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Everything posted by tigerclaws95

  1. What about Muno off of Yo Gabba Gabba, can't he be used as a subsitute?? -wind blows-
  2. He ain't online yet, probs won't be till tommorow now... AAH!! the tension kills..

  3. Hahaha, I'm not very good at translating French. I did French at school till the end of Yr 9 when I dropped the subject. My old French teacher said I was Mika, well if I were Mika wouldn't I be fluent in speaking French... :mf_rosetinted:


    Kudos! :thumb_yello:


    I'm good thanks, quite bored as I'm not at home. I'm at my mum's friend's house till late tonight and it's in the middle of nowhere so my internet is ****.. I'm also waiting for the the boy I like to get his butt online, he was moaning cos I werent online but he aint either... :sneaky2: I need to speak to him.. :wink2:

  4. Hey :bye: Are you alright??

  5. Does that means she could be secretly a part of the MFC and among us??
  6. I kinda have the same view as you, most people who get married or are engaged do normally break up because things get more complicated and that.. He's more than lovely, he's what words can't describe!
  7. I'm very short and i eat doughnuts but I'm too young for the meekster -I'm way too young to get married.. Do I still get a chance? lol
  8. I feel very, very bored... I may consider going to sleep which normally most people are suppose to do in the night.. It's 5.30!!!
  9. I'm feeling slightly worried.... I got a message in my inbox from the boy I like saying that he needs to speak to me urgently. When I got this I thought probably it something to do with my work expierience, but I checked my school email about 10 mins ago and I have no reply back about my work expierence and so it leaves the reason why he wants to speak to me urgently down to one thing.. In the town where I live, there's gonna be a Christmas Parade and I know he wanted me to go with him. I said if the weather is rubbish like it normally is when the Christmas Parade is, I'm not going. He jokingly said oh so are you going to ditch me!? I know where you live, I'll come to your house!... If he comes to my house this morning I am dead because my mum will think there's something going on between us and I've been trying to cover up and lie everytime I go somewhere with him saying I'm going with a girl from school which is a friend of mine but not a best friend. I hope to God he doesn't come to my house or else I'll have to runaway or just crawl in a ball in a corner and hope to die!...
  10. I'm in my bedroom! lol... I'll speak to you tommorow, BYE! :bye:

  11. Lily/PO'G is not famous in Sweden!? I thought he would be, I think we should introduce Sweden to Lily/PO'G!
  12. Hahaha! Well Mika's got everything - beyond amazing talent, added good looks + sexy curls and great height!
  13. Both of my parents are smaller than Mika, probably the whole of my family is!
  14. That's very true, about 50% of people Mika meets or see are probably smaller than him.. It's kinda like 50% of people I meet or see are taller than me... Sorry for the shortening, I thought everybody would get what I meant.. Haven't you heard of Lily Savage?? Lily is a legend! I'm only 14 but I can remember watching Lily on the TV when I was very very young..
  15. Yeah totally, 1st one sent to the naughty corner is victorious and gets 2nd place youngest MFC'er to be sent there... I'm alright thanks, had quite a boring-ish day but it was ok. how about you?

  16. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! :lol3:

  17. I'm hungry... I think I may get up in a min and make some porriage for brekkie and sneek some of my 'mummy's special sugar -which she said I cannot use all of it' as a topping on top.. Sounds a good plan to me!
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