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Status Updates posted by Lui

  1. :o que mal =/ espero no sea con palancas eso esta super injusto ¬¬ pero a veces asi pasa u.u estudiale demasiado para que hasta te rueguen por dejarte entrar!


    ufff!! tener horario mixto es la muerteeee D: porque si vas en la mañana ya en la tarde no tienes concentrancia xD pero que horario prefieres tu?

  2. Lui

    I gave to my friend the soup and kimchy the day of his birthday!! :D he was so happy and told me to tell you many many thanks!!! ^^


    when you asked me it was 10 am xD

    right now is 1:30 am, how many hours of difference we have?


    wooooow! so you prepared too many kimchy with your mum last year? xD why??? O_O

  3. Lui

    wow 2 jobs!! O_O what is about the new one?

    good! the important is being prepared mentally for the trip :) I'm excited for you!!! XD


    look... http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/64/dsc07932.jpg


    :( I like him but we live far away and we are too busy with the school to meet us u.u and I feel that he's not too much interested in me :(


    yes... I understand... that's why I haven't had a boyfirend never! =/ love is so complex! is the worst thing on earth ¬¬


    hahahaha I love yur analogy of the 110V :wub2:

    poor you... you need to stand him!! :S I believe is a pain

  4. :o really? different genres? I thought both were pop!

    so... before the shows mika wasn't tha famous in korea?? :o


    ahahaha yes, we need cooking lessons D:


    woow I'm glad to read that your students are better in the class! whichc surprise did you give them?:teehee:

  5. owww y el examen para la universidad es muy dificil? :S

    porque aca el de la UNAM es demasiado dificil O_O aun tengo trauma despues de haberlo pasado x_o


    jajajaja me duermo super tarde porque casi toda la universidad fui en horario vespertino pero ahora voy en la mañana y estoy algo desorientada D:

  6. aww... :(

    exactly!!! you will have your mika moment soon :)


    have a nice day!! kisses from mexicooo!!! ^^

  7. jajajaja sii como dice el dicho, yo solo puedo insultar a mi herman@ xD


    yo estoy en la UNAM xD ya termino este año :S


    y tu a q uni quieres entrar?

  8. Lui

    hahahaha you mean xD but yes, sometimes they are so asfixiating! :S but well... they do it just because they want to protect us... aren't they? xD

    yes, I want to go to study in another country because of the same reason hahaha


    me neither!!! D: I don't think beiing married is like the solution of the world... ¬¬ I like independence!! but... right now I like someone!! :S is a boy that I met in the mexican fan club! (I'll sent you a pic later) and I hate being in love! your mind doesn't think clear!!! xD

    besides! my heart belongs to mika of course hahaha


    ewwww... poor you my dear mango! xD that guy sounds a little hideous! tell him that you don't like him! tell him that you aren't ther for make friends or something else, you are just there for work ¬¬


    I haven't been so lucky in love =/ I hope one day as you said :)


    kisses my dear rim!


    PS: I will send you a PM with a letter about your lovely birthday parcel :')

  9. seeeee ademas se ve q le gusta ir al hormiguero xD espero vuelva ahi prontoo son geniales :D

  10. owww but when mika came to mexico he made a sort of showcase just for 18+ and most of the underage fans get into the show with fake ID's or lent ones! don't you have a friend or brother that could lend an ID to you? xD

  11. awwww he should go to korea again!! I read somewhere that he is more famous than lady gaga there, am I right? :o


    hahahahaha xD I was with my friend the past saturday and he told me to make something to eat and I bought instant noodles xD and he looked at me like this ¬¬

    but he is a really good cooker!! I'm gealous of them u.u


    ohhh Mangoo!! yes! she should be good at cooking! she used to work in restaurants, didn't she?


    hahaha it sounds like cooking is a torture to you XD


    PS: I feel really good being the assistant of the drawing teacher!! :D Is funny help to the students to correct their drawings ^^

  12. owwwww que horror!!!! :( pero lo bueno es que mika es muy famoso en españa no? :)

  13. mmmmmm si esta dificil.... es q cuando salio el segundo disco me gustaba mas :S pero luego ya paso el tiempo y creo q mee gusta mas el primero xD y mis canciones favoritas son touches you y one foot boy :P

  14. jajajaja xD sii los niños chiflados e hiperactivos dan miedo O_O


    awww pobre d tu hermano lo ignoras jajaja y en q universidad esta?

  15. Lui

    hahaha people told me the same about a good mother but in my case sometimes she is overprotective with me D:

    is there a complain that you have about your mother? xD


    getting married!! O_O noo! they shouldn't pressure you ¬¬ I haven't had a boyfriend ever and people always pressure me about it :S

    is there any prospects around you? :teehee:


    here we have too much cold :S I don't know why!! there's just autumn :S

  16. Lui

    hahaha groovy! XD

    owww now I feel old in korea!! hhaha :D I don't like it neither :P


    woooow really? maybe your sister travel in dreams to my house XD


    many thanks :blush-anim-cl:


    and actually my mum is not as benevolent as she looks! she is mea sometimes xD with us and with other people :P she is like a child sometimes in some attitudes hahaha I would like you to meet her :naughty:

  17. wow that sounds interesting!! :o so the hole celebration is in honour of the ancestors?

    it sounds like day of the dead here XD


    nooo!!! I'm a really bad cooker :( I just can cook instant soup XD

    we can draw amazingly but we suck in kitchen :(


    owwww your wish is about a tall and skinny singer? :D


    aww I wish I could meet you together!! I hope one day!

  18. owwww :( porque no pudiste verloo?


    cual es tu disco favorito? ^^

  19. :o pediatria! dbes querer mucho a los niños ^^


    yo estudio diseño y comunicacion visual, ya acabo este diciembre! :D

  20. heeey!! how are you? :D

    are you going to see Mika in Brazil?

  21. Lui

    look! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs011.snc4/33929_444941903023_546078023_5174652_7097636_n.jpg


    don't you think I look like a member of hogwarts? xD (the one in the right is my mom)


    I represented my campus in the celebration of the 100th years of the UNAM! :D


    we had a sort of a parade with the flags of our differents schools who belong to UNAM

  22. Lui

    yes! I feel feminine! well... I must admit that some friends that are gay are more feminime than me XD


    ohhhh really?? another one? *O* I feel bad!! two parcels u.u I don't deserve them! xD but I will take the second one as your present for my birthday! I will get 22 years old next thursday! :D

    many many thanks my dear mangoooo!!!

  23. hiii!! I've been drawing the new clothes! but you know what? now me and my rfiends are doing a game like this! http://www.lilyallenmusic.com/lily/fear but about mikaaa!! for a scolar proyect

    so the proyect of the mika doll game is going to take another month sorry :( but I won't dissapoint you with the new one!! a promise!


    PS: I looooove your avatar xD

  24. haha don't worry I haven't had enough time for being here neither u.u

    ohhh great! if you live near you and mango should take a coffee one day! :D well... maybe you don't have lucky as Karla and I, we live in the same area and we haven't been able to take a coffee together :(


    mexico mmm... right now we have another hurricane menace XD hahha so it's a little clpudy and cold :P but I love says like this :D


    wooow thanksgiving!! interesting! :o we don't have that celebration here :P

    how was your day? :) did you help too much to your mom with the dinner? ^^

  25. osea que tienes la misma edad que karli! XD geniaal :P

    y tu tambien estudiaras algo relacionado a la medicina no? :)

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