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Posts posted by B!anka

  1. Tu parles un peu français ? c'est super !


    I blame HIM but I like him so much... anyway he his the first singer to make me doing such crazy things and I am an old lady : 36 :tongue2:

    I feel like a teenager again thanks to MIKA :biggrin2:


    Have a nice trip Bianka


    Yes, that is a "strange" description actually because the "french" berret is usually navy blue

    Won't you be too warm with a "hat" on ? They have announced 19 degrees on monday and today they have a lot of sun, no wind, 23 degrees (my brother lives there)



    Oui! Je parle un peu de francais. J'ai l'etudiee pour 6-7 ans mais je ne peut dire que je parle francais comment je parle anglais. J'ai peur que je faire trop de fauts. :teehee:


    It doesn't matter really! Mika is for everyone! :wink2:


    Yeah i know it's hot...but I thought that in the morning it would be a little cold. :blush-anim-cl::dunno: you know what I meant when I said French berret, right? the classic one... :lol3: we'll recognise each other anyway...I'll also have a pink scarf...which is quite visible I have to say.


    Merci beaucoup et a bientot! :huglove:

  2. Just finished packing. I'm leaving tomorrow in the early morning and will arrive in Paris late in the afternoon.




    HOW to recognize me in the queue: I'm gonna wear a pink (fuchsia) French berret. :lol3:


    that's a pretty strange description but anyway.


    Looking forward to seeing agian those that I alrady know and meeting new MFCrs! :wub2:


    I'll see you on Monday at Bercy! :bye:





    Mutsumesc, I had this idea because Mika makes me make such crazy things like finding a nurse for the children and escape to Paris (300 km) in the middle of the week : that was HIS fault !


    HA! Tell me about it? There are sooooo many things that Mika should be blamed for :lmfao: I don't think I have enough space here to list them!! :aah:



    PS: de rien! :blush-anim-cl:

  4. Quick report now, being written as i sit outside the dome soaking up the sun.

    Ended up being a big girl again. Wasn't planning on it and initially said no. Excessive tiredness plus a bit of convincing from anna and john and i ended up corseted up again.

    Watched the show from the seats and filmed a fair bit.

    Fortune was there, posing in the wardrobe room while he painted a cross. Bless his handsome little heart.

    Afterwards didn't meet mika til about 1am. Girl tried to block me out of the wardrobe photo cos i was next to mika so he pulled me really close and leant his head down next to mine. I gave him the belt and he really liked it. Then he stole my sharpie but i don't mind too much. Anna reckons he eats them, haha.

    New show is amazing. Like REALLY amazing. The intro is brilliant. Filmed that plus ggg, any other world, dr john and some others i think. Blue eyes... Maybe something else too.

    That's about it for now, thumbs sore from texting, ha!


    Jazzy!!!! :boing:


    wow you seemed to have had a great time! Can't wait to see the photo! :wub2:


    you lucky lucky girl!






    I love pics like these: Mika and his foot :lmfao:

  5. well, ticket... good point... have one for the 27th, but getting the one for the 26th (yup, standing!) from axie, but i think she's still in hospital, so tbh no idea really if i'll have a ticket at all! :lmfao: but wouldn't be the first time, i'm sure everything will work out in the end. :bleh: i got used to the fact that in mikaland a lot of problems get solved only last minute and you just can't plan with lots of security but have to be flexible. :naughty:

    :shocked: oh my God! :lmfao:


    I wish you all the best in finding the ticket then! :biggrin2:

  6. What a nice T-shirt B!anka :biggrin2:

    isn't it too noisy when jumping ?


    Look how I was at the Coca Cola gig last week :



    but that was a smart venue, at Bercy I will be in jeans + tee-shirt


    Thank you! :pinkbow:


    No it's not noisy but I do look like a disco ball when light is reflected towards me...might blind Mika. :roftl:


    I love that!!! "Blame it on Mika!" :aah::wub2:


    I love your T shirt B!anka ! And Val, I already told you yours is sooooo nice too. :wink2:


    For Bercy, it'll be just after work for me, so ne special clothes for me. I'll try to catch up for Nantes


    Thank you, Deb! :biggrin2:



    anyone else dressing up? as mika has the blacklight back, i'll be wearing my blue space princess/galaxy girl costume again - i included some special blacklight effects in it when i made it (see here: http://twitpic.com/12h8t2), and am happy that now finally that's coming to use! :biggrin2: probably wouldn't have been dressing up if that wasn't the case, but with the blacklight in the show, and mika's own blue queen of the night costume, i just have to do it.


    nope not dressing up...if that blue bow and the disco t shirt (and the red lipstick) are considered as dressing up...than I am. Otherwise no. :roftl:


    Can't wait to meet you, Mellody! :pinkbow: do you have tickets in the standing area?

  7. I didn't even notice what he was wearing by then...:teehee:


    Now i'm taking notice from your post...:boxed:


    Yeah, the ugly shirt...:aah:


    But he looked good though...:teehee::biggrin2:


    I remember I took a very gool look at what he was wearing in Vienna...:roftl: once he came out I looked at him from head to toes and saw the shoes I didn't know...some jeans...and the greatest surprise was that he was wearing his striped marine shirt like I did (see siggie pic :teehee: ) and the grey coat. :wub2: oh and the naked guy.


