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Posts posted by Fangirl

  1. hehehe, i watched it on THE BOX yesterday... flicked onto it by mistake, but was like :swoon: it was amazing!!!


    i swear i say that all the time... and i seen that video about a gazillion times!!!


    so where abouts are you in england then? x




    I was really fed up that it wasn't on by number 2, as I was about to change the channel, my nan came in and said: "Emma, do you want anything to eat?"


    I talked to her for a bit, switching the volume down so I could hear. I was going to channel, until I looked at the screen, realising I missed about half of Rain. I immediately decided that it was time to rewind and record! I did, and I'm watching it now! Well, I'm flicking between that and Russell Howard's Good News. :roftl:




    I live in the... *can't remember*Oh! The South East area. I live quite near London.




    By the way, I found a new quote! Or two...


    They're from the same video.


    "The girls outnumber the boys in this video. But not really, because if you think about it, although we've got... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 female dancers, they're actually dressed as men. So you could argue that we've got five boys, and five girls, and another 3 boys, so that's eight boys versus five girls. So I think we win."




    "Oh! Nez has got a talent for picking the shots that are probably the most impossible to film! We will be here til about 8 o'clock in the morning..... The b******."







  2. You know you're a Mika fan when you've invented a term called 'Second-hand Fangirl-ing/Mika-ing.'


    It basically means that your friends, who may not like Mika, know everything about him because you won't shut up. :teehee:




    You know you're a Mika fan when someone says: "Hm, my sandwich is extra chicken-y today..." you start giggling uncontrollably. :roftl:

  3. hehehe, i know... but hey!


    aww i hope you feel better x:huglove:


    :blush-anim-cl: Thanks!


    I'm waiting to see that new Mika video that The BOX apparently added yesterday.


    ... Woah, hold up. Last time I looked, it was at Number 7... How is it at 4 now?!




    ... Oh, I have Sky+. I can rewind.


    I don't wanna watch these people sing! I WANNA WATCH MIKA!




    i want his jacket :naughty:

    oh i had no idea what that woman was saying... but i don't care, i was too busy watching him... and my new jacket LOL!!!!


    NOOO i can't watch the rest... :crybaby: dinner :crybaby:

    see ya next time lil one!! x x x x x x :huglove:




    Yeah, I want it too! :aah:


    But 'I found it in a little boutique in Tokyo!' DOESN'T HELP ANYONE MIKA! :sneaky2:







    I feel so sick... I have a cold~...

  5. I had a weird dream last night...



    I want to be an illustrator when I'm older, and I dreamt that I published a comic about a girl running to school, and everywhere she looked there was a Mika reference.


    First, it was raining.

    Then a guy handed her a pink balloon.

    Next a two boys tried to blame something they did on some girls. (Quite a literal reference there, huh?)


    But the weirdest bit was that this six year old dropped his pink umbrella on the floor, and his mother went:


    "Grey! Pick it up off the floor!"


    He replied, "Mommy! Pick up off the floor! Now!"




    Then I woke up. :blink:




    Sigh, maybe I'll draw it out, and post it up here. Then I won't sound so odd trying to explain it! :roftl:

  6. Got a link so I can listen? :das:


    Who, me?


    Lucky for you, I'm watching it now!



    It's around 5:34!


    There's a bit in the beginning though that I like, he says that he sounds like a killer on WAG when he whispers! XD

    • Like 1
  7. (Why do I keep posting? Oh whatever...)


    In this one radio interview, he said:


    After singing a bit of Like A Prayer (Madonna)-


    "I remember watching this song, when I was younger, for the first time, and I was like: 'This is the ultimate pop song! Turn it up it's really good! Turn it up! Turn it up!' *starts singing it again :roftl:*"


    The woman asks another question...


    "Yeah, I was young, I was really young. How old would I have been? When did it come out? This song, I don't know... '92? Right? '92? No..."


    Woman asks the person playing the music..


    "Oh '82? Oh my God, I wasn't even BORN!!! Haha! I was born in '83! Oh my God..."


    A bit of a pause.


    "God Madonna's OLD! She's cool but she's OLD!"


    I better stop before I post the whole interview.... :teehee:

    • Like 1
  8. I got another thing, it happened to me this week.



    In our Music classes, when we get bored near the end of term, we start getting YouTube videos and singing along to them. Kinda like karaoke.


    And well, someone suggested Mika, and my class started shouting out stuff from Life In Cartoon Motion, and every kinda turned to me. I suggested Grace Kelly (and WAG, but no one really heard).


    So Miss tried to find GOOD QUALITY videos with Lyrics, but she found nothing. No one really trusts online lyrics, so I had to write them on the board. Then, my teacher suggested we use my iPod, but for some reason, she wanted to hear the acoustic version ("Just to hear what it's like" she says).


    I play the drums, and I remember learning GK as one of my pieces. My teacher remembers and decides to ask me to play along.


    I did, and admittedly, it was really fun! The whole class enjoyed it!







    I decided to watch the Rain video on my iPod, and I got... Distracted (:roftl:). I ended up missing my stop, the one after, and only got off at the town centre.


    PLUS, I didn't know how to get home from town, and I left my phone at home.


    We had a half-day today, and got out of school at 2:15. I arrived home at 3:00.


    Why Mika? Why did you have to be so distracting? :roftl:

  10. I even guessed ANIME CHARACTERS!!!


    He GOT IT RIGHT!!!




    Wait a second... *types in another Japanese character*














    This is addicting!

  11. Emma! Girls of your age shouldn't be drinking, even if it is a Saturday night! :roftl::roftl::roftl:


    That's actually so ridiculous. LOL.



    I can't help it! Coffee is soo GOOOOD... Oh, now look what you've done! It's past 1AM and I want COFFEE. Gr... :sneaky2:


    Nah, just joking! :roftl:



    Well, I'm probably not going to sleep now!


    G'night peeps! :bye:

  12. I've been supposedly sleeping for the last 2 hours!


    Poor father... Never give me unlimited internet access... And coffee. But the coffee was my idea.


    I keep have the same dream about this!


    Basically, I arrive at the Apollo and there's two lines. One has no one in it, and the other one has about ten people in it.


    I was just staring at these two lines, not knowing the difference, until someone tapped me on the shoulder. She said that the one line was for MFCers who wanted to meet Mika, and the other one was for peeps who just wanted to get in early.


    I didn't know which one to join, but that girl kinda pulled me into her line. I just stared at her, and she asked me what my username was. I told her, and she went all happy (:blink: why? I dunno...) and said (Get ready...)


    "Emma? Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Jazzy, or if you want, Laura!"


    And it's always then when I wake up!


    I have weird dreams... :blink:


    But anywho! :biggrin2:

  13. My mum likes his music, artwork, looks, videos, but she ain't too keen on the fact that he's shy.


    Dad likes... SOME music, hasn't expressed an opinion on his art, SOME videos... That's it. He doesn't like anything else.


    My brother hates him.


    And my nan thinks he's funny, but she acts homophobic and keeps calling him 'Mike'.

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