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Posts posted by sweet.pixie

  1. Where have you forgotten your password? For the Justgiving account?


    You can have it reset here:



    I don't even remember writing a password! :shocked:


    EDIT: I don't have a password... I think it's asking my for a password my brother should know... Like credit card or bank. I think I'll just cancel and try again when we're both together.



  2. Did you come to Cannes with Fanny Ardant? You're inseparable aren't you?


    The truth is that no, I didn't come to Cannes with Fanny Ardant but it's clear she was on the screen behind me but... inseparable I'm not sure... Honestly, we met and we adored each other, well we didn't adore each other, I adored her and she was careful and after that we made a video clip together and I think she wanted to kill me. That's the truth, she wanted to kill me, she didn't know why she was doing this and I was telling her it's a good idea and that she would be great in the vid. It's clear she had never done something like that and now, yes, we get on well, I'm really proud to have her in my video because honestly she's an icon, a French icon in every way. I adore her, she has class, even if she hated me.


    In EMD, your mum is really strict, was yours cooler?


    My mum is quite cool, very cool. Actually she's here at the NMA tonight, she's working on the set, she's the one who made that (showing his waist thingy). She's cool but she's hard. She has... in fact no she's very hard, she's harder than in the song but she's cool. We get on very well, it's a kind of... We get on like.. not really mother and son, it's more like friends and... there are a lot of fights. But she's cool. I respect her. It's better than everything.


    I wanted to see you so much in your last vid, when will be the next single and promise me you'll be in the vid


    Yes I will be in the video. The reason why I was not in the other one is because I released it before the album was ready and I wanted to make a video that was a bit like, I don't know, a short movie. And that for me was cooler than being in the video performing. And, well, when there's Fanny Ardant, why would we need me? And also, I'll be in the next video, and it will arrive... quite soon, I go back in 3 days and continue recording and finishing the album, I'm nearly doing the sound mixing and so we'll finish it very soon.


    Mika, you gave a gig at the Parc des Princes and the Palais Impérial, where do you take us next?


    Next time I'd like to do the Cirque d'Hiver again and otherwise I'd like to do a small residency in a small theatre somewhere, it doesn't have to be in Paris, it could be a pretty theatre in Lyon or somewhere like this I don't know, in Lille (:swoon:) I want to settle in that theatre for 6 shows or something like that and present something very beautiful. That would be very cool. And after that, we do the big tour again. Because I have a lot of ideas.


    If you had a super power...


    That's hard... To freeze time. Like this.

    That's something they shoud fight about :mf_rosetinted:

    Thanks for translation :flowers2:


    EDIT: Forgot to say, OF COURSE WE NEED HIM ON HIS VID!!!

  3. Thanks for pics, vids, translations and everything :biggrin2:


    I don't like Mika wearing black btw :mf_rosetinted: And he should really get rid off of those ugly skirts :mf_rosetinted:


    Mika : It's... Thank you very much; honestly in any way I'm completely surprised (laughs) It's really a pleasure and a surprise; I'm really pleased. It's the first time I win since my first album and it's really... it's cool. I want to thank... Really, honestly, I'm so surprised there's only one person to thank: it's my fans, thank YOU, I'm here because and thanks to you. Thanks a lot I'm really moved. I'm completely... overwhelmed. Thank you very much.



    Awwwwwwwwww :wub2:

    Fangurl mode ON :fangurl:

  4. Hey friends,

    I just want to say that there´s a biggest music awards in my country, called Slávik, and this year, there´s my video that is nominated!!! :yay:


    As it´s possible to vote from any country, I´d like you to know the opportunity of voting for me if you want. You can vote until 20th of february. you can find the link on my official webpage http://www.lucialancosova.sk

    or just go here and vote! :)




    Just write your name and e-mail adress on the right box and they will send you a link, that you need to click to confirm your vote. Thanks a lot!


    I´m so happy, this is such a huge satisfaction and honour for me to be nominated! :clap:


    Just needed to share it with you. :pinkbow:

    Congratulations!! :yay: :yay: :yay:


    As soon as I get the email, I would have voted :wink2:

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