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Posts posted by Sephira

  1. Isn't AB-Negative quite rare? I'm sorry to hear about your anaemia

    I didn't know I was Rhesus Negative until I was having my son. Then after he was born I had to have some kind of injection in case I had another baby. It seems they had to do that as there are some problems that happen with Rhesus Negative mothers when they have their 2nd child. But I never had another baby so I never had whatever problem it was, thank God.


    It's not fun but I'm lucky, there are people very sick compared to me, I have a treatment and I could have a long life:biggrin2:

    Yes AB Negative people are rare:mf_rosetinted: In France 0.3% of the population are AB Negative but we are universal recepient. If I need a day blood I could received A, B, AB or O Negative.

    Yes, of course, when women are rhesus negative and pregnant they needs special injections during the pregnancy and after, it's in case the blood of the mum and the futur baby are in contact during the pregnancy and when she give birth. Because the unborn baby is not necessarily the same as the rhesus of her mother. It could kill the baby or the mum :boxed:

  2. I can't donate blood either, though I enquired about doing so many years ago. But I'm on continuous medication for all of my life, so they wouldn't let me do it. But well done to Mika. I wonder what blood group he is. mine is O-Negative


    I can't too :sad: but it's normal it's too dangerous for me with my chronic anemia. I hope a day I could give my blood :biggrin2:

    I wonder too what blood group Mika is. I'm AB negative :teehee:

  3. Thanks for the article and the translation :thumb_yello:


    It's sooooooo nice :wub2: To give a visit to children at the hospital and give his blood its a very generous gesture :wub2:

    I regret to have a chronic anemia, I can't give my blood :emot-sad:

    It's a thing important to give his blood to help ill people or people who has accident :wink2:

  4. It does not surprised me at all... I saw on pictures that the Mika wax had few necklaces and I thought "how many times he will keep them ?" :aah:


    When I came to the museum the 7th of december 2 necklaces was missing but it's Mika who steal those necklaces :roftl:

    After the 2 guys have steal the necklace they fix others to the t-shirt:biggrin2:

  5. I cannot believe this !! God, this infuriates me !! Plus isn't there any security in that museum ?


    Those people clearly have no respect at all :furious::protest:


    There is one person who guard the statue but she's not autorise to arrested people, she's not a policeman. In France you can't arreste someone if you don't have a police power :boxed: because if you do that without it the robber for example can complain to the police about you for sequestration :boxed:

  6. John wanted to wish MFC'ers a Merry Xmas, so he asked for this message to be posted:

    "John Dubuque, Mika's tour manager, would like to wish all the MFC'ers around the world peace, love and riches for the holiday season and the New Year.

    For the past 3'5 years you have all enriched my life, and I hope that this seasonal message will in some small way enrich yours. Happy Christmas!"



    Isn't that a nice message? :wub2: Especially from a grumpy bugger, eh Bab? (previous post) :roftl:


    Really nice to him. Thanks to saint John :wub2:

  7. OK I did not know that Mika has told that :wink2:


    But they were a lot of fans from forums surrounding him, you can't tell the contrary :biggrin2:

    I have a friend who got her invitation signed, so I told her it was not really fair and she told me she had been taken in the movement :teehee:


    In another hand, I think Mika would have been upset if nobody was talking to him and paying attention to him... ?


    We were drinking our glass of champagne near the area where Mika has been taken, so we did not even think to move but some of us were staring at him and I told my friends he should be feeling like a monkey in a cage sometimes.

    C'est la rançon de la gloire, hélas.



    Eventually, here are some pictures from this beautiful evening :




    I saw a part of the surounding, the begining, I saw 3 fans, but after I don't see because I leave the place where I was prisoner and I prefered to stay away.


    I think if all fans stayed away from him, don't tell him a little word, he find that really strange :naughty:

  8. Hello


    However I felt a little bit sorry for Mika who has been overwhelmed by a lot of people. They were a lot of children : that is understandable they want to reach him a get an autograph.

