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Posts posted by toy_girl_mika96

  1. i also remember him saying in a radio interview that when GK went to no. 1, he took his little brother and sister out for lunch at a local joint and they ate chicken. the interviewer had asked if he was a breast or leg man. he answered a leg man.



    he could be flexitarian, my friend is flexitarian, but calls herself a vegetarian, her parents tell her if she doesn't eat meat she'll be short, which I find rather odd. ;P

  2. I shy away from Petitions just cuz I don't want to annoy him. I do mention texas once in a while in my tweets to him. I've been trying to behave thoguh. :blush-anim-cl:

    I used to annoy him about Atlanta.. but, I stopped in fear when I thought of him blocking me from his twitter.. but, if we can get enough people, he will see how we're not really bugging him, we just love him so much that we are dying to see him live.

  3. It was amazing! :wub2:

    Oh don't worry he will come back, they alwwwways dooo. :roftl:

    Believe me, he is worth the wait!

    I know, I was going to go when he came to Philly.. but I have the World's most stubborn parents.. I sat them down and had a "little" talk with them though, and they promised me a gig on his next tour :D yay!

  4. Nope. :sad:


    I got my hopes up, I knew it is never 100% , but for some reason, I figured that since it was the first he wouldn't be too tired to come out and see us, but he didn't and I totally melted down, but I just realized how lucky I am for even getting to see him! :wub2:

    aw, I'm sorry you didn't get to meet him, but I'm sure you had an amazing time seeing him perform! :) I can't wait until he comes back, I am prepared to go 1,000 miles.. or more, if he doesn't come back to North America, I will be booking some serious airfare. :) I am dying to see him live, and he's announcing a new tour next month!!

  5. Ohhh no, haha my parents just thought 13 was a bit young for a concert :bleh:


    Well, there are some 18+ mika gigs. :shocked:

    oh, no, my mom doesn't really care about concerts, I went to a Dave Matthews concert last year, it was my first concert, but on the mika side.. I'm still waiting, no concerts yet :(

  6. OMG! some guys at my school said he was polysexual!!!


    so i've been thinking of some these past few weeks:



    ♦ instead of inie minie minie moe catch a tiger by it's toe..

    You sing we-are-not-what-you-think-we-are-we-are-golden-we-are-golden on an exam you don't know the answer to.. and you have it right!


    ♦you dance around.. like a clown... on purpose!!!!


    ♦you wanna be wanna be whatever else that touches Mika!

    I love the innie-minnie miney moe, or however you spell it!! I will definitely do this on my next test!

    oh and btw, love the signature. haha

  7. Are you even allowed to go to concerts? :aah: If you are, you should just be lucky that you are, I wasn't allowed to go to the kool haus gig, and I had to like... sell the idea of my maturity to get them to let me go to the sound academy gig. :bleh:

    how old are you supposed to be?? I will DIE if you have to be eighteen.. twenty one..

  8. 200: My middle name is: Shae

    199: I was born in: Greenwood, SC

    198: I am really: hyper-active

    197: My cell phone company is: Verizon

    196: My eye color is: Brown

    195: My shoe size is: 7

    194: My ring size is: not sure.

    193: My height is: 5'5

    192: I am allergic to: cats, dust, and trees.

    191: My 1st car was: hun, I can't drive..

    190: My 1st job was: Haven't Had A Job Yet..

    189: Last book you read: Eclipse

    188: My bed is: white

    187: My pet: woah. I have eleven,

    186: My best friend: Taylor Horne

    185: My favorite shampoo is: Pantene

    184: AIM name: Aim?

    183: Piggy Banks are: COMPLETELY EMPTY, I AM BROKE.

    182: In my pockets: nothing.

    181: On my calendar: Christmas, Sister's birthday, Mikaversary, Mika on BBC radio 2, no school.

    180: Marriage is: Pretty good, if you're married.

    179: Sponge Bob can: (not) sing.

    178: My mom: is lovely.

    177: The last three cd's I bought were: mika, mika, mika. :wub2:

    176: Last YouTube video watched: mika singing "Grace Kelly" in French.

    175: How many cousins do you have? 8 .

    174: Do you have any siblings: yes, two.

    173: Are your parents divorced: no.

    172: Are you taller than your mom? yes.

    171: Do you play an instrument? sort of, piano.

    170: What did you do yesterday: went to school, and movies to see "The Blindside"


    I Believe In:


    169: Love at first sight: yes. :wub2: happened with mika.. <33

    168: Luck: no, not really.

