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Posts posted by FralovesMika

  1. Fra, no I don't have it. I have other conditions, though, that I have lived with since childhood, which went undiagnosed for many years. I always knew something was "off" but it took until 2006 to be formally diagnosed with them.


    As I said, it's been so helpful to finally know what was going on all that time - I just wish I'd known sooner. I am sure that Marilyn's quality of life is vastly improved with proper identification of the problem!


    I see, my bad and sorry for asking that way, but I can understand how is it to deal with not so easy to explain medical condition, although I'm pretty young I've lived it with other people in my family and I'm still living it too, it sucks but something will be found sooner or later, anyway thanks for telling :)


    School was a nightmare. I didn't have many friends and, of course, was bullied for being different.

    Yes, the Prosopagnosia has affected all aspect of my life, when I look back on it. I tried to be a Brownie Guider, but it didn't take long for the children to realize I never used their names. Of course, this was because one blonde girl in a ponytail looks just like every other blonde girl in a ponytail. I couldn't tell them apart. They would say, "you don't know us, do you Snowy?" (Brownie Guiders are named after different kinds of owls and are sort-of like teachers) and I had to come clean and admit that I didn't. I gave it up after that.

    I do want to see that Brad Pitt interview, because I think it's great when celebrities share about things like this. I've always admired Mika for being open about his Dyslexia. It must have been so hard for Mika when he was a child. But look at what he has achieved. The beautiful articles he has written, and composing songs without knowing how the music is written, not to mention his phenomenal linguistic skills. This proves that, even with a learning problem, or other handicap, people are capable of great things. Maybe more so than if they never had a problem, because tough stuff builds character.

    I've always liked Brad Pitt as an actor, especially in movies like Fight Club and Kalifornia. It will be interesting to see how he copes with his condition.


    Dunno exactly what Brownie Guiders are but I guess it's some kind of adult guide as you see in associations like the scouts or something like that, but it always surprise me how kids are that smart even when they are so little, and sometimes they're even brutally honests because they do not realize it, i can see how hard was it for you anyway.


    I admired a lot too how Mika was open about his condition and his life bakrounds and past experiences, I even did an essay on my as my thesis in my highschool senior year I worked months on that, and was really appreciated from lots of people and most of my professors, I think I'll put the same efforts in these even if they're totally different things :aah:

    I think also as you do that people who suffers a lot somohow in life later they're the best you can found because they've passed through something that most of common people cannot easily understand.

    I like Brad Pitt as actor too, I'm going to upload the interview right away :)

  2. There are faceblind studies, but they are in London. I live in the North West of the UK, and can't drive, so I can't get there.

    You've mentioned about the brain conditions that might cause Prosopagnosia. Certainly anyone on the Autism spectrum of disorders might have it. In my case, I suspect (though it's just my theory) that I have it as a result of my Tuberous Sclerosis, which is also known as Epiloia, and is a rare genetic condition. It causes calcification to form in any part of the body. I have calcium deposits in my brain. Among the other problems it causes, I think it might have affected the part of my brain that recognizes faces. But like I have said, it's just a theory.

    I used to see a neurologist, and told him about my recognition problems. I told him that I could only recognize him by the tie he always wore. He just didn't take me seriously. He acted like I was making it up! Needles to say, I stopped seeing him. I only wish I had had my diagnosis when I saw him.

    This is the problem. A lot of doctors don't know about it, so they are not much help. There has been stuff about it on TV in recent years. So people are gradually learning about it.

    I'm interested to see the Brad Pitt interview.

    Once again, I'm thrilled at how the thread is going. My tablet doesn't let me mq, but any illness that isn't diagnosed, is much better to cope with, once it is. So good luck Kezza.


    I see, it's a pity because if you were nearer to London nowadays in specialized center there are group therapy for any kind of disorder and research and studies you can partecipate in, I'm also going to ask material with my professor reccomandation from the prosopagnosia reasearch centre website you gave me with the test you took, anyway anything involved in the neuroscience field is making big strides so any other day something new could be found, it's a pretty recent field of reasearch and whole section of disorders that have been discorvered that there is a lot to study for many many years ahed.

