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Posts posted by sweet.pixie

  1. WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT? :bo xed: national team= shame on you! :aah:

    I am Argentinean, pay more attention missy :mf_rosetinted:

    I saw Argentina's game yesterday of course :aah: Did you? :mf_rosetinted:

    Não pude deixar passar *lots of LOL*


    Oi de novo :bye:



    Também fiquei com saudade de ver você na nossa casinha :teeh ee:

    Fico feliz no seu interesse em aprender novas palavras :naugh ty:

    Volte mais vezes pra cá quando puder :huglove:





    favor não comentar sobre isso :mf_rosetinted:



    But I did that without google translator :mf_rosetinted: *takes mental note*

    *off to google translator*

    I'm happy of being here too :wub2:

    Sempre ready! :naughty:

    Everytime I have a life I will :aah:

  2. This is my 'official' collection :wub2:




    Not much, but I adore it all :wub2: And I don't have it 'exposed' cause unluckily I can't, people would ruin it all.


    Appart from that I have things I've made, like drawings and some other stuff. Gonna post pic in another occasion.


    And this on my wall :wub2:



  3. Oi! :bye: Como vai você? Eu beleza!!!

    Ok, that's my whole portuguese :mf_rosetinted:

    I'm on holidays!!!!! Only two weeks and I'll be extra busy and I have to study, but pff :aah: As I told you, I did disapear after I joined you :aah: Blame it on uni :naughty:

    Miss you!! can't wait to learn some new words :aah:


    Edit: Can't believe the penalties! I don't know if any of you saw the game :mf_rosetinted: I just saw the penalties :aah:

  4. I'm NOT impressed AGAIN :blink:


    lyrics are so plain

    they sing out of tune

    so probably they didn't reharse much

    Ida's voice is reduntant


    I can see it's a romantic love song, so I can accept it in Mika's repertoire only if he will sing it alone by himself, at the piano solo, putting in it all his heart as he did when he sang La Solitude.

    If he will improve the lyrics, the better.


    only then I guess is would like it.


    sorry Mika, you started it: better being kind than nice :wink2:


    When he first singed Rain in PDP, didn't it have half the lyrics it has now? Besides, the melodu changed a lot. So I guess we just gotta wait. It's not that it's an officially release song like Elle me dit, this one can still change.

    And for the melody, I'm actually adoring it. Reminds me of Happy Ending, it has the same passion. And yeah, I'd love to listen it only from him too from the bottom of his heart :teehee:

  5. Well , no one noticed my Rihanna, hope you´ll notice my new little Mika! :teehee:



    I did, just not commented :teehee: She's lovely :wub2:


    Why does it look weird to me? :blink: Something in the look, or in the shape of the face :blink:

    Never mind, maybe it's just me. My head keep on burning out :mf_rosetinted:

    It's a piece of art :biggrin2:

  6. Well that just seems OVERLY mean. I doubt Mika's THAT cruel to his fans. He can be a bit mindless, :aah: but not mean.

    Yeah, I dunno. That's why I said that that might be totally wrong. But that's the way it feels to me and I like being honest.

    Anyways, this sounds to me a little like what happens with mikasounds.com, that's it's not actually HIM taking care of it. It's not that I think he's cruel, but that he was told to do that or soething like that :dunno:

    I don't mean any offense, just need to say what this sounds to me like.

  7. Thanks for the scan, robertina. :flowers2:

    EDIT: and thank you, Nezza, for the summary, of course! :doh:




    I had quite a few reasons to be honest. First I'm really short on time these days, so I would probably not have been able to come up with anything remotely satisfactory for this purpose anyway.

    But more importantly, I was convinced that whatever I might have sent, it would not be considered, because what would make more sense for an Italian magazine in Italian language than choosing an Italian entry. :dunno: It seems only logical to me, so I'm really not surprised.

    What surprises (and disappoints) me is neither the image itself (because I totally see Mika choosing that, he had blogged about artists committing themselves to that sort of image years ago), nor the fact that in the end it didn't have to fit the literal frame (because I know Mika adapts to what he's given when having to make a choice).

    I'm really annoyed that this result is giving the impression of some sort of a mini pitch for professional illustrators rather than an opportunity for a talented fan to get the recognition they are hoping for. From their idol.

    I know that the idea as such was not sold this way in the actual article. But the fact that the article including the request for illustrations was copied to his own mikasounds blog is a bit irritating. Because there he does not talk to the Italian Repubblica readers but to his international fan base. I'm glad I didn't send anything. But regardless, I would have loved to see something brilliant by a real fan rather than that. I'm sure he got lots of great stuff and also different images than the usual fan art genre as in pencil Mika faces (not implying that it's bad). But maybe I do them all wrong, the mag, Mika and Leonardo Cosmai, and maybe the latter is not only a pro, but also the biggest Mika fan ever, wishing for nothing more than this accolade by his idol. I doubt it, though.

    Couldn't have said it better :thumb_yello:


    Oh, and forgot to thank for the scan and translations (I'm not reading them though :mf_rosetinted: it's nothing personal :aah: Rather read the original without having a picture of it) :wub2: Sorry, I live in a rush lately :blush-anim-cl:


    @violet_sky @willywonka @Lucrezia @Sarina @Dreamy_Queen

    So I am not the only one who found the choice of the winning illustration rather odd…. :blink:


    I am not creative at all when it comes to visual arts and I never even consider entering any of such competitions but I do feel slightly upset as I would have expected an amateur entry to be selected. Of course you cannot tell if one is a fan and this competition was more for readers of the magazine / anyone who cared to read Mika’s column, but choosing a professional media illustrator as the winner really disappoints me. The newspaper this guy works for is a financial paper and it is also a liberal daily, like LaRepubblica.

    It pretty much seems to me that the choice of the winner (I mean the artwork itself as well as the artist) is supporting the high-brow image Mika’s columns are meant to display. That’s fine with me, too, and I’m sure it also pleases Mika but I still don’t understand why bother making it look like it was a competition. :dunno:

    That's exactly what I thought when I saw/read it. I might be totally wrong about this, but a big part of me believes that this was never a competition, that they already had the design.

  8. Well, not sure if this falls in the fan-art category but.....


    This was my entry to the XL repubblica column :pinkbow:


    I wrote a text along with it


    "There`s light and magic within us all

    A mirror full of hopes

    Filled with dreams

    Mend these broken eyes

    To learn your own melody

    And no matter how many the cracks

    You will finally see"




    @andyferrari it's amazing !!! i like the colours, it's fascinating :wub2: you are very talented :wink2:


    my participation :teehee:


    I wanted to do something different ..

    it's a bit sad and strange...

    posted without the frame and the frame :aah:





    Both are lovely :wub2:

    Like them more than the one chosen :mf_rosetinted:

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