    Of course he did! He always does...but that shirt is atrocious! :aah:

  8. But i iz a punkrocker with flowers in my hair...:mf_rosetinted:


    You got the wrong year, though, 1970 for me...:naughty:


    Almost every pic i got is my head seen from the back....:lmfao:


    I have one or two where you can see my face, i'll look for it and post it...:thumb_yello:


    awwww :wub2:


    Not that i look good and all but this is my OMGZ DA MIKA SHOW IZ STARTING IN 10 MINS SO LET ME POSE LIKE I AM NOT NERVOUS WHEN I'M ABOUT TO HAVE A STROKE nervous wreck face...




    PS - Yes, Mika, you can use it to make captions of me if you want revenge...:lmfao:


    you ah pweety! :wub2::huglove:


    That was before the gig? wasn't the book covered? :shocked:

  9. I can't help but love your "pic" with Mika! Cute smile - and the flower in your hair is very cute as well. The security guy on the right is very funny though :roftl:



    M: "Ok, Wonka, here's my private mail adress. Just let me release your captions before posting them on the forum and nobody will get hurt!"

    W: *sings* "If you're going to Won-ka-la-haaand, be sure to wear a flower in your haaaaair"

    Security Guy: "Jesus, I have to change my job..."




  10. so...I had a hell of a dream last night! :aah:


    I dreamt that I was queueing before the gig and then me and some other people just entered the venue - apparently we had been chosen as BGs and LGs and we all went in this room.


    The backstage looked like an apartment and at one point I saw a room with a sign on it: "BGs&LGs dressing room" and I entered it. There was Mika and his mum there. He was staying in a corner (and he was dressed the way he is in that pic DA posted yesterday from the Coke bottle launch :naughty: ) and his mum told me that I should try on the costume, but I'll have to take my clothes off for that...so I just went: :blush-anim-cl: erhmmm no! and she didn't understand why and I explained that I can't do that because Mika's in the room...so he had to get out so I could do that! :roftl:


    She laughed and sent him out. He went out playing with his phone or something and then I tried on the costume. She gave me the pants (for BG) and then she put the corset on me and when I looked down it was YELLOW! :aah: I was so happy and remember I touched that corset and it felt so nice and silky! :wub2:


    Then I went to my bag to text someone in the queue outside to take me a pic on stage, but couldn't find my phone anymore. :shocked: So I told Mrs. P that I'll be right back...and I put my clothes back on me (OVER the costume) and went out, but there was no one in the queue anymore...so I went home and logged in on MFC and posted in the PRE-Chatter thread for my gig that I need someone to take me a picture on stage... :roftl: and I waited so long for someone to reply and didn't get any...so I took a cab back to the gig, but the driver was so anxious to show me around and couldn't find the venue anymore. :lmfao:


    the end.

  11. one of them saw it in the newspaper,you say? hmm,i wonder which one :naughty: i'm just curious,you know. they advertised Duffy's gig on those girlie magazines last year

    well, when I searched on google on that day, most of the newspapers seemed to have spread the news. So it's pretty hard to know now...didn't even bother going and buying a newspaper that day...


    wonder if this one will be advertised on all the manly magazines :mf_rosetinted::lol3:

  12. What text did they come up with? :lol3::teehee:

    Classmate number 1 (they were both girls): Oh Bianca, have you seen that Mika is eventually coming to Mamaia? :biggrin2:


    me: yeah I did...but please stop reminding me! :doh:


    Classmate number 1: ook :lol3:


    Classmate number 2: Bianca! Mika's coming to Mamaia! :biggrin2:


    me: yes I heard...but where the heck did YOU hear about it?


    Classmate number 2: newspaper! :pinkbow: read it and instantly thought of you...


    me: I'm glad then... :mf_rosetinted:

  13. AAAAHhhhh!!!! WONKA!!! :boing:


    I'll be doing a proper report when i get home but to those interested who were texting me last night and i couldn't answer back, this was my chit chat with Mika while being pushed by rude security guys...


    Hi, Mika, I'm WillyWonka from the MFC...


    Mika: You are?


    Me: I am!




    Just drove for 6 hours to see you here as we had our lisbon gig postponed


    Mika *grinning*: It was not my fault, you know?


    I know, I know, whatever you do don't cancel, don't postone, don't do anything to the Lisbon gig...


    Mika: See you in Lisbon, then...


    Me: Yeah, yeah...


    Mika: May 11th!!!




    OMG! I haven't got this excited over a report in a really long time! :roftl:


    :fangurl: I'm really proud of you that you told him it was you!!!


    I really couldn't tell, it was a funny surprised face but i can't say whether he'd found funny the nickname willywonka, or the fact that i was older than him and and kinda having the nerd to be telling him off out of the lisbon..


    All i know is that he had his head down coz he was signing my PDP DVD, and when i spoke he rose his head and looked at me like this....:blink:







    That's Mika! :lmfao: What can you expect?


    So there was a M&G? :teehee:

  14. So...where should I start.


    Last week is when I started thinking of what to wear at the gig and you know...I have a weird habit: I get myself some accessories that don't match with anything and I'm looking everywhere for another piece of clothing to go with it. :aah: I have had a great passion for this shade of blue lately...and got myself a headband. this one below:




    and then...found a plain simple blue t-shirt (the one I'm wearing there, yes) to go with it...but thought: "hey, you know, being in the front row carries a lot of responsabilities, so I gotta make the t-shirt "happier" :lol3: " so...I got myself 120 sequins and I started sewing them one by one on the t-shirt. :aah: What came out looks like this:




    :wub2: I love it and can't wait to rock the front row with it! :biggrin2:


    pam pam.

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