    Of course doctors are not updated on this new kind of diseases, it's their own field and in general medicine the updating classes are made only when they are mandatory from hospitals or from international institutions, there's a difference they teach you when you get admitted in psychology, the difference between a doctor, a psychiatrist and a psychologist mainly in the attitude, the following method and in the updating of course :P

    Dunno from many years ago was this episodo with that neurologist, but you should call him and tell him he is an idiot :teehee:



    Francesca, what an original choice for your thesis! May I ask you if you have chosen this subject because of a personal interest or if your professor have given you a hint?

    I'm not into medicine, but if you think I can help you someway... Don't know how, I don't even know if this going to be a clinical or a bibliographic study but you never know...

    Anyway I get from your description you are completing your master degree, am I wrong?




    Thank you Giovi! My choice is for personal interest, this disorder was just mentioned in a book when I did my 1st exam in my 1st year at college, General psychology 1st, and I thought it was nice to deepen this topic, I'm not doing master degree but just 1st grade deegre in psychological sciences and techniques, this is a non sperimental thesis, so i think it's defined compilative or bibliographic, infact in the 1st degree you don't even still have the chance to discuss your thesis you just have to do it, agreeing with your relator and get your mark for your study (wich normally is always the higher so you have a higher deegre mark) so I thought following a sperimental one for this degree was just too much.

    If you'd like to help I'm glad, for now I'm just trying to find some interesting stuff in italian because I've lots of stuff to translate from english, and it's not gonna be so easy :D so if you find something feel free to share it :)

  3. Wow, very interesting (but sucks for you Marilyn!).


    And good luck with the thesis Fran! :thumb_yello:


    Thank you!


    Many thanks for the posts so far.

    Prosopagnosia varies in severity, from person to person. I'm in the upper middle of the faceblind scale. Some people are so bad, they walk past a mirror and think they are looking at someone else! Thank God I'm not that bad.

    But it has been a problem all my life, and it's one of those invisible conditions that people can't see you have. Before diagnosis, I used to say that I didn't recognize faces very well. Then someone would talk about being stopped in the street by someone from their past, and they didn't know who they were. Or walking up to someone (who usually had their back to them) and saying, "hi Jane," only to realize it's not Jane when the person turns round and faces them.

    These are common things to happen. But Prosopagnosia sufferers won't realise it isn't Jane, even when she turns around, and if someone comes up to us in the street, they could be someone we only saw that morning and we wouldn't know them by their faces.

    However, we can hide the condition. Many people would never know we have it, because we use other ways to identify people. Over the years we get to be experts at voices, at checking clothes, hairstyles, glasses, etc, but it's not foolproof. My pastor's wife came to church with a new hairstyle, and I was just going to welcome her as a visitor to the church, when Alan grabbed my arm and said, "that's Helyn!" I hadn't known her because she'd changed her hair.

    Once there were two men of similar colouring. I knew them both well. One of them had just become a father. I went to the other one and congratulated him. I felt like such a fool!

    Meeting someone in the street who obviously knows me, I've learned to keep the conversation neutral. "Hi there! How are you? Are you doing okay?" While all the time listening to what they're saying, to get a clue who they are.

    But since I have been diagnosed, I'm much less secretive. I will tell people I have face blindness, that way, they are prepared when they see me.

    I do the same on here. Because I won't recognize people at the gigs.

    Once, on a cold winters night, I was standing outside the theatre. I saw a guy in a hoodie. He also wore a woolly hat that covered his hair and came down to his eyes. I thought, at least that guy is warm.

    He came closer and I heard him speak.

    Yes, you've guessed, it was Mika.

    I didn't know about Brad Pitt! That's something we have learned in this thread.


    It's always interesting to read what you have to say Marylin e speciale for me cause I can recall what I've studied through these years at college, and also great material i can include in my thesis is so different to interact with someone Who truly lives it instead of study always the same clinical cases, some are pretty boring too :teehee: , lately I'll upload the interview to Brad Pitt and other stuff I found trying to keep it on a General ground and not to go too specific in the neuroscience field, but guess how is hard for Brad with all those kids and all the different people he has to meet and work with every day!!