    167: Fate: sure

    166: Yourself: yes

    165: Aliens: no.

    164: Heaven: yes

    163: Hell: yes

    162: God: yes

    161: Horoscopes: no

    160: Soul mates: yes

    159: Ghosts: yes

    158: Gay Marriage: if that's what makes the person happy

    157: War: NO.

    156: Orbs: no

    155: Magic: no


    Which is Better

    154: Hugs or Kisses: both.

    153: Drunk or High: neither

    152: Phone or Online: phone

    151: Red heads or Black haired: um, both.

    150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes

    149: Hot or cold: cold

    148: Summer or winter: both

    147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn

    146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla

    145: Night or Day: both

    144: Oranges or Apples: Apples

    143: Curly or Straight hair: CURLY, LIKE MIKA'S :)

    142: McDonalds or Burger King:neither.

    141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: both.

    140: Mac or PC: PC

    139: Flip flops or high heals: high heels

    138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: sexy and poor

    136: Hillary or Obama: Hillary

    135: Burried or cremated: um, I'm in Heaven, frolicking around, it doesn't really matter.

    134: Singing or Dancing: singing

    133: Coach or Chanel: neither.

    132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat McPhee

    131: Small town or Big city: BIG CITY.

    129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler.

    128: Manicure or Pedicure: Pedicure

    127: East Coast or West Coast: East

    126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas

    125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate, bahaha.

    124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags kills people, so Disney.

    123: Yankees or Red Sox: Yankees


    Here's What I Think About


    121: George Bush: I don't really care.

    120: Gay Marriage: I'm straight, but, whatever makes the person happy should be the way they go.

    119: The presidential election: it's so stupid, Sarah Palin should run for President, she is conservative, Obama hasn't made a change to anything, we still have war, soldiers are still getting killed, animals are still getting slaughtered, children are still failing school, school lunches are still UNHEALTHY, half of the US poopulation is still Obese, so.. WHERE'S THE CHANGE?

    118: Abortion: AWFUL, speak for the unborn child.

    117: MySpace: annoying.

    116: Reality TV: actually, quite good.

    115: Parents: amazing

    114: Back stabbers: you can forgive people.. after revenge

    113: Ebay: sucks.

    112: Sex: you shouldn't abuse it.

    111: Work: depends.

    110: My Neighbors: far out.

    109: Gas Prices: outrageous.

    108: Designer Clothes: depends, I hate Abercrombie, but love some, like, Wellies, Vera Bradley, Converse, North Face, etc.

    107: College: wonderful, if you want a job that doesn't have to do with the arts

    106: Sports: SOCCER.

    105: My family: ABSOULUTELY AMAZING.

    104: The future: I've got plans.


    Last time I

    103: Hugged someone: about 3 hours ago.

    102: Last time you ate: about 1 hour ago

    101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: at the parade.

    100: Cried in front of someone: hmm. I think at the movies, watching New Moon.

    99: Went to a movie theater: last night.

    98: Took a vacation: July

    97: Swam in a pool: woah.

    96: Changed a diaper: never.

    95: Got my nails done: may

    94: Went to a wedding: I can't even remember.

    93: Broke a bone: never.

    92: Got a peircing: when I was a baby

    91: Broke the law: I don't think ever.

    90: Texted: 5 minutes ago



    89: Who makes you laugh the most: MIKA.

    88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: MIKA.

    87: The last movie I saw: The Blindside

    86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Christmas

    85: The thing im not looking forward to: Dentist appointment, baha.

    84: People call me: weird, and very hyper.

    83: The most difficult thing to do is: lie

    82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never :thumb_yello:

    81: My zodiac sign is: Aries *cough* compatible most with Leo *cough*

    80: The first person i talked to today was: Hannah

    79: First time you had a crush: when I was 3 years old, I still remember it :wub2:

    78: The one person who i can't hide things from: Taylor

    77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, bahaha, it was about the chords on the cash register at the movies.

    76: Right now I am talking to: My mom

    75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully attend college in NY for vocal lessons, creative writing and Visual design

    74: I have/will get a job: later on

    73: Tomorrow: is Sunday... Sunday morning, (Australian interview):wink2:

    72: Today: is Saturday

    71: Next Summer: New York, cruise

    70: Next Weekend: WINTER BREAK!

    69: I have these pets: Calico cat, Siamese Cat and German Shephards

    68: The worst sound in the world: screeching on a chalkboard.

