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Posts posted by kt4mika

  1. Now that's a better idea methinks :naughty:

    And while we're at the planning, is it only me who's getting concerned about the fact that now, 4 months before the date, people are already making plans to get there first thing in the morning?

    This is exactly why I'm starting to hate this massive gigs with GA standing and why I loved Sadler's Wells in June. It was such a relief, such a liberation, turning up feeling relaxed, not hungry and tired and thirsty and looking like a hobo, safe in the knowledge that I needn't waste a whole day standing there to end it all in the "Big Bang" getting into the venue scramble.

    Some might argue that I felt that way because I had front row seats, but that is not the case-The point is, even if I had had 15th row seats, I KNEW where I was going and I was relaxed thinking that there would be no stress trying to get in and find a good spot. When there are so many "hardcores" at these gigs it becomes a proper battle to get to the front, with everyone trying their luck and pushing and all sorts, and this is why I am all for seated gigs. There's no need to sit, we can all decide to just stand from the start, and when it comes down to it, it doesn't change the atmosphere one bit.

    Anyway, this is turning out to be a bit of a long one and the only point that I was trying to make is: if we start carrying on now (or ever, but especially now, so far in advance) about how early everyone is willing to get there on gig day, we will end up with a Brixton scenario where people are spending the night there.

    Now, considering that the "normal" people only start turning up at the earliest around 2-3 pm, isn't that just majorly stupid of us????? It keeps happening and it keeps getting earlier and earlier, and I just don't get it. It will be the middle of winter, people. Do any of you remember how bitterly cold it was at Brixton?

    Do we NEED to spend the whole day there? Do you rememeber anyway how they opened more than one door at the time in Hammersmith and once we got in it was all a big scramble, so the order in the queue didn't have such a huge impact anyway?

    If the purpose of the queuing is to socialise, we can go to Starbucks and sit and chat there having tea in the warmth. And yes, don't worry, I know that this huge post won't make any difference if someone is determined to be there at the crack of dawn :biggrin2:, but I'm just getting really worried that the conversation about "how early should we get there" has already started and that people are so quick to WANT to go and spend the day there. I reckon that we should make some sort of arrangement that everyone agrees to abide by, like say for example not going there before a certain time. Would that work? If people are honourable it could....


    omg sara :shocked:


    i think thats the best idea ever!! :thumb_yello:


    but do you think people will really do it?? its soooo crap we have no sean numbers :aah: its like what you said i wouldnt mind being 10 rows back i really hate the rushing it makes me hate the day and i think i cant wait for it to be over and it really souldnt be like that as we are seeing mika. im starting to think fu*k it as it is whats the point of waiting 10 hours and being at the back. ' dont worry im still wouldnt miss it' :naughty: why oh why cant we just have seat numbers. but i really dont think people are going to go with the idea of a arrangement of a time :aah:

  2. I trust NOTHING Mika related anymore :sneaky2: (as if they said I was too young to enter the WAG vid comp, or that uploading my vid 3 days in advance of the deadline was missing hte deadline then post a new vid dated 26th)!!!!!!!! YES folks I am STILL narked about that bigtime.


    what you not in the comp :shocked:

    but your vid was great :shocked:

    what nobs :sneaky2:

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