    About your meeting with Mika and not recognising him I remembered also the first time we spose about it in the XL La Repubblica thread and he had just cut his hair short, and of course it was a problem for you in the beginning, imagine you walking around for London maybe in Hyde Park and meet him with Mel walking if he doesn't speak you will just keep going your way would be such a pity!


    One last thing I did some study at a neuroscience lab in my college on TMS, the brain trans magnetic stimulation, have you ever partecipated in this kind of studies? It's normally a procedure used to map the brain, i even tried it once too, was pretty fun to see a map of my brain in some normal accomplishing different operations :naughty: it just gives a lil itchy nose LOL but it was fun!

  4. Ciao a tutte!! Chi non muore si rivede :teehee: purtroppo non ho più tanto tempo di bazzicare qui in giro comunque ogni tanto è carino rispuntare e fare un saluto, ciao anche a tutte le nuove che non conosco :)


    Poi volevo anche dire che ho appena aperto un thread sulla Prosopagnosia, mio argomento di tesi, insieme a Marilyn Mastin nella sezione General chin, venite a dare un occhio se vi va :wink2:




    ....è permesso? am I welcomed here? (non so se l'ho scritto giusto macchissenefrega)

    Mammamia ma è sempre così bruuuutto sto posto! :naughty:

    vabbe', come si dice chi non more se rivede!:teehee:

    buonasera e un ciaocomevatuttoapposto? a chi mi conosce già (ferrrrme là, calma, non mi svenite per carità) e piacere, sono una che bazzicava di qua tanto tempo fa, una vecchia gramigna insomma, per tutte le altre


    oh ma non lo posso lasciare un attimo che mi combina una catastrofe, e che è successo in un paio d'anni? tutto azzimato e col farfallino!:shocked:


    da farfallone* a farfallino, come passa il tempo....


    *mi scusino le mie non-conoscenti, è un vecchio contenzioso che avevo col titolare, qui qualcuno se ne ricorderà....

    ...come sempre, al vostro serviziooo

    (ma non pulisco i vetri, ne':naughty:)


    Ma guarda chi è tornato?!! Ciao Giuli come stai?!!!

  5. I hope people will be interested in looking on here.

    The condition affects 2% of the population, but for those who have it, it can be a total nightmare.

    I thought it was just me, who watched programs on TV and kept having to ask my family,

    "Who's that guy, is it the good guy or the bad guy?"

    "We've told you before, that's the bad guy!"

    Mind you, my problems with the faces on TV, were what alerted my mum to the fact that something was wrong. People used to stop her in the street and tell her that I was struck-up, because I'd walked right past them without speaking. It wasn't until we got a TV, and I could not recognize the actors, even if I saw them many times, that she understand why I couldn't recognize people in the street.

    But I was in my fifties before I heard of Prosopagnosia. Then, what a relief. I took the test, mentioned in the first post and presented the results to my doctor. Now that I can put a name to my condition, it's much easier to bear.

    So it's good to get the word out, and let people who have this problem know they are not alone.


    I cannot even understand how is to deal with it normally, cannot imagine how it was with having a diagnosis, but i can understand Why is better with knowing the condition of it :)


    P.s. I even know now that Brad Pitt suffers from it, so you're in good company :P


    Being able to identify something, when you have sensed something is not quite right, is a wonderful thing, isn't it? I received several diagnoses about seven years ago, and while I don't totally agree with the severity of the conditions as described, being able to know what I was dealing with was most definitely a factor in being able to function!


    Sorry for asking Kezza are you suffering for this condition too, or know someone Who suffers from it?


    good luck to everyone involved, it sounds like a horrible thing to deal with and i wish you the best.

    Thank you!

  6. Hello everyone!

    A few weeks ago I was contacted by pm, by Franlovesmika, because she had read in my posts, that I suffer from Prosopagnosia. She is going to write a thesis on the condition, and in the end, we decided to open a thread.

    Prosopagnosia is rare, it's not very well understood, so we thought this thread might help people to understand the condition, as well as being a place where information and help sites could be posted.

    This is the Wikipedia information site


    Another information site


    Some research on the condition


    So what is it? How does it affect the sufferer?

