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Posts posted by eloise.shaw

  1. I hope you don't mind, but I'd love to open this thread to show you a little bit about my band, and what we are up to, and just spread the word about us a little. :teehee:


    We're The White Wolves, and the band consists of Jess Whyke (lead vocalist), me (acoustic guitar and backing vocalist), Barrington Brooke (awesome name, lead guitarist), Edward Davis (bass) and Will Davis (drummer).



    IMG_0119 by Eloise Shaw, on Flickr



    We've been together since June 2012, and we do gigs now and again.




    We also have a youtube channel, so go and have a look! :teehee:




    Last night we put together a new song, and would love your feedback on it. :teehee:




    Thankyou to those who have supported the band already through twitter or facebook! And I hope people that are new to the band, get to love it and support it :teehee:

  2. Haha, I was lying, so it's ok :pinkbow: MWHAHUKAGJASDGJASDHJ omg hyper i thhink the tea i drank has made me hypes :freak: No, really, I'm in surprisingly good mood :aah: It wasnt meant to be depressing, I was just thinking of hanging things and that apple story came into my head and then I though 'woahhh das deeeeeepp' :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted: I'm in a crraazzzyyy moooodododododododddoodoo :freak: but thanks lxxxoxoxoxoxooxxxxdj

    THE GLASSES :glasses3:

    PS whenever I see sheepy stuff, I always think of you now :aah::naughty:




    You do? :das:


    Who wouldn't? :das:

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