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Everything posted by tigerclaws95

  1. YAY!!! I need to check out that, I knew I must of missed something! ..bad me...
  2. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!? Is Mika against short people... If that's the case, that's not very nice cos I'm a short person.. Actually has anybody thought he could possibly be having a drag queen party in the 'countryside' with PO'G???... Because yknow PO'G used to dress up as Lily..
  3. Yeah I have the original, I'll send it you in a min. I'm alright thanks, how about you? Haven't spoke to you in AGES!!!

  4. In my siggy? Yes, I did it on my computer yesterday and some other pictures like it.

  5. I feel like a hamster with a sore throat and pains...
  6. I want a Mars one, they have one in the shop down the road from me for about £1.99. I saw in the window yesterday on the way to school. I can't believe 26 days to gooooooooo till Christmas!!! I'm getting excited like a 3 year old!
  7. I've just remembered, my mum hasn't got my advent calender yet that she promised to get me!
  8. I'm getting very easily distracted from what I'm suppose to be doing - COURSEWORK. Instead I'm on the MFC and Facebook... Well the boy I like is my top follower on facebook, I learnt that!
  9. I have to do Art & English Coursework tonight... ..BUT! Is it a risk for to do a GCSE piece of creating a scene of a topic whether it can be Christmas themed, Animal themed, Fruit themed, etc. to do my theme on music but adding in Mika into it... Will my teacher approve of this??.. Anyway I'm doing it !!!
  10. My mum told me it might snow on Monday... I HOPE SO, I REALLY DO HOPE SO!!!!!!!!! :boing:
  11. Well he don't sound like a monster but... ..HE SOUNDS LIKE A CANNIBAL!!!!!!
  12. Getting up early really really sucks, I only get one day a week lie in.. which is tommorow...
  13. Oh god... what is my friend doing!?!?! What my friend has just told me has freaked me out and scared me... ..Let's just say it's not good, not good at all!...
  14. They won't be sending no more messages now, I've taking my profile off of the search... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  15. Don't worry it's kinda my mum's fault for telling people I don't know but she does about my facebook account and they say they know me but I actually don't... It's freaking me out that the messages are not stopping in my inbox wanting them to add me!!
  16. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! There's mm...more messages appearing in that inbox...
  17. Wait until after the X Factor tour, I'm sure if they are releasing an album then they will have their own tour.. Also means then you get more JEDWARD action than maybe 1 or 2 songs on the XFT...
  18. I know someone who gonna be seeing them Sunday at that T4 thingy cos they are going to at that
  19. They should definally put that on the album if they release one, they are planning to release an album right!?
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