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About keti

  • Birthday 09/17/1994


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    Stop Making Sense

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    bleh...very boring

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  1. Happy birthday beautiful lady!!!


    Hope you had fun all day


    See you on Facebook and Intagram 



  2. Hun! How are you? it's been ages, but I did not forget you :huglove: Hope you're doing fine! Kisses! :huglove:

  3. aaaaa to li je :D ja nisam htjela da dosadjujem pa nisam pisala...rako' javices se kad nadjes vremena..cim dopunim rcn javim se :****

    ja sam dobro...ucim imam sad neki ispit ''djao ga ponio'' :D al ajde,neka ga.. osim togA nishta posebno,malo po gradu,plazha dosadna i tako...

    prodje mi ovo ljeto za chas,bash sam smorena zbog toga ... ali eto,idem u BG bar na par dana negdje pocetkom sept...pa ako uspijem iskombinovat nekako da se vidimo,javicu ti..a voljela bih zaista :wub2: :wub2: ..nego ne idem sama ..pa ne znam dal cu moc :aah:

    a kako si mi ti?? bice u frci oko faxa , m?

    shta radish ovo ljeto,jel ti fino? :D

    ljubim :**********

  4. Jaao Dani koliko se nismo čule, meni je fon bio otišo u tri lepe, svi brojevi mi se obrisali,aj mi pošalji koju poruku sa svojim brojem da ga ubeležim, kako si,šta radiš,šta ima kod tebe? nedostaješ i ti meni jako,i volela bih da se vidimo /emoticons/default_huglove67.gif" alt=":huglove:" />

  5. Good to know he's become free to talk about it. I must admit that I thought that now his songs would have a different meaning for me once he's cleared things up for good as far as his sexuality is concerned, but I realized I'm able to interpret them the way I feel they should be interpreted, that I will be able to bond with them in a different and subjective way, the way I feel comfortable. That's the true idea and beauty of art anyway, I guess.
  6. Very nicely put Marilyn, agree with each and every word you said there:thumb_yello:
  7. Congratulations Mika!!! It's been a while since he last received an award, this is a good start of the year for him hopefully there'll be lots of other awards in this year once the new album's released. Thank you to all who posted pics and videos from the ceremony, loved all of them though I must say I'm a bit sorry he has that hipster hairdo again.
  8. sweetie!! :huglove: Happy new year!! How are you? And how is your mother?

    Thanks for your message. I haven't posted a lot on MFC lately, but I did not forget you :huglove:

    Xmas & new year were great with my family :) How was yours?

    I also still love my job, I haven't had one day that I didn't wanna go and in the meantime I have a contract and I'm not temporary anymore :)


  9. To be quite frank, President and Kill Me On The Dance Floor sound to me the most interesting among these. (judging by the titles of course) The title of KMOTDF reminded me of Sophie Ellis Bextor's Murder On The Dance Floor.
  10. Celiieeeen! :huglove: it's been ages since we talked! Thanks, yes I had a great birthday,thanks a lot!

    I hope you had a great Xmas and New Year! :flower: how have you been? :D kisses hun!!!:huglove:

  11. hey sweetie! :huglove: Hope you had a great b-day! :) How are you? it's been so long! :huglove:

  12. keti

    Hvalaaaa! :biggrin2: xx

  13. thank you hunny!!! :D:huglove:

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