    67: The person that makes me cry the most is: no one, but myself, really.

    66: People that make you happy: God, Mika, My Friends

    65: Last time I cried:

    64: My friends are: hilarious.

    63: My computer is: awesome :)

    62: My School: don't get me started.

    61: My Car: don't drive, hun, haven't I told you?

    60: I lose all respect for people who: discriminate against mika.

    59: The movie I cried at was: TITANIC.

    58: Your hair color is: Brown, the same as Mika's

    57: TV shows you watch: Palladia, it's the only decent one.

    56: Favorite web site: MIKAFANCLUB

    55: Your dream vacation: London, ... Kensington, In Particular.

    54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I found out mika wasn't coming to Atlanta, GA

    53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don't eat "Steak"..:sneaky2:

    52: My room is: clean

    51: My favorite celebrity is: .... who the heck do you think? duh! MIKA! :naughty:

    50: Where would you like to be: London

    49: Do you want children:yes

    48: Ever been in love: yes

    47: Whos your best friend: Taylor

    46: More guy friends or girl friends: I don't know, it's quite balenced.

    45: One thing that makes you feel great is: The Bible, and music

    44: One person that you wish you could see right now: mika, or my Poppa

    43: Do you have a 5 year plan:? sure, I guess

    42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yes, bahaha.

    41: Have you pre-named your children: yes, Lily, Yasmine, and Cayden

    40: Last person I got mad at: I can't remember

    39: I would like to move to: London.. Kensington :wink2:

    38: I wish I was a professional: singer


    My Favourite:

    37: Candy: Sour patch kids

    36: Vehicle: BMW Mini Cooper.

    35: President: none.

    34: State visited: Virginia

    33: Cell Phone Provider: Verizon

    32: Athlete: David Beckham

    31: Actor: Shia LeBeouf

    30: Actress: Kate Winslet

    29: Singer: ....... Seriously, MIKA

    28: Band: The Beatles.

    27: Clothing Store: Delias

    26: Grocery Store: Whole foods

    25: TV show: anything on Palladia

    24: Movie: Titanic

    23: Website: mikafanclub

    22: Animal: aye-ayes

    21: Theme Park: Freestyle music park

    20: Holiday: Christmas

    19: Sport to watch: Football

    18: Sport to play: soccer

    17: Magazine: Teen Vogue

    16: Book: I don't have one.

    15: Day of the week: Friday

    14: Beach: Folly

    13: Concert Attended: I've only been to one, Dave Matthew Band, but it's all cool, because, mika covered his song "Sattelite", hehe. :naughty:

    12: Thing to cook: Pasta

    11: Food: veggies

    10: Restaurant: McAllisters

    9: Radio Station: BBC radio

    8: Yankee Candle scent: cinnamon

    7: Perfum: Hollister

    6: Flower: Chrysanthemum

    5: Color: purple

    4: Talk Show host: Ellen Degeneres

    3: Comedian: Russell Brand

    2: Dog Breed: toy poodles

    1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? I don't care :roftl:

  9. Me too, I was actually at school in My computer class.. I LITERALLY CRIED :badmood: I had my Mom's credit card number(tickets)

    Me: (runs into classroom, jumps in the seat and goes straight to mikasounds.com, clicks to see tour dates, and screams)

    Teacher: (turns, and looks)

    Me: (face turning red), (busts into tears)

    Teacher: What's wrong?


    Teacher: (rolls eyes) do your assignment

    Me: (doesn't do it, lays head down, and gets a 0)


    I was really mad/sad.. hopefully 2010!! NEW TOUR RELEASE NEXT MONTH!!:biggrin2:

  10. lol i get that at work...

    last one that was funny coz i stumped him...


    friend- you do know he's gay right?

    me- yeah (not)

    friend- and he has two kids yeah?

    me- of course he does (not)

    friend- and he's married, the dirty man

    me- yeah :blink: i was at the wedding didn't i show you the pictures??

    friend :shocked:

    me- :lmfao: gotcha!!!


    hah! I love that, my conversation went sort of like this,


    Friend: Has Mika came out yet?

    Me: Yepp, he's Quadsexual, Boys, Girls, Animals and Objects

    Friend: You are so Weird

    Me: Nope, You're Just Normal

    Friend: Mika is Gay, get it straight

    Me: Do I really Care(screams a couple of more things at her)

    Friend: (walks away ashamed, has just been defeated once again)

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