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Everything posted by TwistedElegance

  1. Hiya all. Finally a little time to search the web for some recent info about Mika. Last year I was getting interested in Mika's music when I heard the : "Qutianggggg...."at the and of "Grace Kelly"...aha. So I found out about him, bought his first album and was hooked from then on. I went to see him in Amsterdam at the Westerpark concert, which was awsome! Í'm looking forward for more to come! Aww....I almost forgot to INTRODUCE myself: I'm Evelyne (F), 37 Years old and I live near Rotterdam in The Netherlands. I'm married to my wife Jacqueline, who is expecting our first child (from anonymous donor) and 3 days overdued!!!grumphhhhhhhhh. My profession is office manager and if you like to see some pics of me and Jacq, please go to : http://evebo.hyves.nl , that's the "Dutch Myspace"if you can say....Well kay I'm occupieing (too) much room so I'm ending this introduction for now. ANybody who's interested in mailing me, please do so! Huggiez, Eve akay TwistedElegance.
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