    It is the inability to recognize faces. Not only stranger's faces, but people we see everyday, like neighbours. When I see my neighbours in their gardens, I know who they are, but if I see them in Sale Town Centre, or in the street, I don't know them. My husband Alan always tells me they are coming towards me, so I don't ignore them, like they are strangers.

    The condition is nothing to do with eyesight. My eyes work fine, but something is wrong with the filing system in my brain.

    When we meet someone, our brains store information about them, and that includes making a map of the person's face, for future recognition. It's filed away, along with the person's name, and other facts.

    My brain is unable to do this. Facial memory doesn't make it to my long term memory, so if a person walks away for a few minutes, I've lost the memory.

    People with the condition learn other ways to recognize people, but it's not easy. You can bet anything that I don't recognize Mika if he's covered his hair, or I don't hear him speak or sing.

    At a party or other social networking event, I've learned to remember what each person is wearing, or their hairstyles, or jewellery. That way, if they walk away for a while, I know who they are when I see them again, after a few minutes.

    Another problem for the sufferer, is being unable to tell certain people apart. If there are two women (for example) with long blonde hair and blue eyes, I might be able to tell them apart if they are standing together. One may be taller, thinner, have slightly longer hair and if I see them together, I can see the differences, but when they are separate, I can't tell who is who.

    When my son started at nursery school, my biggest fear was not, how he would fare there, but would I recognise him when I went to pick him up?

    This may sound ridiculous, but it was a huge fear. The condition affects your recognition of your own family members, once they go out of your sight. Steve would be among other children, with brown hair and brown eyes. How would I know him?

    My mum told me to remember what clothes he was wearing when I took him to the nursery, and reminded me that Steve would recognize me, and would come to me himself.

    That is basically, what happened, so it wasn't a disaster.

    This is the first post here. There are many things I can add to what I've said. Other information we can add, about the research, and the test for it, which is here


    Prosopagnosia is found on the Autism spectrum, but, as with myself, it can just happen, and no one knows why.

    I hope this thread will give people on here an insight into the condition, and provide anyone who has the condition, or has someone close who suffers from it, somewhere to come and talk about it.

    I also wish Fran every success with her thesis. Hopefully the thread will be a great help.


    I wish you luck with this thread. I had never heard of it before, and can't imagine what it would be like. Also, the best to Fran for her thesis!


    Thanks Kezza


    & of course


    Thanks Marilyn for open this thread!!

    You've done wonderful with the first post :) I think you explained even better than what i could have done.


    Hi everyone I'm Francesca, I'm going to get a college degree in psycology hopefully the next september, and I'm just starting to write this thesis on Prosopagnosia as my final essay :) i truly hope this topic may get many people interest. Here it is a sample of the points about how I thought I'd set this essay:


    -Alessia,prosopagnosia, Agnosia: differences

    -Prosopagnosia appercettiva, associative Prosopagnosia, developmental Prosopagnosia

    -Face blindness disorder, the problem of recognizing faces

    -clinical cases

    -how to live everyday life who suffer from prosopagnosia




    I will include the face blindess disorder test too and I have some material in englisg to post if it's interesting for anyone.


    In the last point s I'm going to resume the experience of everyday people with this kind of disorder, something that goes beyond the standard clinical cases, also because the research material involves most people with brain damages or other disorders that lead to Prosopagnosia, that's also why the study about it are so recent.


    Anyway i truly hope this project will took off!


    I'm also going to spread the words among my fb Mfc friends and on the italian thread ;)

  7. P.s Of course I thank the band, Tim, Mika and everyone who made this experience as perfect as it was, it really made my day!!


    In Italy, Padova precisely, some newsparer said the choir was from the singing school of the city, that was absolutely not true, even if some chorist are professional singers, but one of us let them know after it was already published, another hilarious thing that came with that night! :D


    This should be all, thx!!

