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Posts posted by B!anka

  1. thanks for your optimism:wink2:


    I am going to prague´s gig during July...so it looks very optimistic for me...and there I could travel by car or train if will be necessary:wink2:


    and, yes you are right, I could visit Paris anytime...but MIKA + Paris:wub2:...is the best variant....you know...


    and what about your flight?


    I'm well known for my optimism! :lol3:


    and I'm going to the gig in my hometown aswell...but yes, I know what it is like: MIKA+Paris! = :wub2: x991823479187249


    my flight...phewww...I have no idea at the moment. The Romanian airspace is opened now and CDG is opening soon aswell and I'm hoping that until Sunday they will realise that it is ok to fly. :blush-anim-cl: This weekend has been atrocious for me as I tried so hard to understand WHY does it have to be this way, but since yesterday evening things started to look better and they expect the air traffic to get back to normal in 2 days. So I'm REALLY positive about it...I can say that I'm 85% sure that I'm going by plane and 25% sure that I'll be running to Paris if planes don't work. :roftl:


    I'm just trying to stay positive about it...:blush-anim-cl:

  2. hi B!anka, unfortunatelly no...we planned to go there with my husband...and he is working in ethiopia...so he has to travell from there and it´s no so easy to re-book nothing in this moment...therefor we started so soon, to be sure our tickets, acommodation, e.t.c will be ready and we could enjoy MIKA´s gig...


    and now????...no words...


    so, I keep my fingers crossed for you:wink2:

    oh my!!! :crybaby:


    that volcano is a nightmare!!! :blowup:


    I'm so sorry for you! :huglove: I hope something will make up for this soon...like another gig or another oportunity to visit Paris...though I know it's pretty hard to think about it at the moment. :boxed:

  3. O.K....so, I never thought I will have to write this: PARIS gig is for me no more possible...:crybaby:


    there was everything planned more than 6 months and now during few seconds everything is lost...flight is cancelled...:crybaby:


    I am really really sad...I can´t describe my feelings now...no words...


    sorry for my sorrow...


    p.s.: of course if anybody has interest about two standing tickets...you are welcome...they are available...

    OMG I'm so sorry for you. I know what you're going through! :crybaby:


    Can't they reschedule your flight or something? :huh:

  4. Yep - same as the other shows - March of the Dead parade before Love Today and during Lollipop :biggrin2:




    I might just do it in Paris then. :teehee:


    Do it B!anka!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

    Nobody & nothing else has been effective!


    *goes gets her hairdryer*

    *puts it under that laser that makes things bigger*

    *plugs it*

    *BOOM!*= more ash. :lol3:


    I might aswell try my "super optimistic mode". It used to work perfectly! :dunno:


    So it's my optimism against the vomit of the volcano. :mf_rosetinted: Keep out, you Efyalajokul!! :sneaky2:

  5. No, for me there isn't a problem. I'm getting there by car (with the wonderful Katrien & Priscilla, big hug!!). I'm glad I don't have to get there by train or something, with the strikes and such going on..:shocked:


    but dear, I'm so sorry about all this...I think it's horrid that you (and many others) have to miss out on this or other fun things because of that vulcano. :boxed:


    They said that they will let out 50% of the flights tomorrow...so...shall I hope for a miracle? :huh::teehee:

  6. I'm sorry the link I posted earlier did not work outside of France, they're really annoying!


    The part with Mika has just finished, I loved it! It lasted around 15 min, we saw him in his flat and in the London suburbs where he creates costumes, and then we saw him at the gig in Vienna. They described him very well, nothing very new but it was really nice to watch, and I always love him speaking French :wub2: We saw his mother, Yasmine and Paloma.


    I think someone will post it soon or I'll try to find the video online




    Officially can't wait! :biggrin2:

  7. I understand. I'm like that too...If I keep making plans when things are doubtful, I always fear I'll jinx it and it won't happen after all. you know. :boxed:


    I guess for you it should be easier as Belgium isn't as far away from France as Romania is...but even so, I suppose you're facing the "emergency" prices. :boxed:


    I hope you'll make it though! :huglove:

  8. There's no easy way to put this, but I don't think I'm coming to the gig(s) anymore. :boxed:


    One week is nothing for the anger of this volcano. I'm afraid this is not a thing that can change within days, so I'm kissing goodbye all my hopes and dreams that were suuposed to happen in a week. :tears:


    It's not only about the weak posibilities of getting there, but there are also other things on risk: our lives, money, job, health. That's too much I'm afraid. I'm usually the most positive and optimistic person, but I just can't keep up with this.


