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Posts posted by Cherol

  1. Awesome! Thanks for posting this! I really hope that he decides to do more shows in America as well!!! I'm throwing pennies in every pond.

    Or, I hope that I win the lotto so that I can go travel to see him all over the place. :naughty:


    I like that he thinks we're like a cult. I bet all the people who drove by the queue in Oakland thought so too! :roftl:

  2. Yeah, I wonder when it's going to blow up. Probably the season finale. I hope that the Terri/Will scam also ends soon. So much drama on Glee! :aah:


    I'm excited for the possibility of a Grease number! That would be so cool :biggrin2:

  3. I think my favorite part was where Mr. Shue was singing the Don't Stand So Close To Me mashup to Rachel and Emma was just sitting there all dreamy eyed. :teehee:


    I loved that part too!

    "Uh, Emma a little help?"

    "You're such a great perfomer. He's such a great performer."



    I was actually pretty surprised at how Mercedes handled Puck's confession. Like, let's all let Quinn keep up this charade, even though it's totally unfair to Finn! :blink:

    I definitely thought she'd be against that.

  4. I liked this week's episode a lot, especially Rachel/Mr.Shue/Suzy pepper. Oh my god, that was so great. :roftl:

    But, I feel like the Quinn/Finn situation is getting way out of hand. :sneaky2: How long are they going to draaaaaaag that out?

  5. As much as I would love love LOVE to have a recorded version of this, I really don't know how it could ever match up to the live version. With the vibraphone-thing and the vocals... it's honestly like being in another world. I'd love to have a recorded version, but I don't think anything could EVER top the live version.


    He should play it more :das:


    I agree! I hope he starts playing it again during his shows. I think I'd lose my mind...even more than one usually does at a Mika show :aah:

    Of course, if he does happen to record it, that would be lovely as well :naughty:

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