  8. Glad and embaressed at the same time to see pics and videos about Padova, yes, I was in the choir too last night, it was 2 days really mad (as it always happens when it comes to MIKA :roftl: ) I'm still in recovery and still so tired and with low voice!! Normally I don't like to write reports cause I don't think I'm good enough to put down in words all the amazing feelings that came across living an experience like that, but I'll try to come up with something :)


    I got the mail for the choir, 1st thought that was a joke, cause I'm a lot out of practice in singing since I was in highschool, but eventually they liked so I was in, Tim came by in the afternoon a lil late, everyone seemed to be late that day :naughty: brought us in and started practice with I'm playing the guitar in acustic and all the band around to hear us and give us some tips, I helped translating what he was saying to the others especially the guys cause they weren't much into english and the lyrics too, but by the time we finished and fix something they were enthusiasthic, quote what also Lucrezia said best entries and the best chorus they ever had :making me red, like an apple: we had time to practice more a lil on the stage and on our own than Mika came and after he got ready to get that stage we had to practice a lil with him, I never forget that moment it was just us him and the band in his restroom, he was tense in the beginning but slowly he melted in hearing us and came up with a big big smile and started to enjoy it and he told me to play big and cool on stage, this was his own words whatever he meant I still dunno :roftl: , but he was happy, I never saw him so happy and that moved me.


    On stage everything went well, even if the acustic was really really bad, even his microphone broke beetween Lola and Rain and he didn't figured it out for a couple mins, than when he realised it, started laughing and jocking about it!!


    We met after the gig kind as always took some photos, signed what he had to sign, and then said, I'll never forget that night...


    As I said earlier this is not even close to what was it like to be there and live it, but I hope you'll appreciate :)

  9. L'alba dei morti viventi :aah: son rientrata alle 8 ieri sera, che devastamento!!


    Avete sentito Celebrate nel nuovo spot della wind :thumb_yello:?


    Si pensavo di avere ancora la musica nelle orecchie invece è vero :aah:



    E per chi non l'avesse ancora saputo Mika mi ha detto che tornerà a scrivere per XL :wink2:




    ... e il concerto? com'è stato?

    ho visto i video e sono piuttosto emozionanti, lui pare raggiante e scatenato!

    nessuno racconta anche qui, nella nostra lingua madre, ciò che è successo le sere passate?:wink2:








    Gioia se mi aggiungi su facebook vedi tutto!

    Onestamente, per quanto mi riguarda, non credo che le parole potrebbero bastare per descrivere cosa non è successo quella sera :aah:

  10. Davvero? Be', ha ragione, sono unici! L'unica cosa è che sono tornata a casa con due lividi e abbastanza distrutta perchè si sa che se vai a un concerto del genere non ne torni senza botte lol

    Ma anche quello è stato emozionante a suo modo :naughty era nel Parterre o nelle tribune?



    Già, e di sicuro non sarà l'ultimo, l'importante è iniziare e poi lo seguirò il più possibile visto che (spero) ne avrò la possibilità!





    PS: se c'è qualcuno dalle parti di Legnago/Verona e dintorni non è che potrebbe darmi un passaggio al ritorno, ovviamente dividendo le spese della macchina :fisch


    Unici nel loro genere è decisamente l'aggettivo adatto :naughty: non ho mai visto nulla di paragonabile al loro "stile" in effetti :naughty: penso infatti che si sia pogato parecchio a un concerto del genere, praticamente è la norma :teehee: mio fratello è andato nelle tribune perchè poteva arrivare solo sul tardi dal lavoro e quindi ha preferito assicurarsi un posto con una buona vista ma anche lui è amante del pogo e penso che si sarebbe divertito parecchio! :)


    Vedrai che poi di Mikaina non potrai più farne a meno :teehee:, io infatti mi faccio entrambe le date visto che non so se l'anno prossimo ne potrò fare molte per via dell'ultimo anno di università! Ma non voglio pensarci adesso, spero di farcela comunque :aah:


    Purtroppo per Padova io dormo là e poi scendiamo a Roma! Non mi viene in mente nessuno che abita in quella zona mi spiace!



    Gente, vi ricordate che stiamo organizzando un regalo da donare a MIKA durante le date italiane?

    C'è tempo fino a domani per partecipare!

    Fatemi sapere se siete interessati!



