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Everything posted by statueofliberty

  1. I personally don't have pictures, I guess you know where you can find some though - it's just, these pictures seem to have been taken by a member you know where and I really don't want to get in trouble for posting her(?) pictures here. I just got a PM by a banned user who apparently never posted anything on this board - why are they banned then? Obviously I didn't reply, I mean they are banned!
  2. Ein gesundes Jahr 2010 an alle hier ! I'm so sorry I haven't posted here for a while, but there don't seem to be any news at the moment apart from Felix's new hairstyle... if we at least had something to talk about I would post more!
  3. Don't give it up ! Come on, the worst thing that can happen is you've got a wrong answer (which happened quite often so far)! I'm bored, I posted all those new quizzes, and no answers so far...
  4. I've also found out who the oldest/youngest of them is, so another thing for you to guess .
  5. Okay, so does this mean Niki (hope I got your name right) and Keti finally have competion? Because I'm this thread's quizmaster, you know .
  6. Sorry for bumping that thread again - but actually I've started reading it, I'm on page 31, and it's soooo random ! Btw, that "thing that screamed" was probably one of those horrible smileys. They are adverts for some page, all over the internet and scream something like "Oh my God, no way!" in a loud, shrill voice. Seriously, every time I hear that advert I just wanna kill a smiley! There's also proof Felix drinks "no" alcohol on page 64, lol. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2200/1558742612_722ccbbf2a_b.jpg https://my.sputnik.de/contents/0/3/4/2/6/0/0/0/0/0/picture/112363.jpg
  7. Thank you. But you still haven't told me whether you liked the gallery (the present/gift... not my presence). I've actually had trouble opening that page once, hope you didn't experience that too? You know what... you got it right on the first try! Let's celebrate! Wir werden Finalemeister ! But I can't guarantee he doesn't smoke, he didn't even claim it. It's just that he and Felix (who has either quit or just wants to be a good role model ) don't smoke in front of their fans, while Christian, Philipp (big surprise), Ludwig (even bigger surprise) and Silvester have been "caught" more than once and don't seem to mind. Unfortunately I'm running out of fun facts, but I'm sure that will change again. Anyway, I've got some great quotes here, and, of course, you have to guess who said it. Sächsische Zeitung: Was sind denn eure Macken? PK 18 member: Christian macht zum Beispiel öfter Späße, die ich nicht verstehe, und dann bekommt er schon mal eine gelangt. (This was when they were asked about German bands which are successful in France, they expected Rammstein to be the most successful but they were wrong. By the way, that whole interview - and not just this one - kind of gives the impression that they're not Tokio Hotel's biggest fans... I know this is not really a quote, but I love his reaction.) Mein Blog: "Die auch, aber im Moment laufen Tokio Hotel am besten." PK 18 member: Ungläubiges Kopfschütteln (When asked which advice they would give their fans) 1st PK 18 member: "Brecht euer Studium ab!" 2nd PK 18 member: "...und werdet Popstars!" So, who said what? I actually know a lot more, just not verbatim. Nice picture: http://www.dasding.de/-/id=154986/property=detail/106wl4p/index.jpg Yes, it was on Arte, and only Felix and Ludwig this time. They were great as always, but I've actually seen that performance before on Youtube. Somehow I expected it to be longer on TV... Seems like Silvester has not fully recovered yet. I've heard he was missing when they were at an awards show, which was, I think, yesterday. I wonder what's going on. I mean, an injured finger is nasty, but it's not like it keeps you out of action, and it happened at least 3 weeks ago, after all! For some reason I expected "zgodnica" to be some body part .
  8. Oh, don't worry, I just wanted to know whether you like my present . There's only one. Or maybe none, lol (like I said before, maybe he's just sneaky). But definitely not more than one. My questions are all not that easy to answer, otherwise it wouldn't be that much fun! But this one is really easier I think. Have you seen the concert on TV last week? It was really short, maybe 10 minutes, I think you can imagine I was pissed. As we say in German, verarschen kann ich mich auch selber! BTW, what does zgodnica mean? Welcome back, celien.
  9. You just got it wrong for the fifth time... guess what - it's Silvester. Thank you for not cheating, I bet there are videos online where you can obviously see S is missing. Hope he's feeling better now. He had the accident last Friday. Do you receive a TV channel called Arte? It's German/French. If yes on 10 September there's something on which you might find interesting! Dear, I'm running out of questions... let's try an easier one this time: Guess the only one who doesn't smoke (or should I say, the only one who hasn't been caught yet, maybe he's just really sneaky ). Weekend gift for you: http://www.rockhouse.at/konzertbilder_2/090311/pages/Polarkreis%2018%20001.htm
  10. No, wrong one again but it keeps getting easier, huh?
  11. Hello ! Lol! But it wasn't him either, and I don't really believe you have to be clumsy to fall off your bike. Like I said before I don't trust bikes.
  12. And I don't like bikes so I haven't ridden one forever. Btw, you're wrong again.
  13. I know, bike accidents are nasty, I'm really glad I never had one. He obviously couldn't perform on Saturday, but it wasn't Chris. CU, the PK18 quizmaster
  14. News: One of them fell off his bike and sprained (?, injured, anyway) his finger. You know who the clumsy boy is? GET WELL SOON!
  15. I know, everyone has trouble finding their lyrics. There are threads regarding this problem you-know-where, but of course there's no guarantee they are 100% correct. By the way, I don't have the copyright for the pictures I post here, just to let you know. Some message boards really have issues with this so I wanted to make this clear. It was on MDR which I don't receive. Anything else? Pic requests? Hello,Alice!
  16. Yes it is . When I first saw that picture I was like "wtf, is he a bit loony or what" but now I always laugh when I see it (although of course I prefer *that* other picture of him ). Another gallery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spassfotograf/page3/ They showed their concert on TV today in the early morning, did you see it? I don't receive that channel where it was on!
  17. No, it's not Felix (and no, I don't have the original version of that picture, apparently there's just this one online). I found the picture he took the pig's head from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/3/39/20071226153359!Schweinekopf.jpg Is this creepy or what?
  18. "Uwe, du geile Sau!" Who's that? http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/11/l_bab9aa63d2ac4309a5df66bdcaf3256e.png (I didn't photoshop this!) Hello, Natalie. I'm Statue, Statue of Liberty !
  19. You're really good! You just didn't get the rabbit right. It's Christian and I actually think Ludwig wasn't in the band yet back then. I'm going to look for something else for this thread now... will you be online later today? ...I really can't decide who looks "best" on that picture. Hello, England!
  20. Then why did you ask whether it would be someone else first ? Next question - who is who? http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/13/60/11/29/l_ca9911.jpg
  21. Let's see what Christian has to say about that (you have to scroll down a bit): http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-kurier/ratgeber/119564/ (You understand German, don't you?)
  22. You can only choose one, darling! So...
  23. No, also not Felix . Seems like my first question's rather difficult.
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