    But they were also a lot of fans (and fans from here) who had already the chance to talk to Mika and get an autograph, shame on them :sneaky2:


    We are only a few fans who have stayed in a corner of the room and did not try to reach Mika, talk to him and ask him to sign some stuff. Wasn't it written here to respect these "rules" ??? :shocked:

    At a moment, poor Mika was feeling warm, he was blowing and sweating :sneaky2:



    The things are that at first people who surounded Mika at first wasn't fan club or forum members. I was unwittingly in Mika's back with no possibility to move for 10 minutes :boxed: When people pushed he said that he stop to sign if they continue like this. I don't ask him anything. I saw some fans after when they saw that he was signing, asking him to sign something or a picture. After I don't know because I succed to live Mika's back and go away from Mika.

    I know that some fans don't respect the rules but it's like to tell to people to not eat and let people in front of them eating :boxed: It's not really fair.

    The only thing I don't really appreciate was people and fans who stay all the time in front of the VIP area :sneaky2:

  9. Today I could access with my computer to MFC. I don't know what happened yesterday with internet.




    It was an amazing night :wub2: We started to enter at 19:45. A woman gave me a badge for the fan club. To go to the Grevin theatre where the inauguration take place we had to walk in the museum. I took a picture with Luciano Pavaroti double on the way. When we arrived in the theatre, a man was placing people and presenting person as the marquise or something :roftl:

    We had waiting that all people were enter, some fans who have no invitation, enter with the kindness of Joanni :wub2:

    The ceremony had beginning at 20:45. Mika entered in the theathre and seated at the first rank. The man with the white make up face go on the stage and started to do a speach on Mika. After, they had show a extract of the parc des princes gig, the song "Love Today", we had applaude and sing, we were at the limite of dancing. Finally the director of the museum do a speach and they showed the statue, Mika go on stage and said some words. I love when he said that the only persons who were not happy that now there's 2 him are their sisters :roftl:

    He posed with his double for the journalists and photographers.

    We go down stairs for a cocktail, I had difficultes to access to the bar for a glace of water because all people want champagne. I saw Joanni, Yasmine and Zuleika. I spoke with other fans. I was joking in front of Elizabeth II statue because I was wearing the same shoes but in black:roftl: Sanguiny took me in picture with this statue. I stay in front of the Queen of England double, and Mika was beside Sanguiny and I, he was speaking to someone. And within a minute he was surrended by people, Sanguiny and I finished block in Mika's back for almost 10 min. His back is the most beautiful back in the world :roftl:

    I succed to move but with difficulties. He said that we were elegante and that we had a good face (not tired). When he said that, I was thinking it's normal we don't wake up at 4 am to go to a gig.

    Axie go to find Ian for helping Mika because too much people was around him. She said to Ian "Please help him". Ian is not John :naughty:

    Mika sign a lots of things, he was really nice with all.

    The security cut in to part the room one in VIP zone and the other for all people. Mika was drink a lots of champaign :roftl:

    I don't remember at what time Mika leaved the museum but I go outside at the same time, I saw him taking a van with his familly.

    We decided to go to the museum on tuesday morning for the opening to see the statue. On tuesday we were the first to enter in the museum and to see Mika's statue, he has a body guard. We look every details of the statue but somethings missing. He looks like the real Mika but only from profil because the hair are not curly in the top of the head and their's something really cold in the eyes.

    The statue doesn't have the vein under the wright eye and the scar above the upper lip.... no Gap :naughty:

    I prefer the original Mika because he's more fun, more talented and more adorable :wub2:

  10. we don't know for sure, sorry




    dcdeb has already mentioned it a few pages ahead. (read back) she asked for everyone to be on their best behaviour and to represent us well. and i know for a fact that it has been mentioned on other forums as well :thumb_yello:


    Yes, I know:teehee: But I prefer to repeat it thousand time to be sure that all fans understand :naughty:

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