    Giuro che adesso mi metto a scrivelo e te lo mando per sera :thumb_yello: io e la mia sbadataggine! :doh:


    Probabilmente ne avete parlato prima che arrivassi, quindi non so nullaa

    Potrei avere più info?:teehee::teehee:


    Si tratta di una specie di libro guida illustrato con foto e curiosità delle città dove abitiamo con 2 righe di curiosità da mettere sotto la foto, visto che gli piace l'Italia e visitarla spesso nelle vacanze Valeria a pensato a questo regalino, se vuoi aggiungerti manda un pm a Valeria son sicura che non ci sarà alcun problema :wink2: , solo che la scadenza è domani!

  11. Certo, mi farebbe piacere:)


    Comunque buon pomeriggio a tutti! Martedì sera sono stata al concerto dei Tenacious D a Milano, non mi sono ancora ripresa :naughty: che emozione!


    :thumb_yello: Anche a me!

    Pensa ci è andato anche mio fratello, mi ha detto che è stato fenomenale! Mi sarebbe piaciuto venirci, penso siano dei geni come gruppo :aah:




    ciao! allora quando vai a vedere Mika non ti riprendi più :D


    Puoi dirlo forte:naughty:


    Ad ogni modo concordo con Mari il primo live di MIKA resta il primo live di MIKA incomparabile :wub2:

  12. già sono una seccatura, lei poi ha dovuto farlo anche per entrare ai primi tre anni, a Padova è a numero chiuso Psicologia :sneaky2:


    no io e la Ele scendiamo in treno, anzi devo ancora prenotarlo ma ho già dato un'occhiata agli orari...di sicuro noi non facciamo la coda dalla mattina presto, arriveremo nel pomeriggio:wink2:


    Già ma è così per la maggiore in Italia purtroppo :sneaky2: però dicono che Padova sia una delle migliori io per come mi trovo qui son contenta di non essere andata alla Bicocca o alla Cattolica, si è laureata un'amica di mio fratello l'anno scorso e so più cose di lei!!

    Ho capito no io scendo in macchina con le altre ma c'è Luisa che divide la camera con me che scende anche lei in treno, era a Vigevano non mi ricordo se l'hai conosciuta magari le chiedo se ha già prenotato il treno o se vi potete accordare per scendere insieme :wink2:


    Uff finita la pausa torno a lezione, ciao ciao! :huglove:

  13. ma sai che la Betta mi ha detto che per fare la magistrale forse deve fare i test di ammissione? uffa!:sneaky2:


    Si purtroppo è una cosa normale in Italia penso di doverlo fare pure io per certi indirizzi :sneaky2: tu scendi anche in macchina a Roma cara?


    Salve a tutti anche qui:) Mi sono presentata qualche giorno fa e ora inizio un po' a frequentare. Sono Galia, ho 18 anni e sono di Verona. Per caso qualcuno va al concerto di Padova il 9 novembre?:)


    Ciao Galia, benvenuta! Io sono Francesca ho 21 anni e abito a Chieti, ci sarò anch'io a Padova il 9 :) penso però di muovermi insieme ad alcune amiche che alloggiano nel mio stesso hotel, pensi di fare la coda insieme ad alcune di noi irriducibili? :teehee: In caso avremo tutto il tempo di conoscerci :wink2:


    P.s. Giuro stavolta non mi metto la alle 7 arrivo col treno in mattinata :D


    Buon inizio settimana a tutte comunque! Stasera mi è capitato di girare su studio aperto e ho sentito in sottofondo Stardust!! *w*


    P.p.s Qualcuno sa qualcosa in più sul coro di fan che ha fatto partecipare al concerto di NY di ieri?

  14. a numero aperto? fortunata, niente test di ammissione per entrare allora :thumb_yello:


    Sisi per la triennale è aperto per la magistrale penso cambi ma non so, in ogni caso non sono sicura al 100% di restare qui, vedremo c'è ancora un pò di tempo per decidere con calma :wink2:


    Ma che belle recensioni!

    Io sto circuendo amici parenti e conoscenti nel frattempo e devo dire che questo disco è apprezzato da molti son riuscita a costringere mio fratello a comprarlo persino (cosa eccezionale per lui comprare dischi che non siano metal :naughty: ) ma mi ha confessato che gli piace molto Stardust, la considero decisamente una conquista :aah:


    Buon inizio settimana a tutte :teehee:

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