    I don't understand why it has to be this way, but it just is. I'm so sad because I was so happy about returning to Paris and now it won't happen.

    It really doesn't make me feel any better that I'm not the only one in this situation...for the moment I will have to get used to the idea that my dreams are spread among the mineral and dust particles across the Europe sky.


    In tears,



  9. I know....being trapped in a foreign place isn't exactly super either. BUT!!! we'll stay positive!!! we have to!!!! XXX

    By the looks of what they say today on CNN and AshAlerts...things look better. The have done those test flights and they're positive. No damage to the aircraft. :dunno:


    The annoying thing is that I don't know at the moment if I'm coming or not and there's this doubtful atmosphere that stops me from making any plans. :huh:

  10. It is long away...and yet again, it isn't, especially if you see the weather forecasts. hell, I'm even starting to get worried for my trip to Namibia in three weeks after all the reports I've seen.

    I really hope that the winds will get stronger and blow that cloud away in time....I just heard that they are now testing whether they can fly lower ... first tests by Lufthansa (I think) were positive and KLM is now trying it as well....I'll certainly keep my fingers crossed!!!


    Yeah I follow "AshAlerts" on Twitter and they have just posted a map of europe and it seems like the Central Europe is clear at the moment. I'm trying my best to think that it'll be ok. :)

  11. When are you leaving for Paris? At the moment, they are talking about 5 more days....not certain but maybe. Amazing how a vulcano can cause such chaos in whole Western Europe! :boxed:


    I'm leaving on the 25th, next Sunday. I know it's still a long time to go, but if the volcano won't stop spewing I don't know. I was supposed to look for things to see in Paris today, but instead I stayed glued to CNN :tears: I have a weird feeling. :boxed:


    Blanka, try to think about a plan B, just in case ( train for ex)


    It's too far away, lilibet, by train. I mean it'd have to be like this: my city-Bucharest, Bucharest-Budapest/Vienna and from there to Paris. It takes 3 days!! let's not even mention the prices. :no: So the plan B is getting used to the idea that I'll stay at home and wait for the reports and pics. :tears:

  12. Right,my current concern is the following:


    it's pretty much imposbbile to book a hotel in july,in mamaia.it's too late even now. and i suppose we'll need to stay the night after the gig,unless Bianca knows a bus that leaves in the middle of the night,or a train that does so?


    Tho I mean,sleeping on the beach does sound quite romantic,i gotta tell you. stay up the night in the sand...inneresting.

    Vanessa?Meg? What ya say?


    Why is it impossible to book a hotel in July NOW? :blink:


    I'm afraid I don't know much about this because I have never tried to book a hotel in Mamaia for the summer.


    There are NO busses leaving after midnight and even if there were I imagine it can be quite dangerous. :dunno:


    You can try and look for a hotel in Mamaia but they're usually quite expensive as far as I know. :huh:


    There is also an alternative and try to find a hotel in Constanta and you can take a taxi after the gig (you could imagine the price for the taxi is the price of the "gig ticket" :naughty: ). There is ONE ibis hotel in the center of the city.

  13. Cum ajungi in Mamaia! :pbjt:


    Daca vii din Bucuresti iti recomand sa iei autocarul si NU trenul, pentru ca merge mai repede (3 ore) si e mai ieftin. (50 RON) Autogara e in zona Garii de Nord din Bucuresti. Autocarul va merge pe autostrada soarelui si va face o oprire o data ce a iesit de pe autostrada.


    Autocarul ajunge in Constanta la gara (avem una singura) si totul devine mai usor aici. Prima data vei fi atacat de taximetristi care se vor oferi sa te duca cu masina dar nu trebuie sa-i asculti! :shun:


    Ca sa ajungi in Mamaia DIN Constanta poti lua:


    - mini-autobuzele care merg in Mamaia (302,301,303) si de obicei sunt destul de ieftine (1sau2 sau 3 RON...nu mai stiu sigur)


    SAAAu (preferatul meu)


    - double decker-ul care are program special de vara si ajunge la ore fixe in gara. Ajunge pana in capatul celalalt al statiunii. Acesta este un pic mai scump totusi: 5 RON pentru un bilet dus-intors si 2.5 RON pentru dus.




    - autobuzele obisnuite pe care scrie Mamaia (43,40) pentru ca aceste te vor duce doar pana la intrarea in statiune iar de acolo ca sa ajungi la hotelul tau s-ar putea sa fie o povara pentru ca e destul de cald in iulie temperaturile ajungand pana la 40 de grade.


    - taxi. S-ar putea sa te coste pana la 20RON in functie de locatia hotelului tau.


    Preturile sunt orientative si le citez din amintire de anul trecut.



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