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Posts posted by Cherol

  1. Hahah I love Mr. Shoe, I think he is adorable.

    And hopefully Emma is in tonights episode because she wasn't in last weeks.

    Which made me sad.

    But I can't wait for the whole Rachel and Mr. Shoe crush thing, it looked bloody freakin' hilarious. :naughty:


    It looks like there will be some Emma. Hopefully still single Emma. I can't wait until Mr Shue and Emma get together. If she marries Ken, I'm writing Glee a letter.


    I know! The whole school girl crush looks so funny.

    Have you seen the sneak peek for that yet?



  2. Is anyone else super excited for tonights episode?!?!

    I'm like bouncing off the walls right now!




    I am!!!

    I saw the preview and it looks sooooooo funny. I also hope some kind of secret comes out tonight...we'll see I guess.


    I loved last weeks episode so much! I want more Artie now :wub2::naughty:

  3. already asked that in the twitter thread, but maybe it's more on topic here... i don't understand what he's saying at one point when he talks about twitter:


    "i don't read everything, 'cause ... drives you mad" - what does he say in between that, can someone understand it? :blink:


    I heard:

    "'I don't read everything 'cause, you know, sitting there counting the ticker tape drives you mad, no matter what."

  4. This was so cool. I loved all his responses.


    I loved his rant about Ikea.

    "If you want to lose friends, there's two things you can do: go on holiday with them, or go with them to Ikea."



    Haha, I loved that too.

    "I am a tummy sleeper and Ikea understands me." :roftl:

  5. Oh I had completely spaced this! Thanks for posting!

    I really liked this. I don't think he looks bad, maybe the sans-audience factor had an effect on the energy...or it could be a million other things hah.

    Seems his foot's doing better as well, I'm glad about that!

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