17. I don't think you can buy green lipstick where I live... :L

  18. But I don't like red lipstick, it gets very messy!!.. XD

  19. Okay Various hat it will be... Why the red lipstick tho??.. :blink:

  20. Umm... Shiny hats??..

  21. Yeah create a dress code which only MFC'ers will know! XD


    What could the dress code be tho??..

  22. Yeah I'm defo standing, but I mean the crowd is large normally and with hundreds of people it's not that easy to move even a single step if you get me.. Dress code, that sounds fun! :)

  23. I'm not that would work tho... The crowd is gonna be big plus I read that getting a good standing place at that venue is just down to luck.. You could be on the other side of the crowd to me... :dunno:

  24. But the date and time it's taking place is when we see Mika... If it works maybe they will do it again and we can join second time around! :)


    I've being reading the thread about the Brighton gig, doesn't sound such a great venue.. hmmmm... :S

  25. OH!.. I'm guessing your in the seats right? I'm gonna be in the standing zone... :blink:

    ..Do you think if I got to the front I could ask a guard to past on the message to Mika? Cos otherwise it seems unlikely we'll be able to find each other in that place...

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