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Everything posted by _v3_

  1. Yeah my bunny always does the same thing because she's bored,i want to show her over here but the problem is i don't know how to put a picture in here so i can't show it to you untill i learn how.
  2. Hello! welcome how are you? happy valentine's day although i'm alone . well , nothing really my bunny woked me up and here i am lol but here is still 2 pm so i have some time left , just because is summer over here and the sun leaves late .
  3. Kathy , this is weirdly quiet ,let's talk about something have you done something today beside being here?
  4. Was it the one where you said that the boys will have to read a lot of pages? 'cause i just read that one you are going too fast for me hahaha. But now i'm getting faster so prepared yourself
  5. that's so cool, i just have to wait until Mika decides to visit southamerica and i really think that will take him more than a few months .
  6. I'm fine and you ? Hey! will any of you see mika during this upcoming tour? ( or you just have to wait for him for another year like me? )
  7. When i left last night it was just a 6 pages thread, now this is like the 20th page, definately people talks a lot over here when i log on i have to say hi 'cause i just can't keep it up with you girls . Wow that's so cool , there's no such thing like summer camps over here hope you get in, and you have planned a song if you get in, or they'll tell you what to sing during summer camp?
  8. And where is it the audition?, you'll be great just relax you're auditioning for a single musical or the theatre in general?
  9. Now i think i finally got how to do it right , i've done nothing today i got up and then turned this thing on . I'm Victoria and i'm fine , are you excited about the audition?
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